
Acknowledgments to the First Edition

Many people have influenced us in positive ways, and we are deeply indebted to them. A number of colleagues read portions of the manuscript in draft form and made helpful suggestions, including J.B. Kassarjian, Lynne Rosansky, Les Livingstone, Jan Jaferian, Farshad Rafii, and Roy Lewicki. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Barry Stein, Richard Pascale, Jerry Porras, and Jean Kirsch provided useful stimulation over many years. NTL gave us the opportunity to develop and test our ideas in a series of workshops for managers. Many wonderful friends and clients provided the rich examples we have used, but regrettably, most must remain anonymous to preserve confidentiality. We thank former students Tom Greenfield, Marianne McLaughlin, Spencer Lovette, and James Wiegel and good friend Leslie Charm for their contributions. Our students and clients have been a continuous source of learning. Editor John Mahaney went far beyond the call of duty in helping to shape this book, and we're almost sorry for all the grief we gave him. We very much appreciate the perspective he brought. Sydney Craft Rozen and Louann Werksma buffed our prose, and Nancy Marcus Land's cheerful wisdom made the production process more than bearable. Tom Hart gave us valuable advice on contract issues. Thanks to Sydney Cohen for preparing the index.

We are grateful to Babson's Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Gordon Prichett, the faculty nominating committee, and Ex-President Bill Dill for choosing Allan to be the first occupant of the Walter H. Carpenter Chair. Although the miracles of word processors let us do most of the typing ourselves, several people at Babson were incredibly helpful in producing draft after draft of the manuscript; for their support we thank Margie Kurtzman, Jim Murphy, Sheila Faherty, as well as George Recck and his angels of computer mercy, Ara Heghinian, Scott Andersen, and especially John Walker, who promptly and patiently rescued lost files and answered countless questions. The Graduate School of Business at Stanford also provided valuable support.

Our extended families have also played an important part in helping us, not only by their encouragement but also by the lessons on influence they teach as we interact with them. For their contributions to our ongoing education, we are forever grateful to our wives, children, parents, brothers, in-laws, aunts, uncles, and cousins—a veritable army of informal instructors.

Additional Acknowledgments for the Second Edition

We are grateful to an additional group of colleagues and managers who have provided us with feedback and examples. Andrea Corney, Anne Donnellon, PJ Guinan, David Hennessey, James Hunt, Martha Lanning, Carole Robin, Phyllis Schlesinger, Mike Smith, Neal Thornberry, and Yelena Shayenzon have built our ideas and helped with the manuscript. Eric Arcese, Timlynn Babitsky, Suzanne Currey, Brian Duerk, David Garabedian, Mary Garrett, Doug Giuliana, Mike Glass, Tony Greco, Fran Grigsby, Jan Jefarian, Sandi Medeiros, Akihiro Nakamura, Efren Olivares, Dan Perlman, Ethan Platt, Carole Robin, Jim Salmons, Nettie Seabrooks, Scott Timmins, and Paul Westbrook all contributed examples in one form or another. We are also deeply appreciative to the hundreds of managers with whom we have worked, who provide criticism, hard-nosed assessment of the utility of our ideas, and wonderful examples of how they struggle with or use influence at work.

The vagaries of publishing have brought us several Wiley editors since the first edition, all of whom we enjoyed, but we worked most closely with Paula Sinnott, Richard Narramore, and Emily Conway. We thank them for forcing us to make the manuscript ever more accessible and useful.

Alas, despite our profound gratitude to a lengthy list of helpful influencers, we cannot escape final accountability for the results of their splendid efforts. Only we had the authority to complete this book, and we are responsible for its contents.

Acknowledgments for the Third Edition

We are deeply grateful to Nan Langowitz, who suggested the idea for a chapter on gender and influence and added so much to our understanding and perspective that we asked her to coauthor it. Aaron Levie and Dan Levin graciously agreed to write a foreword to this edition, no small feat while running a company that is exploding in size. Additionally, we add only names of those who made new or increased contributions to our examples or learning. To all of them, heartfelt thanks! Matt Abrahams, Shelly Anderson, Kavita Bhat, Alan Briskin, Nancy Brown-Jamison, Crystal Bryant, Jocelyn Cascio, Susan Harris, Vishwas Hegde, James Hunt, Gloria Lee, Zhengwei Luo, Shirley Marom, Kate McKone-Sweet, Larkin Mehta, Barbara Merz, Grant Miller, Gopi Parampalli, Carole Robin, Beth Schirick, Lisa Stefanac, Bobbi Thomason, Eiko Tsukamoto, Bonnie Wentworth, Paul Westbrook, Roz Winegrad, and Judi Wise. In addition, our students and clients constantly enrich our understanding. As always, we accept responsibility for the final product.