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Witness Statement
Criminal Procedure Rules, r 16.2;
Criminal Justice Act 1967, s.9
Statement of: Ingrid LEWIS
Age if under 18 (if over insert ‘over 18’): Over 18 | Occupation: Barrister |
This statement (consisting of … 1 … Page(s) each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it, anything which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.
I am the above-named person and I am making this statement regarding videos that have been uploaded onto YouTube and other social media that make a reference to me, and photographs that have been uploaded to an unknown number of message boards and other internet forums.
In APRIL 2017 I became aware that some videos had been uploaded onto YouTube without my knowledge by a user named ‘SHADOW912’. I believe this to be the username of John WEBSTER.
I am aware of WEBSTER because I defended him in a trial that took place in 2016. Following the trial, WEBSTER subjected me to a campaign of harassment by email and text message. Subsequently WEBSTER was arrested twice but released without charge.
I have had no involvement or contact from WEBSTER since the second arrest in February 2017.
On THURSDAY 20 APRIL 2017 I received a phone call from a man who identified himself as JERRY. He refused to give me his last name and I did not recognise his voice. He asked to make an appointment with me for the purposes of procuring sex, explaining that my name, picture and telephone number were listed on a number of sites advertising the services of prostitutes. Following this call, I received seven phone calls from other men in the space of an hour, all with a view to arranging a meeting for sexual purposes. None of them identified themselves to me.
Having searched for my name and image on the internet, I discovered several listings on sites offering sexual services that included my name, age, telephone number and address. I believe they were uploaded by John WEBSTER. They include fictional reviews of services allegedly offered by me, written in degrading and obscene language (‘NICE TITS, BIG MOUTH BUT I SLAPPED IT SHUT’ and ‘LIKES ROUGH TREATMENT, RAPE FANTASIES, NO NEVER MEANS NO’. I believe this is an incitement to sexually assault me and I have real fears for my safety. I immediately requested that the websites remove the relevant listings, which they did. I took screenshots of them before they were removed.
I also found pornographic videos on multiple video-hosting sites titled ‘INGRID HARD AT WORK XXX’ and ‘INGRID LEARNS HER LESSON XXX’. My contact details were listed in the information underneath. The videos depict a fair-haired woman but blur her face. I believe that this woman is supposed to resemble me. I find this extremely upsetting. I requested that these videos be removed.
I believe that WEBSTER has created the above material because of his vindictive nature, as a response to being arrested for harassing me in FEBRUARY 2017. I believe that WEBSTER found a way to harass me via third parties.
After viewing this material, I am very concerned about actions that may be taken by WEBSTER or those he has incited to contact me. I have changed my telephone number. I feel WEBSTER’S behaviour is vindictive and malicious and am concerned that my name and image have been used in such a way that they might be found with a straightforward internet search.
I am willing to support the police investigation and attend court if required. I am making this statement at 1904 hrs on FRIDAY 21st APRIL 2017 at LAVENDER HILL POLICE STATION.
Signature witnessed by: PC 637 WW PALMERSTON
From: Elizabeth.Rowley@metpolice.co.uk
Date: 1 June 2017 at 10:39:51 GMT
To: ‘Ingrid Lewis’ <IL@3tw.co.uk.cism.net>
SUBJECT: Harassment Statement 21/4/17
Dear Ingrid,
Just to keep you informed, I’ve conducted a detailed investigation based on the information you provided us in your witness statement. I have been in receipt of user identity information provided by the video-hosting sites and the prostitution websites you listed. I’m afraid that I can’t find any link between the username ‘SHADOW912’ and John Webster. We have tried to trace the person who uploaded the material but their identity was encrypted and so far we have failed to find out anything about them or their location. However, I can reassure you that all the information has been removed now and the websites are aware that you may be the subject of malicious false listings in the future. They have promised to prevent any such listings from being posted. Hopefully this will be the end of this distressing experience.
I have interviewed John Webster myself and despite your earlier experiences with him I’m satisfied that he had nothing to do with this malicious act. He was unaware of any such listings. I no longer consider him a suspect so you can put him out of your mind.
Obviously this means we have no current suspects. If you have any other suggestions as to who might have done this, please let me know as soon as possible. It might be useful for you to keep a record of any further incidents that cause you concern, including the date, time and any information you think might be of use in a police investigation.
In the meantime, please be conscious of your personal safety and security, as we discussed. If I can be of any further help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards
Detective Constable Elizabeth Rowley
Lavender Hill police station
176 Lavender Hill, Battersea, London SW11 1JX