Urban and Industrial Environments
Series editor: Robert Gottlieb, Henry R. Luce Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy, Occidental College
Maureen Smith, The U.S. Paper Industry and Sustainable Production: An Argument for Restructuring
Keith Pezzoli, Human Settlements and Planning for Ecological Sustainability: The Case of Mexico City
Sarah Hammond Creighton, Greening the Ivory Tower: Improving the Environmental Track Record of Universities, Colleges, and Other Institutions
Jan Mazurek, Making Microchips: Policy, Globalization, and Economic Restructuring in the Semiconductor Industry
William A. Shutkin, The Land That Could Be: Environmentalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century
Richard Hofrichter, ed., Reclaiming the Environmental Debate: The Politics of Health in a Toxic Culture
Robert Gottlieb, Environmentalism Unbound: Exploring New Pathways for Change
Kenneth Geiser, Materials Matter: Toward a Sustainable Materials Policy
Thomas D. Beamish, Silent Spill: The Organization of an Industrial Crisis
Matthew Gandy, Concrete and Clay: Reworking Nature in New York City
David Naguib Pellow, Garbage Wars: The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Chicago
Julian Agyeman, Robert D. Bullard, and Bob Evans, eds., Just Sustainabilities: Development in an Unequal World
Barbara L. Allen, Uneasy Alchemy: Citizens and Experts in Louisiana’s Chemical Corridor Disputes
Dara O’Rourke, Community-Driven Regulation: Balancing Development and the Environment in Vietnam
Brian K. Obach, Labor and the Environmental Movement: The Quest for Common Ground
Peggy F. Barlett and Geoffrey W. Chase, eds., Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change
Steve Lerner, Diamond: A Struggle for Environmental Justice in Louisiana’s Chemical Corridor
Jason Corburn, Street Science: Community Knowledge and Environmental Health Justice
Peggy F. Barlett, ed., Urban Place: Reconnecting with the Natural World
David Naguib Pellow and Robert J. Brulle, eds., Power, Justice, and the Environment: A Critical Appraisal of the Environmental Justice Movement
Eran Ben-Joseph, The Code of the City: Standards and the Hidden Language of Place Making
Nancy J. Myers and Carolyn Raffensperger, eds., Precautionary Tools for Reshaping Environmental Policy
Kelly Sims Gallagher, China Shifts Gears: Automakers, Oil, Pollution, and Development
Kerry H. Whiteside, Precautionary Politics: Principle and Practice in Confronting Environmental Risk
Ronald Sandler and Phaedra C. Pezzullo, eds., Environmental Justice and Environmentalism: The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement
Julie Sze, Noxious New York: The Racial Politics of Urban Health and Environmental Justice
Robert D. Bullard, ed., Growing Smarter: Achieving Livable Communities, Environmental Justice, and Regional Equity
Ann Rappaport and Sarah Hammond Creighton, Degrees That Matter: Climate Change and the University
Michael Egan, Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival: The Remaking of American Environmentalism
David J. Hess, Alternative Pathways in Science and Industry: Activism, Innovation, and the Environment in an Era of Globalization
Peter F. Cannavò, The Working Landscape: Founding, Preservation, and the Politics of Place
Paul Stanton Kibel, ed., Rivertown: Rethinking Urban Rivers
Kevin P. Gallagher and Lyuba Zarsky, The Enclave Economy: Foreign Investment and Sustainable Development in Mexico’s Silicon Valley
David N. Pellow, Resisting Global Toxics: Transnational Movements for Environmental Justice
Robert Gottlieb, Reinventing Los Angeles: Nature and Community in the Global City
David V. Carruthers, ed., Environmental Justice in Latin America: Problems, Promise, and Practice
Tom Angotti, New York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate
Paloma Pavel, ed., Breakthrough Communities: Sustainability and Justice in the Next American Metropolis
Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris and Renia Ehrenfeucht, Sidewalks: Conflict and Negotiation over Public Space
David J. Hess, Localist Movements in a Global Economy: Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United States
Julian Agyeman and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger, eds., Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union
Jason Corburn, Toward the Healthy City: People, Places, and the Politics of Urban Planning
JoAnn Carmin and Julian Agyeman, eds.,Environmental Inequalities Beyond Borders: Local Perspectives on Global Injustices
Louise Mozingo, Pastoral Capitalism: A History of Suburban Corporate Landscapes
Gwen Ottinger and Benjamin Cohen, eds., Technoscience and Environmental Justice: Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement
Samantha MacBride, Recycling Reconsidered: The Present Failure and Future Promise of Environmental Action in the United States
Andrew Karvonen, Politics of Urban Runoff: Nature, Technology, and the Sustainable City
Daniel Schneider, Hybrid Nature: Sewage Treatment and the Contradictions of the Industrial Ecosystem
Catherine Tumber, Small, Gritty, and Green: The Promise of America’s Smaller Industrial Cities in a Low-Carbon World
Sam Bass Warner and Andrew H. Whittemore, American Urban Form: A Representative History
John Pucher and Ralph Buehler, eds., City Cycling
Stephanie Foote and Elizabeth Mazzolini, eds., Histories of the Dustheap: Waste, Material Cultures, Social Justice
David J. Hess, Good Green Jobs in a Global Economy: Making and Keeping New Industries in the United States
Joseph F. C. DiMento and Clifford Ellis, Changing Lanes: Visions and Histories of Urban Freeways
Joanna Robinson, Contested Water: The Struggle Against Water Privatization in the United States and Canada
William B. Meyer, The Environmental Advantages of Cities: Countering Commonsense Antiurbanism
Rebecca L. Henn and Andrew J. Hoffman, eds., Constructing Green: The Social Structures of Sustainability
Peggy F. Barlett and Geoffrey W. Chase, eds., Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change
Isabelle Anguelovski, Neighborhood as Refuge: Community Reconstruction, Place Remaking, and Environmental Justice in the City
Kelly Sims Gallagher, The Globalization of Clean Energy Technology: Lessons from China
Vinit Mukhija and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, eds., The Informal American City: Beyond Taco Trucks and Day Labor
Roxanne Warren, Rail and the City: Shrinking Our Carbon Footprint While Reimagining Urban Space
Marianne E. Krasny and Keith G. Tidball, Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up
Erik Swyngedouw, Liquid Power: Contested Hydro-Modernities in Twentieth-Century Spain
Duncan McLaren and Julian Agyeman, Sharing Cities: A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities
Jessica Smartt Gullion, Fracking the Neighborhood: Reluctant Activists and Natural Gas Drilling
Nicholas A. Phelps, Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America’s Post-Suburban Future
Shannon Elizabeth Bell, Fighting King Coal: The Challenges to Micromobilization in Central Appalachia
Theresa Enright, The Making of Grand Paris: Metropolitan Urbanism in the Twenty-first Century
Robert Gottlieb and Simon Ng, Global Cities: Urban Environments in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and China