From: IATL@internetforyou.com

To: Durbs, 4102

Where is she? Anyone know?

From: Durbs@mailmeforfree.com

To: 4102, IATL

You’ve lost her?

From: IATL@internetforyou.com

To: Durbs, 4102

I don’t know exactly where she is, no. But you were supposed to be shadowing her too.

From: Durbs@mailmeforfree.com

To: 4102, IATL

Now and then, when I can. I’ve literally spoken to her. What if she gets suspicious?

From: 4102@freeinternetmail.com

To: Durbs, IATL

She’s bound to be suspicious, isn’t she? Strangers, turning up more than once, being all friendly?

From: IATL@internetforyou.com

To: Durbs, 4102

Can I just point out you’ve been absolutely no practical help so far in keeping an eye on her.

From: Durbs@mailmeforfree.com

To: 4102, IATL

Exactly. We’ve done loads. IATL has taken most of the risks but I’ve been there too. What exactly have you done?

From: 4102@freeinternetmail.com

To: Durbs, IATL

You know what I did. It sickened me, to be honest. I’m ready to do what I need to do next but I’m not going to trail around after her. I don’t want to get to know her. I want to deal with her when the time comes and then forget about it.

From: IATL@internetforyou.com

To: Durbs, 4102

Okay, calm down. This is pointless. Until we find her, no one can do anything.

From: Durbs@mailmeforfree.com

To: 4102, IATL

But where is she?

From: IATL@internetforyou.com

To: Durbs, 4102

I’ll work it out. I know her.

She’s not going to get away.