One of the most significant questions anyone can ask themselves is, what is my purpose in life? For those who know, meaning and contribution can be found in just about everything they do. For those who don’t know, or don’t believe in purpose, life can feel like a random set of circumstances that sometimes play to their benefit and sometimes don’t. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.
In my years of researching people and in the personal interactions I’ve had with those who live with purpose, I’ve noted a significant difference between the haves and have-nots—those who have purpose and those who do not. Those who know their purpose tend to be the contributors. Those who have not discovered why they exist, the consumers. As is the theme throughout this book, for today’s emerging generation to do and be even better than us, they will need to look both within and far beyond themselves to see and pursue the unique contribution each can make to the world.
To live with purpose begins with seeing the uniqueness of each life. Seriously, we are all matchless. Despite the satire and jokes about Millennials and Generation Z being fragile snowflakes, they really are each a one-of-one creation. We all are. The proof is coded into our genes. Did you know there are 8,324,608 possible combinations of your twenty-three chromosome pairs? To make matters more exclusive, consider that the calculation of variant forms of human genes rounds out to approximately 70,368,744,177,664 total possible combinations. It’s mind numbing to consider there are trillions of times more possible combinations of your genes than the total number of people who have ever lived. This means that nearly everyone, except identical twins, is a sole genetic creation. There really isn’t anyone else on earth like you or me. I guess we can say members of the next generations really are like unique snowflakes.
Now that we know how unique each of us is, let’s guide our youth to take a look beyond themselves. Where in the world is their unique value needed? What can they offer? To find the answer, it’s helpful for them to have a clear vision of where they are going, a mission that explains their why, and goals that will help get them there. To live with purpose requires vision, mission, and goals.
Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to sit and talk with a number of remarkable people who live with purpose. Some opportunities were official interviews while conducting research, others simple, casual conversations struck up in the moment. Hindsight being 20/20, I believe the barber-shop, lunch-line, and long-plane-flight chats have proven to be some of my more prized exchanges. One such treasured talk was with a man who clearly knew that his vision, mission, and goals empowered him to live with purpose. For the now-old man, it all started back when he was a teenager, on the day he answered the call to help save the world.
As a teenager, he had learned the value of living with purpose. Where vision could take him, why mission mattered, and what had to be done to accomplish his goals together acted as a framework for him to live with purpose. Even after he battled his way through Europe, vision, mission, and goals continued to guide him in life. He had purpose in pursuing an education, in building a business, in raising a family, and in growing his faith. He had lived a long and meaningful life. He had lived with purpose.
Far too many people, young and old alike, rise each morning to put two feet on the floor and go about their day without believing they have purpose in their life. From their perspective, little of what they do is memorable and even less is meaningful. Some describe the feeling like they are just simply existing.
The good news is, purpose exists for us all. Discovering it can be tricky. Guiding young people, even trickier. So in the chapters that follow, try using the framework of vision to answer the question of where they are going, mission to define why they are going there, and goals to identify what actions they need to take next.
“While Millennials seek jobs that provide stability, convenience, and balance, Generation Z is more readily concerned with fueling their passions and taking pride in the work they do. For the first time, we see a generation prioritizing purpose in their work.”1
Your life is an example for others. Complete the following:
The purpose of my life is _______________