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Teubner texts of all the works except , CategoriesDe Interpretatione, Prior and Posterior Analytics, Meteorologica, De Mundo, De Generatione Animalium. Rhetorica ad Alexandrum is in Spengel-Hammer’s Rhetores Graeci, vol. 1.
Loeb editions (text and translation) of all the works except Posterior Analytica, Topics, Sophistici Elenchi, De Generatione et Corruptione, Meteorologica, De Mundo, Historia Animalium, De Generatione Animalium, Fragments.
Oxford Translation of all the works, ed. J.A.Smith and W.D.Ross, 1908– 52.
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H.Richards: Aristotelica. London, 1915.
Organon: text, Latin trans., and comm., J.Pacius. Frankfort, 1597.
—text and comm., T. Waitz, 2 vols. Leipzig, 1844–6
Aristotele, Organon, Introduzione, tradizione e note, G.Colli, Turin, 1955.
De Interpretatione and Posterior Analytics: comm., St. Thomas Aquinas. Rome, 1882.
Prior and Posterior Analytics: introduction, text, and commentary, W.D.Ross, Oxford, 1949.
Posterior Analytics: Latin trans. and comm., J.Zabarella. Venice, 1582, etc.
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Sophistici Elenchi: text, trans., and comm., E.Poste. London, 1866.
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S.Mansion: Le Jugement d’Existence chez Aristote. Louvain and Paris, 1946.
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Physics: text, Latin trans., and comm., J.Pacius. Frankfort, 1596, etc.
—Latin trans. and comm., J.Zabarella. Venice, 1600.
—comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Rome, 1884.
—text and comm., W.D.Ross. Oxford, 1936.
—text, W.D.Ross. Oxford, 1950.
—Bk. II, Fr. trans. and comm., O.Hamelin. Paris, 1907.
De Caelo, text, trans., intrd. and notes, W.K.C.Guthrie. London, and Cambridge, Mass, 1939.
De Caelo, I-III, De Gen. et Corr., Meteorologica: comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Rome, 1886.
De Caelo: text, D.J.Allan. Oxford, 1936.
De Gen. et Corr.: text and comm., H.H.Joachim. Oxford, 1922.
Meteorologica: text, Latin trans., and comm., J.L.Ideler (2 vols.). Leipzig, 1834–6.
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—text, F.H.Fobes. Cambridge, Mass., 1919.
—I.Düring, Aristotle’s Chemical Treatise, Meteorologica, Bk. iv, with introduction and commentary. Gothenburg, 1944.
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Historia Animalium: text, German trans., and comm., H.Aubert and F. Wimmer, 2 vols. Leipzig, 1868.
De Partibus Animalium : trans. and notes, W.Ogle. London, 1882.
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De Generatione Animalium: text, German trans., and notes, H.Aubert and F.Wimmer. Leipzig, 1800.
J.B.Meyer: Aristoteles’ Thierkunde. Berlin, 1855.
F.Kroll: Zur Geschichte der aristotelischen Zoologie. Vienna, 1940.
De Anima: comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Turin, 1936.
—text, Latin trans., and comm., J.Pacius. Frankfort, 1596, etc.
—Latin trans., and comm., J.Zabarella. Venice, 1605, etc.
—text and comm., F.A.Trendelenburg, ed. 2. Berlin, 1877.
—text, trans., and comm., E.Wallace. Cambridge, 1882.
—text, Fr. trans., and comm., G.Rodier, 2 vols. Paris, 1900.
—text, trans., comm., R.D.Hicks. Cambridge, 1907.
—text, A.Forster. Budapest, 1912.
—text, W.D.Ross. Oxford, 1955.
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Parva Naturalia: comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Venice, 1588.
Parva Naturalia, text and comm., W.D.Ross, Oxford, 1955.
De Sensu and De Memoria: text, trans., and comm., G.R. T. Ross. Cambridge, 1906.
De Sensu et De Memoria: text, A.Förster. Budapest, 1942.
—De Sensu and De Memoria, comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Turin, 1928.
De Somno et Vigitia liber adiectis veteribus translationibus et Theodori Metochitae commentario : H.J.Drossaart Lulofs. Leyden, 1943.
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Metaphysics: text, German trans., and comm., A.Schwegler, 4 vols. Tübingen, 1847–8.
—text and comm., H.Bonitz, 2 vols. Bonn, 1848–9.
—text and comm., W.D.Ross, 2 vols. Oxford, 1924.
—text, W.Jaeger. Oxford, 1957.
—trans. J.Warrington. London 1956.
—Bks. I-XII, comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Turin, 1935.
—Bk. I, trans. and notes, A.E.Taylor. Chicago, 1907.
—Bk. I, French trans, and comm., G.Colle. Louvain and Paris, 1922.
—Bks. II, III, French trans., and comm., G. Colle. Louvain and Paris, 1922.
—Bk. IV, French trans. and comm., G.Colle. Louvain and Paris, 1931.
L.Robin: Théorie Platonicienne des Idées et des Nombres d’apres Aristote. Paris, 1908.
C.Werner: Aristote et l’Idéalisme Platonicien. Paris, 1910.
W.W.Jaeger: Studien zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Metaphysik des Aristoteles. Berlin, 1912.
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H.von Arnim: Die Entstehung der Gotteslehre des Aristoteles. Vienna, 1931.
N.Hartmann: Aristoteles und das Problem des Begriffs. Berlin, 1939.
H.Weiss: Kausalität und Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles. Basel, 1942.
E.Oggione, Aristotele, La Metafisica. Milan, 1950.
K.V.Gajendragadkar: Aristotle’s critique of Platonism. Mysore, 1952.
M.Wundt: Untersuchungen zur Metaphysik des Aristoteles. Stuttgart. 1951, 1953.
S.G.Nogale: Horizonte de la Metafisica Aristotelica. Madrid, 1955.
J.Owens: The Doctrine of being in Aristotelien Metaphysics. Toronto, 1951.
Nicomachean Ethics: comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Turin, 1934.
—text and comm., A.Grant, 2 vols., ed. 4. London, 1885.
—text, I.Bywater. Oxford, 1890.
—comm., J.A.Stewart, 2 vols. Oxford, 1892.
—text and comm., J.Burnet. London, 1900.
—comm., H.H.Joachim. Oxford, 1951.
—Bk. V, text, trans., and comm., H.Jackson. Cambridge, 1879.
—Bk. VI, text, trans., and comm., L.H.G.Greenwood. Cambridge, 1909.
—Bk. X, text and comm., G.Rodier. Paris, 1897.
Le Plaisir, Eth. Nic. VII, 11–14, X, 1–5, with trans. and notes. A.J. Festugière. Paris, 1936.
Eudemian Ethics: text, Latin trans., and comm., A.T. H.Fritzsche. Ratisbon, 1851.
—text and trans., H.Rackham. Cambridge, Mass, 1952.
H. von Arnim: Die drei aristotelischen Ethiken. Vienna, 1924.
—Eudemische Ethik und Metaphysik. Vienna, 1928.
—Nochmals die aristotelischen Ethiken. Vienna, 1929.
—Der neueste Versuch d. Magna Moralia als unecht zu erweisen. Vienna. 1929.
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R.Walzer: Magna Moralia u. Aristotelische Ethik. Berlin, 1929.
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N.Hartmann: Die Wertdimensionen der Nicomachischen Ethik. Berlin, 1944.
M.E.Hamburger: Morals and Law: The Growth of Aristotle’s Legal Theory. New Haven, 1951.
Politics: comm., St Thomas Aquinas. Venice, 1595.
—text, German trans., and comm., F.Susemihl. Leipzig, 1879.
—text and comm., W.L.Newman, 4 vols. Oxford, 1887–1902.
—translated with an introduction, notes and appendices, E.Barker. Oxford, 1946
—text, W.D.Ross. Oxford, 1957.
—Bks. I–III, VII, VIII, text and comm., F.Susemihl and R.D. Hicks. London, 1894.
Athenaion Politeia: : text and comm., J.E.Sandys, ed. 2. London, 1912.
—text, F.G.Kenyon. Oxford, 1920.
E.Barker: Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle. London, 1906.
H.von Arnim: Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der aristotelischen Politik. Vienna, 1924.
Rhetoric: text, Latin trans., and comm., L.Spengel, 2 vols. Leipzig, 1867.
—text and comm., E.M.Cope ad J.E. Sandys, 3 vols, Cambridge, 1877.
—text, W.D.Ross. Oxford, 1959.
—introduction, E.M.Cope. London and Cambridge, 1867.
O.Kraus: Neue Studien zur Aristotelischen Rhetorik. Halle, 1907.
Poetics: text, Latin trans., and comm., T.Tyrwhitt. Oxford, 1794.
—text and comm. J.Vahlen, ed. 3. Leipzig, 1885.
—text, trans., and essays, S.H.Butcher, ed. 3. London and New York, 1902.
—text, trans., and comm., I.Bywater. Oxford, 1909.
—text and trans., D.S.Margoliouth. London, 1911.
—text and comm., A.Rostagni. Turin, 1927.
—text and comm., A.Gudeman. Berlin, 1934.
—trans. and notes, T.Twining, ed. 2. London. 1812.
L.Cooper: The Poetics of Aristotle, its Meaning and Influence. New York, 1924.
L.Cooper: Aristotelian Papers. Ithaca, N.Y., 1939.
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D. de Montmullin: La Poétique d’Aristotle: Texte Primitiv et Additions, Ultérieures. Neuchatel, 1951.
Dialogorum Fragmenta: text and comm., R.Walzer. Florence, 1934.
Fragmenta Selecta, text, W.D. Ross. Oxford, 1955. Select Fragments, trans. W.D.Ross. Oxford, 1952.
E.Bignone: L’Aristotele perduto e la Formazione di Epicuro. Florence, 1936.
J.Bidez: Un Singulier Naufrage littéraire dans l’Antiquité. Brussels, 1943.
P.Wilpert: Zwei aristotelische Frühschriften über die Ideenlehre. Regensburg, 1949.
De Mundo: text, W.L.Lorimer. Paris, 1933.
De Coloribus:text and comm., C.Prantl, Munich, 1849.
Mechanica: text and comm., J.P.van Cappelle. Amsterdam, 1812.
Musical Problems: text, trans., and comm., F.A.Gevaert and J.C.Vollgraf, 2 vols. Ghent, 1899–1902.
C.Stumpf: Pseudo-Aristotelischen Probleme über Musik . Berlin, 1897.
De Lineis Insecabilibus: German trans. and notes, O.Apelt in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Griechischen Philosophie. Leipzig, 1891.
De Melisso Xenophane Gorgia: text, H.Diels. Berlin, 1900.
Oeconomica, I: text and comm., B.A.van Groningen. Leyden, 1933.
Rhetorica ad Alexandrum: text, C.Hammer in Rhetores Graeci, vol. 1, pp. 8–104. Leipzig, 1894.
—trans., H.Rackham. London, 1937.