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Copyright © 2014 by Lori and Wayne Earl
Introduction copyright © 2014 by John Green
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Earl, Esther, 1994-2010, author.
This star won’t go out: the life and words of Esther Grace Earl/by Esther Earl with Lori and Wayne Earl; introduction by John Green.
pages cm
Audience: 12 up.
Summary: “A memoir told through the journals, letters, and stories of young cancer patient Esther Earl.”—Provided by publisher.
ISBN: 978-1-101-62714-3
1. Earl, Esther, 1994-2010—Juvenile literature. 2. Thyroid gland—Cancer—Patients—Biography—Juvenile literature. 3. Cancer—Patients—Juvenile literature. 4. Cancer—Juvenile literature.
I. Earl, Lori, author. II. Earl, Wayne, author. III. Title.
RC280.T6E27 2014
362.19699’4440092—dc23 [B] 2013035838
Credits: I am listening to hear where you are.—“Two-Headed Boy,” Neutral Milk Hotel
Will you hold my hand when I go?—“When I Go,” Slow Club
Love is watching someone die,—“What Sarah Said,” Death Cab for Cutie
Designed by Irene Vandervoort
Edited by Julie Strauss-Gabel
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All additional essays have been supplied by the credited contributors for the publication of This Star Won’t Go Out. They may not be reprinted without permission.
Art and photographs have been supplied by the Earl family and contributors to This Star Won’t Go Out. They may not be reprinted without permission.