On December 1st, the Hornby family gets together and makes Hornby senior’s stark home look like someone threw up Liberace’s wardrobe. It’s a day he looks forward to.
On December 2nd, the carefully placed angel is always missing, turning up hidden in the branches or caught beneath the tree skirt. This year, he decided to place a star on top instead. Everyone wished him luck in keeping it there.
CHIPPY, THE wooden toy soldier, had stood beneath the branches of every tree that Mr. Hornby had. It was his job to make sure the baubles stayed sparkly and that the tinsel was hung evenly around the tree.
Chippy loved his job and when Mr. Hornby had left the angel, Mirabelle, in the box, his poor little wooden heart almost went up in flames. After marching over, he decided that Mirabelle belonged atop the tree.
He opened the box.
“Mirabelle, are you in there? The tree is decorated. Mirabelle…”
Mirabelle sprang out like a jack-in-the box with a look of sheer panic across her face.
“Mr. Hornby can’t have finished. How can he have finished when I haven’t been unrustled?”
“He said the star won’t run away and hide like you.”
“But, that’s my place.”
“Go up there, then.”
“Up there? But i-it’s so very high. And the ground is so very far from up there.”
“Okay, then back in the box.”
“But…but…I won’t see Christmas. I won’t see the lights twinkling in the evening or racing each other or doing fancy flash dances. I won’t be able to listen to the flower fairies share their stories. Oh Chippy, why do I have to be so scared of falling?”
“Don’t be. I will catch you! I believe that you can do anything. I know it in my grain. Why don’t you try and see?”
“It’s so high…”
“You have to trust me. I won’t let you down. Take my hand, and I shall help you. You see, the first branch is the easiest.” And he lifted her up. “The hard part is to keep going, when you doubt yourself, when you think you might go wrong, or when you have to trust someone else and, yet, you doubt them too. That’s the hard part, Mirabelle.”
Mirabelle reached up and pulled herself to the next branches. She felt spurred on to reach the next one, but she wasn’t sure how to get there.
She looked down at Chippy and felt quite dizzy, then looked up at Glimmer sparkling in the night. She wanted to move on but didn’t know how. Mirabelle felt like crying, but something floated down in front of her. It was Mr. Silver, the tinsel. He gave a rustle and reached out to her. She realized he was offering to help, and he pulled her up to the fourth branch.
All she needed was to have some faith and a little hope, and she could find a solution. Looking around, she wondered how she would climb the next two branches. She saw a bauble glistening in the light and had an idea. She would have to ask for help, something that didn’t come easy to her.
“Excuse me, Orb. Could I swing on you up to the next branch? I am aiming for the top, but I can’t get there alone. Will you help?”
“Yes. Would you help me also?”
Mirabelle was taken aback. No one ever asked her for help. Instead, they laughed at her and mocked her saying, “Whoever heard of an angel who fears heights?” They never thought she had much to offer.
“Of course, Orb. What shall I do for you?”
“On my top is a hoop with a soft silk ribbon running through it. Beside it, a sharp pine needle is sticking into me. It’s terribly annoying putting up with a prickle like that all day.”
Very carefully, Mirabelle removed the pine needle for Orb.
“Oh! That is much better. Now, climb aboard and let’s get swinging.”
As Mirabelle leaped, she realized she might not reach the branch, but she just made it. Hanging by her fingertips, she told herself not to look down. But she did. Instead of feeling scared, she felt very safe indeed. Standing at the bottom of the tree was Chippy, smiling and ready to catch her.
When she saw Orb still swinging, she caught her reflection in his coat of glass. The angel she saw didn’t look scared. As her grip began to loosen, she closed her eyes expecting to freefall, and was surprised when something grabbed her and pulled her up to the top branch. When she opened her eyes, she saw it was Glimmer.
He had climbed down a little from his place on the tree to help her, even though he must have known why she was there. Her heart felt so full she thought she would burst.
For the first time, she took in the view from the top of the tree, and saw how beautiful it was. Mirabelle hadn’t realized, she hadn’t wanted to see it before. She looked down and blew a kiss to Chippy and then turned to Glimmer and gave him a smile. She had made it. She had overcome her fear with the help of her friends. They had believed in her, taught her not to be scared and given her hope, and here she was at the top of the tree to stay.
IT WAS December 2nd and Mr. Hornby came downstairs. He half expected not to see the star on the tree, but there it was. He smiled as he headed to the kitchen, stopping to remove his spectacles. He gave them a good clean, put them back on and looked at the tree again.
And there on the tree, sitting just below the star, was his angel.