
C:\Users\MALLORY\Pictures\Melody Raven\Melody Raven Covers\c08.png


Elsie was in the same hallway. Big windows, long curtains, old portraits, and marble floors stretched in front of her. She wasn’t as lost this time.

She turned around and saw the locked door, same as last time. For kicks, she tried the knob, but it didn’t budge.

It’s just a dream. All you have to do is wake up. Yeah, right. That’s probably what Brock’s mother said before she died in her sleep.

The hallway seemed to grow and elongate in front of her eyes. Elsie backed herself into the locked door and crouched down. With her arms wrapped around her knees, she ducked her head and closed her eyes.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Elsie was immediately wide awake. Her eyes snapped open, but her body remained still. The sight of intricately designed wooden furniture greeted her and it took her a moment to remember where she was.

Then she felt the warm and well-muscled arm around her waist.

Brock. She was in bed with Brock and he was holding her.

Every rule she’d pounded into her mind for the last ten years demanded she jump out of the bed and run screaming, but she forced herself to remain calm.

She’d run last night and that got her nowhere. Even if she ran, Brock would chase her down. She ensured he would always come after her the second she forced him to claim her.

From now on, she was the only woman Brock could be with. She at least owed him the courtesy of trying to work this out.

She tried to relax, but it wasn’t easy. She felt as if she was in bed with a complete stranger. She had known Brock for over two years, but it was all too clear now that she hadn’t known him at all.

The arm around her tightened and pulled her back against his hard chest.

That wasn’t the only thing hard about him.

Everywhere he touched sent warm tingles through her entire body. A few key areas felt this sensation much more than others.

Elsie bit her bottom lip and tried to turn to face him, but he didn’t release his grip to allow her to turn.

“Let’s just lay like this,” he whispered against her neck. His lips tickled the sensitive skin.

She wasn’t ready for this. For him. How can I tell him to let me go when he has every right to lay with me any damn way he wants? “Um, I didn’t hear you come back last night.” Fail.

His thumb moved in lazy circles at the top of her ribcage, just inches beneath her breasts. At the sudden surge of warmth between her thighs, she clenched her legs together, accidentally pushing her rear against his erection.

He groaned against her ear as his arm lowered and pulled her hips fully against him. “God, Elsie. I couldn’t sleep at all with your hot body up against mine all night.”

Elsie’s mouth went dry at his words. Well, at this point, other parts were probably sucking up all the moisture. “I didn’t mean to keep you up.”

He laughed; his warm breath against her neck sent shivers down her back. “You really would be sorry, wouldn’t you? Don’t be. It might be the best night of my life.”

One corner of her mouth raised in a smirk. “You’re such a liar.”

She couldn’t see him, but felt him shake his head. “Nope. Best night ever. Only one thing would’ve made it better.”

Before she could ask what, he punctuated his point by rubbing his erection against her. Elsie’s head fell back and she moaned at the feel of him so close to her entrance. She was so ready for him. All he would have to do was push aside her shorts and panties and he could slide in so easily.

He growled and his lips found her neck, softly kissing and nipping. One of her hands came up and fisted in his hair. She wasn’t pushing him away, though. She pulled him closer, begging for more.

He ripped his mouth away and pushed himself from the bed, landing in a graceless heap on the floor. Elsie shot up on the bed, about to yell at him for stopping, when she saw his eyes.

They looked like golden amber on fire and stared at her with an intensity she’d never seen before.

He stood up, wearing only loose, gray sleeping pants; his erection strained to break free of the cotton prison. “Breakfast is downstairs whenever you’re ready.” He turned and walked out.

Elsie stared wordlessly. Half of her was grateful he left, but the other half wanted to run to the door and call him back.

What was happening to her? She’d maintained fierce control over herself for her entire life, but now she was moaning and groaning in her boss’s arms. The boss who’d been tricked into claiming her as a mate.

This was exactly the person she never wanted to be.

Feeling disgusted with the entire situation, Elsie pushed the covers, that weren’t already on the floor from Brock’s hasty retreat, off and stormed into the shower.

When she finally emerged from the bathroom, she felt a little better. At least she looked like herself. The short denim shorts were perfect for the warm spring weather, and the sheer beige top with bright coral embroidery brought out the blue in her eyes. The top was loose, but the sheerness allowed the nude tank beneath to clearly outline her long and thin torso and what curves she had.

Not wanting to appear too vain, she planned to do a neutral makeup, but she couldn’t keep herself from her bright coral lipstick. The color perfectly matched the detailing on her top, and she was a sucker for bright lipsticks.

Her blonde hair was up in a simple ponytail, but it worked for the casual/cute look she was going for.

She looked in the mirror and took a deep, calming breath. Off to face the family. Again.

There wasn’t a greeting party waiting for her like the last time she’d gone down the stairs. It was worse. Lana was there and no one else.

“Good morning, Elsie,” she said in a voice so pleasant it had to be fake. “Brock just left with Russell to go for a run. He seemed a little, I don’t know, wound up.” A knowing smile twisted her features from pretty to vindictive bitch.

“I can imagine,” she responded, with a knowing smile of her own. “Between going public with our relationship, the craziness at work, and meeting my own family last night, he’s been having a crazy week. Of course, it would’ve been better if he’d gotten some rest, but the poor guy got hardly any sleep last night.”

If looks could kill, Elsie would be six feet under in a millisecond. “Don’t be crass, dear. You’re supposed to be a queen.” With that parting shot, Lana sauntered away.

Elsie watched her go and fought the urge to stick out her tongue. Beat her in an argument and Elsie was being immature, but if she said nothing, Lana would win anyway.

Elsie moved into the kitchen. The rustic theme continued, but stainless-steel appliances and a granite island gave the touch of modern rustic. The kitchen was at the corner of the cabin, so two walls had large windows to let in the bright light of morning.

She walked over to the sink and could see the gentle waves washing up on the beach as birds searched for their breakfast.

Elsie turned back to the kitchen doorway when the silent morning was interrupted by rustling noises of someone coming down the stairs.

Dani trudged, eyes firmly on the ground in front of her and a sour expression on her face. She looked up at Elsie but didn’t even give her a nod of acknowledgment. Dani trudged to the refrigerator, where she pulled out an apple and turned to leave the kitchen.

This zombie-like creature was nothing like the sweet and funny girl Elsie met the previous morning. “Everything okay?” she called just as Dani reached the stairs.

Dani never even stopped to look back. “It will be as soon as today is over.” With that, she turned the corner and slammed the door to her bedroom.

Is this a teenager thing?

Elsie never had mood swings like that as a teen. She was in college by the time Etta was a teen, but even then, she was much too happy playing with her vampire friends to get so melodramatic.

The front screen door swung open with a loud squeak and then Brock was in the kitchen with her. Her heartbeat automatically sped up at the sight of him in his long running shorts and tight gray t-shirt.

Seriously, how did those suits hide all that muscle from her?

Riggs ran past him to circle around her legs. Elsie knelt to run her fingers through the dog’s short and thick fur, grateful for something to look at besides Brock. The last thing she needed was to start drooling. “I thought you were out running.”

“I was rude to leave you alone. You hardly know anyone here and I shouldn’t go for a run just to clear my head when you’re as stressed as I am. In some ways, at least.” He walked toward her and she quickly moved out of his way as he filled a glass with water from the sink.

“Maybe we can go for a jog together.” It would be a pain considering she just did her makeup, but it would be a good way to spend time with him.

He finished taking a deep gulp of the water. “That would be nice. I’d offer another walk on the beach, but the last time we did that, you ran away.”

“I wouldn’t call it ‘running away.’” She leaned against the counter.

He set his glass on the counter. “What would you call it then?”

She thought about it for a second. “I was taking a breather.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Well, let’s avoid you taking any breathers that involve a three-hour drive.”

“I think that can be avoided.”

He walked up to her and she instinctively moved back, only to remember there was nowhere to go. “Brock, I—”

His mouth covered hers, blocking any protest. She closed her eyes and savored the feel of his lips on hers. His tongue gently probed her lips and she brought her hands to his shoulders.

Before she could pull him closer, he broke the kiss. “I’m going to go upstairs and change,” he whispered.

Elsie was left standing alone in the kitchen as he turned and walked away from her. What the hell was that?