Untimely Meditations
1. The Agony of Eros
Byung-Chul Han
2. On Hitler’s Mein Kampf: The Poetics of National Socialism
Albrecht Koschorke
3. In the Swarm: Digital Prospects
Byung-Chul Han
4. The Terror of Evidence
Marcus Steinweg
5. All and Nothing: A Digital Apocalypse
Martin Burckhardt and Dirk Höfer
6. Positive Nihilism: My Confrontation with Heidegger
Hartmut Lange
7. Inconsistencies
Marcus Steinweg
8. Shanzhai: Deconstruction in Chinese
Byung-Chul Han
9. Topology of Violence
Byung-Chul Han
10. The Radical Fool of Capitalism: On Jeremy Bentham, the Panopticon, and the Auto-Icon
Christian Welzbacher
11. German Philosophy: A Dialogue
Alain Badiou and Jean-Luc Nancy
12. Portrait of the Manager as a Young Author: On Storytelling, Business, and Literature
Philipp Schönthaler
13. Waste: A New Media Primer
Roberto Simanowski
14. The Death Algorithm and Other Digital Dilemmas
Roberto Simanowski