Abortion, 48889, 49497, 501

Acton, 142

Agnosticism, 211

Ajuna, 18

Alexander the Great, 5152

Altruism, 37677

Analytical philosophy, 214, 215, 350

Analytical positivism, 22223, 359

Anthropology, 26, 45253

Antigone, 1925

Anti-semitism, 30102, 305

Aquinas, St Thomas see St Thomas of Aquinas

Archimedes, 5657

Arendt, Hannah, 313

Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 303

Aristotle, 19, 26

Bacon, Sir Francis, 82

choice, 46

Cicero, 55

city states, 42, 47

conventions, 45

empiricism, 41, 45, 4849

essence, 41

ethics, 4143

good, 42

happiness, 4445

Hegel, 17071

hierarchy of purpose, 4243

jurisprudence, 4149

justice, 4648

Kelsen, 383

liberalism, 45

MacIntyre, 411, 412

morality, 43, 49

natural justice, 68

natural law, 4849

nature, 171

Nicomachean Ethics, 42, 47, 68

Plato, 36, 41, 47

pleasure, 44

Politics, 48

rationality, 43, 49

reason, 46

rulers, 47

self-government, 48

slavery, 17071

society, 41, 47

souls, 4243

St Thomas Aquinas, 65, 66, 71

teleology, 41

truth, 26, 53

virtue, 45

Asceticism, 5961

Auden, WH, 1, 3

Augustine, 5966

Austin, John, 21845

analytical philosophy, 21830

analytical positivism, 22223

aristocracy, 214, 215

authority, 23233

Bauman, 234

Bentham, 214, 218, 234, 238, 241, 244

bill of rights, 238

Chisick, 234

civil law, 23839

class, 214, 215

common good, 223, 232

Comte, 227

codification, 242

constitutions, 214

context, 220, 224

Cotterrell, 226

criminal law, 225

Critical Legal Studies

Movement, 455

decision-making, 242

depotism, 235

desires, 244

Dworkin, R, 416

education, 215, 216

empiricism, 231

English Civil War, 236

enlightenment, 234

epistemology, 22427

ethics, 233, 245

European Union, 237

French Revolution, 215

general will, 240

God, 237

government, 21416, 219, 226, 23132, 235, 23841

Hart, 220, 224, 228, 35460, 368, 373, 379

Hobbes, 214, 227, 240, 24445

Holocaust, 316

human rights, 223, 235

Hume, 223, 244

impartiality, 233

induction, 227, 228

institutions, 234

international law, 23943

interpretation, 21845

judiciary, 24143

jurisprudence, 21845

justice, 217

Kant, 240

Kelsen, 329, 331, 333, 347

knowledge, 21415, 216, 217, 227, 233, 245

language, 240

law, definition of, 23132

law-making, 24143

legal positivism, 5, 6, 21330

legality, 224, 241

liberalism, 235, 245

Locke, 244

Maine, 220, 225

Malthus, 23335

Marx, 254, 256

methodology, 21820, 228

Mill, 211, 245

modernity, 21317, 218, 228

morality, 232, 23739

nation state, 232

natural law, 231, 235

objectivity, 229, 230

Popper, 22830

population, 23335

positivism, 22733

power, 232, 239

principles, 221

psychology, 244

public opinion, 239

punishment, 214, 235

reason, 216

reform, 214, 225

research, 228

Roman law, 215

Rousseau, 240

rulers, 232, 23739, 24142

rules, 221

Rumble, 220

sanctions, 238, 240, 244

scepticism, 240

science, 219, 228, 22930, 245

separation of powers, 241

social administration, 215

social justice, 23235

social science, 229

sociology, 22427, 236

sovereignty, 223, 226, 23539

superiority, 216, 232

synthesis, 223, 227

truth, 233, 245

Unger, 471

utilitarianism, 9, 231, 23739, 24445

Weber, 225, 226

Authority, 7273, 208, 308, 327, 336, 338

Autonomy, 13132, 154, 165


Bacon, Sir Francis, 8182, 87, 99

Balfour, James, 183

Bartlett, Katharine, 485

Bartoszewski, 379

Baumann, 234, 30001, 303, 311

Beccaria, 147, 148

Bentham, Jeremy Austin, 214, 218, 234, 238, 241, 244

Blackstone, 188

church, 195

control, 19798

democracy, 195

ethics, 193

God, 189

happiness, 19395, 197

human rights, 196

Hume, 188

interest, 187

judicial law-making, 241

jurisprudence, 18698

justice, 197

Kant, 144, 147

Kelsen, 347

knowledge, 196

law, 18995

legal positivism, 189

legislature, 190, 19192

legitimate expectations, 189

Marx, 254

Mill, John Stuart, 198, 199201, 203

morality, 18688

nature, 187

panopticon, 19596

pleasure-pain calculus, 19192

property, 19495

punishment, 191, 19394, 195

radicalism, 19495

Rawls, John, 197

reason, 187

reform, 19495

religion, 187

rulers, 19091, 195

sanctions, 191

self-interest, 188, 195

Smith, 198

social contract, 189

social life, 195

sympathy, 197

subjectivity, 186

totalitarianism, 196

utilitarianism, 147, 18698

visibility, 19798

Bill of rights, 238

Birth control, 49497

Blackstone, Sir William, 188, 465

Bladerunner, 1011

Buchheim, Hans, 30304

Bureaucracy, 270, 272, 278, 324, 329


Camus, Albert, 12

Capital, 180


Critical Legal Studies Movement, 451

legality, 27879

Marx, 250, 261, 26364, 26873

national states, 27879

Nozick, 401, 404

post-capitalism, 27374

Smith, 17985

tradition, 514

Weber, 276, 27879, 281

Cavafy, 60

Centralism, 37

Charisma, 28889, 30203

Chisick, 234


Aristotle, 46

Dworkin, R, 425

Hume, 106

Kafka, 515

Mill, 205

Rawls, 413

Shakespeare, 7576

Christianity see also God

Church, 71, 195, 296

God, 5174

justice, 38485

Kelsen, 38485

Machiavelli, 76

nation states, 83

nature, 5174

power, 5174

Roman Empire, 64

Church, 71, 195, 296

Cicero of Arpinum, 5456

Civil disobedience, 23

Civil law, 96, 195, 23839


aristocracy, 214, 215

Austin, 214, 215

economics, 25354

French Revolution, 167

Marx, 249, 25354, 26163, 273

Plato, 36

Weber, 282

working, 264, 265, 268, 27071, 284

Codification, 242


Critical Legal Studies Movement, 462

Dworkin, R, 421

Hart, 352, 382

Kelsen, 325, 33334

Kennedy, 466

Nozick, 403

Weber, 279

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 210

Command theory, 23

Common good, 34, 159, 223, 232, 313

Communication, 391

Communism, 248, 251, 262, 264, 27173


Dworkin, R, 446

good, 413

MacIntyre, 41012

Mill, 211

right, 413

Sandel, 40809

Taylor, 40910

Unger, 472

Comte, Auguste, 210, 227

Conformity, 207

Conscience, 182


Austin, 214

Dworkin, R, 427

Hegel, 170

Kelsen, 338

Marx, 26870

state, 16667

United States, 14

Context, 3, 220, 224

Contracte, 9395, 107

see also Social contract

Control, 19798

Conventions, 45, 378, 379, 435

Cornell, Drucilla, 508

Cotterrell, 4, 8, 226, 437

Creativity, 290

Creon, 2023

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 12

anthropology, 45253

Austin, 455

capitalism, 451

coercion, 462

decision-making, 465

definition, 453

Dworkin, R, 416

education, 45456

equality, 461

experience, 464

feminism, 505

foundationalism, 474

fundamental contradiction, 46568

Gabel, 467

God, 473, 477

Gordon, 45455, 462, 463

Hart, 456, 460

hermeneutics, 457

Hobbes, 464, 468, 473, 476

human rights, 456, 463

interpretation, 463

justice, 459

Kennedy, 456, 459, 464, 46566

Keynes, 44951

knowledge, 45253

language, 468

law and economics, 529

legal positivism, 14

legality, 475

legislation, 460

Levi-Strauss, 45253

liberalism, 456, 46065, 467, 47475

Luxemburg, 451

Marxism, 460, 461, 462

modernity, 451, 457, 463, 47576

nihilism, 474, 476

ontology, 474

origins, 45354

politics, 46165

positivism, 457, 459, 465, 474

rationality, 450, 45960, 46768, 474

reason, 460, 47576

reification, 46365

Rousseau, 161

scepticism, 44977

social life, 460, 462, 467, 519

social order, 456

social progress, 45759

suspicion, 44977

transformation, 46873

Unger, 459, 461, 46873

United States, 45356

Weber, 47576

Williams, P, 45860, 46667


feminism, 497507

Nozick, 406

religion, 9

tribalism, 52021

Custom, 447, 471


De Beauvoir, Simone, 49495

Death, 16, 52


Austin, 242

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 465

Dworkin, R, 14, 425, 428, 430, 437

feminism, 484, 50001

Fuller, 388

judiciary, 42537,

Rawls, 39495

Weber, 281


gamesmanship, 52324

God, 524

humanism, 522

Hume, 11012

misunderstanding, 52122

self, 11112

Democracy, 34, 195, 30810, 317, 334, 348

Dependency, 161

Derrida, Jacques, 52223

Descartes, Rene, 8283

Despotism, 235

Determinism, 119, 124

Deterrence, 145

Deutsche, Isaac, 300

Devlin, 204

Dialectics, 164, 17576, 24850

Dignity, 133, 144, 146

Dike, 19, 24

Dipper, Christof, 307

Discipline, 203, 207, 28687, 31112

Dispute resolution, 42327, 484

Diversity, 8

Divine law, 70

Division of labour, 184

Douzinas, 24

Drucker, Peter, 273

Dualism, 16364

Durkheim, Emile, 346

Dryden, John, 75

Dworkin, Andrea, 492, 507

Dworkin, Ronald

Austin, 416

choice, 425

coercion, 421

communitarianism, 446

consistency, 42526

constitutionalism, 427

conventions, 435

Cotterrell, 437

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 416, 465

criticisms, 43637

custom, 447

decision-making, 14, 425, 428, 430, 437

discretion, 425

disenchantment, 41819

dispute resolution 42527

Enlightenment, 416

epistemology, 417, 430

ethics, 415

expressionism, 421

feminism, 49697

foundationalism, 434

Fuller, 415, 419, 435, 447

Gadamer, 417

globalisation, 514

grammar, 42325

Guest, 420

hard cases, 42627, 429

Hart, 415, 41617, 42123, 44243

Hegel, 420

hermeneutics, 418, 439, 442

human rights, 42729

identity, 14

interpretation, 43848

intuition, 438

judicial, 42537

creativity, 42225

justice, 417

Kant, 420

Kelsen, 416

knowledge, 417

law–making, 431, 437

Law’s Empire, 41548

legal positivism, 14, 41618, 42223, 427, 436, 438

legality, 421, 438

legislation, 426

liberalism, 419

metaphysics, 44648

methodology, 416, 41822, 430

Mill, 211

modernity, 417, 434, 447

morality, 437, 440, 447

Nazis, 440, 441

Nietzsche, 420, 438, 439

nihilism, 418

objectivity, 41819

politics, 418

positivism, 418, 41920, 43940

post-modernity, 912, 41822, 430

pragmatism, 435, 439

precedent, 422, 426

rationality, 438

reasoning, 422

relativism, 440

religion, 447

rule of law, 418, 421

rules, 42627

scepticism, 445

social science, 417

tradition, 416

transparency, 416

United States, 416, 427, 432


Economics see Law and economics

Education see also Training

Austin, 215, 216

Critical Legal Studies

Movement, 45456

Plato, 3537

truth, 3537

Eirene, 19

Elitism, 37, 39

Emancipation, 270


Aristode, 41, 45, 4849

Austin, 231

Bacon, 81

Hobbes, 89

Hume, 104, 128

Kant, 132, 13536

Kelsen, 33741

natural law, 4849

Engels, Friedrich, 248, 260, 26264

English Civil War, 236

Enlightenment, 32, 234, 247, 284, 28788, 416


Critical Legal Studies Movement, 461

feminism, 490, 491

Hart, 376

Rawls, 39596

Unger, 46869

Epictetus, 5253


Critical Legal Studies Movement, 461

feminism, 490, 491

Hart, 376

Rawls, 39596

Unger, 46869

Eschatology, 61, 9899

Essence, 41

Eternal law, 69

Ethics, 24

see also Morality

Austin, 233, 245

Bentham, 193

Dworkin, R, 415

Hegel, 16378

Hobbes, 99, 100

Hume, 128

Kant, 151

legality, 100

Machiavelli, 76

Mill, 207

Austin, 22427

Dworkin, R, 417, 430

feminism, 483

Hobbes, 86, 99, 101

Hume, 112, 116, 121, 122, 130

Kelsen, 32930, 340

Marx, 270

Mill, 210

scepticism, 116

social order, 86

Wittgenstein, 363

Eugenics, 304

Eunomia, 19

European Union, 233

Existentialism, 1527, 1617, 7374, 184

Exploitation, 27071, 274

Expressionism, 264, 421



Aristotle, 58

Augustine, 6061

God, 66

Hobbes, 86, 88, 98, 101

Kant, 139

knowledge, 139

Marx, 270

morality, 139

scepticism, 58

Smith, 184

St Thomas Aquinas, 66

Family, 23, 481, 482, 488

Fear, 89, 79

Felden, Klemens, 30102


abortion, 48889, 49497, 50001

Bartlett, 485

birth control, 49497

black women, 50911

Cornell, 508

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 505

cultural, 485, 497507

De Beauvoir, 49495

decision-making, 484, 50001

Declaration of Sentiments, 486

definition, 47980

difference theory, 497506

dispute resolution, 484

domination, 48083

Dworkin, A, 492, 507

Dworkin, R, 49697

epistemology, 483

equality, 491

family, 48182, 488

fears, 50708

Firestone, 494

freedom, 504

Freud, 482

Gilligan, 497503

humanism, 508

impartiality, 490

Irigaray, 50708

jurisprudence, 479512

justice, 48083, 488, 500

Kohlberg, 498

Lacey, Nicola, 48788

legalism, 49697

liberalism, 12, 48688, 491, 49697, 50406

Lorde, Audre, 510

MacKinnon, 48890, 493, 497, 503

marriage, 485

Marx, 489

methodology, 485

Mill, 48687, 491

modernity, 490, 494, 512

morality, 498502

mythology, 482

patriarchy, 48083

pornography, 489, 492

post-modernity, 51112

power, 483, 488

punishment, 49899

radical, 485, 48894, 50507

rationality, 484

Rawls, 488

reason, 500

Rousseau, 482

schools, 485506

self, 501

sexual harassment, 492

slavery, 509

Smart, Carol, 49293, 502

state, 490

subjection, 24

subjectivity, 486, 50811

technology, 49497

tradition, 483

United States, 503, 505

violence, 483, 492, 497

West, 504

Feuerbach, 256, 270

Fienberg, Joel, 208

Finnis,John, 12

Firestone, 494

Fish, Stanley, 514

Forbes, Duncan, 123

Formalism, 28990, 324, 32931


Critical Legal Studies Movement, 474

Dworkin, R, 434

Hume, 113

Kelsen, 336, 346

Marx, 255

Wittgenstein, 366

Free market, 398407


feminism, 504

happiness, 164

Hegel, 16465, 172, 173, 177

Kant, 150

Kelsen, 32526, 347

knowledge, 177, 28485

Marx, 25657, 259, 268

Mill, 203, 205, 207, 211

modernity, 16465

morality, 150

Nozick, 403

opinion, 205

Rousseau, 15455, 160

subjectivity, 172

thought, 205

Weber, 28486

French Revolution, 123, 167, 215

Freud, Sigmeund, 295, 482

Fuller, Lon

aspirations, 387, 388, 447

communication, 391

decision-making, 388

Dworkin, R, 415, 419, 435, 447

Hart, 382, 386, 390

Holocaust, 31820

law-making, 389

legality, 38691

modernity, 391

morality, 387, 38890

natural law, 386, 388, 391

positivism, 391

Raz, 390

rules, 387, 38990

social life, 387

social progress, 387

sociology, 386

Functionalism, 114, 36066


Gabel, 467

General will, 15660, 16667, 240

Gewith, 412

Gilligan, Carol, 497502

God, 6, 9

Augustine, 6166

Austin, 237

Bentham, 189

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 473, 477

deconstruction, 524

divine law, 70

Dworkin, R, 417

eschatology, 61

grace, 61, 70

happiness, 65, 70

Hegel, 177, 178

Hobbes, 80, 85, 8688, 9596, 99

Holocaust, 315

holy, 1719

Hume, 115

Kant, 132, 150

Kelsen, 32829, 331, 346, 38485

love, 61, 65

Marx, 247, 255

modernity, 9

mortal, 9596

nature, 5174

Nietzsche, 178, 29293

nihilism, 115

power, 5174, 9495

proof, 80

reason, 62, 88

Rousseau, 161

rulers, 73

Smith, 184

St Thomas Aquinas, 6566

state, 71

stoicism, 52

will, 62, 63, 65

Goethe, Johann, 303

Goldhagen, Daniel, 301, 30506

Good see also Virtue

Aristode, 42

communitarianism, 413

Hegel, 176

Kant, 14349

Maclntyre, 41011

punishment, 14649

Rawls, 414

right, 14449, 413, 414

Sandel, 408

sentencing, 14649

Gordon, Robert, 45455, 462, 463


Austin, 21416, 219, 226, 23132, 236, 23841

despotism, 235

knowledge, 518

legitimacy, 157, 165

Nozick, 398, 406

Rousseau, 157

social contracts, 157

social control, 127

Gramsci, Antonio, 262


Alexander the Great, 5152

Antigone, 1922

Aristode, 19, 26

city-states, 2829

classical, 1525

Dike, 19

Eirene, 19

Eunomia, 19

existentialism, 1922, 2627

Hegel, 22, 168

individualism, 168

justice, 19

literature, 1922

Metis, 18

morality, 19

mythology, 18, 26

natural law, 1533

Nietzsche, 296

philosophy, 2632, 52

Plato, 19, 26, 2931

rationality, 51

rulers, 28

Themis, 18, 19

Zeus, 18, 19

Guest, 420

Guilt, 141



Aristode, 4445

Bentham, 19395, 197

freedom, 164

God, 65, 70

Hegel, 164

justice, 38384

Kelsen, 38384

Marx, 259

Mill 200

pleasure, 44

St Thomas Aquinas, 65

Harm, 202, 204, 208

Hart, HLA

altruism, 37677

analytical positivism, 359

Austin, 220, 224, 228, 35460, 368, 373, 379

authority, 355

coercion, 352, 382

Concept of Law, 35161, 371, 376, 379

conventions, 378, 379

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 450, 460

Devlin, 204

Dworkin, R, 415, 41617, 42123, 44243

equality, 376

existentialism, 16

external law, 37273

formalism, 37982

Fuller, 382, 386, 390

functionality, 36066

Holocaust, 31820, 321, 379

identification, 375

Imperative Theory, 35660

internal law, 37273

Kelsen, 371, 374

language, 35556, 36067, 381

legal positivism, 5, 7, 35182, 522

legal system, 36870, 375, 377

legality, 352, 355

methodology, 358, 374

Mill, 204

modernity, 352, 359

morality, 379

natural law, 37679

Nietzsche, 297

norms, 374

obedience, 370, 371

obligations, 352, 369

punishment, 357

rationality, 359

reasoning, 37982

recognition, 36668, 370, 37275

regulation, 367

resources, 376

risk, 376

rule of law, 353

rulers, 35658

rules, 35760, 36774, 523

sanctions, 352, 359, 378

scepticism, 37982

science, 380

sociology, 35354, 36066

sovereignty, 375

understanding, 377

validity, 37375

Weber, 358

Wittgenstein, 36068

Hedonism, 520

Hegel, Georg

Aristotle, 17071

autonomy, 165

constitutionality, 170

dialectics, 164, 17576

Dworkin, R, 420

dualism, 16364

ethics, 16378

freedom, 16465, 172, 173, 177

French Revolution, 167

general will, 16667

God, 177, 178

good, 176

Greece, 22, 168

happiness, 164

history, 164, 168, 170, 17273, 176, 178

Hobbes, 165, 170, 174

identity, 17072

individualism, 167, 178

Kant, 164

Kelsen, 326

knowledge, 167, 17475, 177

law, 17274

legal development, 173

legal positivism, 177

legality, 170

legitimacy, 165, 166, 171

liberalism, 178

Locke, 165

Marx, 253, 25559

modernity, 16465, 168, 17578

morality, 16566

natural law, 17778

Neitzsche, 178

Phenomenology of Spirit, 168

Philosophy of Right, 165

public opinion, 176

rationality, 17273, 176, 177

reason, 170, 176

religion, 175, 176

Romanticism, 16869

Rousseau, 16466

rulers, 16974

science, 175

slavery, 17072

sins, 174

social contract, 16566, 174

social justice, 164

social life, 16667, 168

social order, 16566

social role, 17475

social theory, 168

sociality, 167

society, 165, 166

sovereignty, 165, 169, 174

state, 16567, 176

subjectivity, 168, 17172

synthesis, 164

total reconciliation, 16378

totality, 16364, 168, 175

tradition, 17576

truth, 174

utilitarianism, 165, 169

warning, 16869

Weber, 28486

wisdom, 514

Heidegger, Martin, 6

Herrschaft, 279

Hiero, 5657

Hinduism, 17


Augustine, 6465

Hegel, 164, 168, 170, 17273, 176, 178

Hume, 104, 123

liberalism, 21112

Marx, 248, 250, 265

Mill, 21112

Nozick, 40507

philosophy, 6465

rationality, 17273

Hider, Adolf, 300, 30203, 305

Hobbes, Thomas

Austin, 214, 27, 240, 244

Bacon, Francis Sir, 87, 99

Christianity, 80

civil laws, 97

contracts, 9394

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 464, 468, 473, 476

empiricism, 89

epistemology, 86, 99, 101

eschatology, 98

ethics, 99, 100

existentialism, 16

faith, 86, 88, 98, 101

fear, 79

God, 80, 8588, 9596, 99, 101

Hegel, 165, 170, 174

Holocaust, 301

Hume, 10506, 107

imperative theory of law, 75102

justice, 92

Kafka, 515

Kelsen, 328

knowledge, 88, 99

language, 87, 90

legal positivism, 6, 92

legal realism, 96

legality, 100

Leviathan, 81, 85, 86, 8891, 100

liberalism, 79

methodology, 99

modernity, 100

morality, 96, 98

natural law, 90, 9194, 96100

nature, 80, 91, 94

nominalism, 87

philosophy, 100

power, 8688, 91, 93, 9699

property, 94

Protestantism, 99

psychology, 80

punishment, 98

reason, 88, 98

recognition of laws, 97

religion, 8081, 89, 98

Rousseau, 156

rules, 97

rulers, 9598, 100

sin, 92

Smith, 185

social contract, 95, 174

social life, 520

social order, 86, 99

sovereignty, 8688, 92, 9598, 100

truth, 90

Holderlin, Johann, 16

Holism, 10608

Holmes, OW, 7

Holocaust, 299321

anti-Semitism, 30102, 305

Arendt, 313

Arndt, 303

Austin, 316

authority, 308

Bartoszewski, 379

Baumann, 30001, 303, 311

Buchheim, 30304

camp guards, 31112

certainty, 313

charisma, 30203

citizenship, 321

common good, 313

co-operation, 321

democracy, 30810, 317

Deutsche, 300

Dipper, 307

discipline, 31112

eugenics, 304

expediency, 13

Felden, 30102

Fuller, 31820

German ideologies, 30102

God, 315

Goethe, 303

Goldhagen, 301, 30506

Hart, 31820, 321, 379

Hider, 300, 30203, 305

Hobbes, 301

homogeneity, 30809

Hume, 311

Husserl, 299

individualism, 309, 313

informants, 31821

institutionalism, 30710

international law, 316

Jackson, 317

jurisprudence, 31221

justice, 313

Kelsen, 313

law, 30507

legal positivism, 313, 316, 31821

legality, 31618

legitimacy, 309, 31316

liberalism, 30708

Marcus, 306

modernity, 300, 303, 30811

morality, 31920

nationalism, 303

natural law, 314, 316

Nietzsche, 302

Nuremberg Laws, 30607

Nuremberg trials, 31416

politics, 317

population, 304

propaganda, 306

Radbruch, 313

rationality, 300, 30305, 31011

retrospectively, 315, 319

rule of law, 314, 317

Schmitt, 30710

Shklar, 317, 318

social engineering, 30305

SS men, 31112

subjectivity, 516

sympathy, 311

technology, 310

Wagner, 310

Wallershoff, 312, 315

Weber, 301

Holy, 1719

Human rights

Movement, 456, 463

Austin, 223, 225

Bentham, 196

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 456, 463

Dworkin, R, 42729

existentialism, 15

Locke, 405

Marx, 267

Mill, 199201

Nozick, 401, 40506

Humanism, 251, 324, 508, 52223

Hume, David

Austin, 223, 244

Bentham, 188

choice, 106

deconstruction, 110, 11112

determinism, 119, 124

empiricism, 104, 128

epistemology, 112, 116, 121, 122, 130

ethics, 128

experience, 10330

fear, 120

Forbes, Duncan, 123

foundationism, 113

French Revolution, 123

functionalism, 114

God, 115

history, 104, 123

Hobbes, 10506, 107

holism, 10608

Holocaust, 311

individualism, 10608

institutionalism, 12327

jurisprudence, 10506

justice, 106, 121, 12224, 126

Kant, 114, 13233, 13536, 13942

knowledge, 106, 10809, 127

legal positivism, 105, 126

Levellers, 121, 122

liberalism, 112

Livingston, Donald, 120

memory, 11618

methodology, 10608

modernity, 10330

morality, 11819, 12830

motives, 120

natural justice, 126

natural law, 118

nature, 114, 126

Nietzsche, 115

nihilism, 115

Norton, 116

opinion, 127

philosophy, 11011, 115, 12830

Plato, 113

post-modernity, 115

rationalism, 111, 124, 128

reason, 108, 11011

reflexivity, 111

religion, 119, 127

reputation, 117

rhetoric, 110

Rousseau, 108, 154

scepticism, 104, 110, 113, 116

security, 112

self, 11617, 129

Smith, 127, 18081, 182, 183

Smith, Kemp, 104

social change, 127

social contract, 107, 125

social control, 127

sociallife, 11618, 122, 125

social order, 105, 107

social sciences, 115

social theory, 129

sociality, 10608

society, 11011, 12223

Stroud, Barry, 104

subjectivism, 111, 113

sympathy, 311, 524

Taylor, Charles, 108

tradition, 10330

truth, 10506

Wittgenstein, 115, 363, 366

Hunter, 254

Husserl, Edmund, 299


Identity, 14, 17072, 375

Imperative Theory, 35660

Individual rights see Human rights Individualism

Greece, 168

Hegel, 167, 178

holism, 10608

Holocaust, 309, 313

Hume, 10608

Maclntyre, 410

Marx, 249, 270

methodology, 10708

Mill, 207, 208, 209, 211

Nietzsche, 298

Nozick, 398, 407

Rousseau, 16061

Taylor, 409

Weber, 288


Austin, 234

Holocaust, 30710

Hume, 12327

Kelsen, 335

legitimacy, 519

Nietzsche, 29697

Rousseau, 15356

International law, 23943, 316

Intolerance, 20708

Intuition, 134, 14445

Irigaray, Luce, 50708

Israel, 84


Jackson, 317

Jamerson, Freick, 52021

Jesus Christ, 61, 29596


Austin, 24143

Bentham, 241

consistency, 42527

creativity, 42225

decision-making, 42537

discretion, 242, 424

dispute resolution, 42537

Dworkin, R, 42537

Kelsen, 328

law-making, 241, 431

legal positivism, 328


definition, 12

Hume 10506

modernity, 49

scope, 12

Justice see also Natural justice

Aristotle, 4648

Augustine, 6163

Austin, 217

authenticity, 38385

Bentham, 197

Christianity, 38485

corrective, 47

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 459

distributive, 47

Dworkin,R, 417

dynamic, 38385

exploitation, 27071

family, 488

feminism, 48083, 500

general, 47

Greece, 19

happiness, 38384

Hobbes, 92

Holocaust, 313

Hume, 106, 12124, 126

Kelsen, 38385

Marx, 27071

Mill, 209

natural law, 6163

Nozick, 399, 403

particular, 47

Plato, 3440

rationality, 124

Rawls, 39397, 41314, 488

right, 413

Rousseau, 15657

rules, 124

Sandel, 40809

social contract, 15657

society, 12223

St Thomas Aquinas, 6768

static, 38385

virtue, 126


Kafka, Franz, 51518

Kali, 1718

Kant, Immanuel

Acton, 142

Austin, 240

autonomy, 13132

Bentham, 144, 144, 147

categorical imperative, 140

causality, 13940

commonwealth, 15152

Critique of Practical Reason, 135

Critique of Pure Reason, 144

dignity, 133, 144, 146

Dworkin, R, 420

empiricism, 132, 136, 142

epistemology, 132, 133, 135

ethics, 151

faith, 139

freedom, 150

God, 132, 150

good, 14349

guilt, 141

Hegel, 164

Hume, 114, 13233, 137, 141

intuition, 134, 14445

Kelsen, 324, 349

knowledge, 13233, 13536, 13942

language, 137

liberalism, 131, 152

metaphysics, 135, 14344

Metaphysics of Morals, 143

modernity, 13152

morality, 132, 135, 13742, 14950

motives, 150

nature, 150

offences, 14041

ontology, 143

presuppositions, 13536

progress, 14952

punishment, 144, 14549

purity, 13132

rationality, 134, 13743, 150

reason, 13236, 13841, 14344, 149, 152

religion, 152

right, 14449

scepticism, 133

science, 136

self, 132

sentencing, 14649

social life, 149

transcendence, 138, 142

understanding, 13536

universality, 143

utilitarianism, 14446

What is Orientation in Thinking?, 150

Williams, B, 146

Wittgenstein, 363

wrongs, 141

Kelsen, Hans, 8, 32350

analytical jurisprudence, 350

Aristotle, 383

Austin, 329, 331, 333, 347

authenticity, 38384

authority, 327, 336

Bentham, 347

bureaucracy, 324, 329

Christianity, 38485

coercion, 325, 33334

constitutions, 338

democracy, 334, 348

Dworkin, R, 416

Durkheim, 346

effectivity, 34142

empiricism, 33741

epistemology, 32930, 340

formalism, 324, 32931

foundationalism, 336, 346

freedom, 32526, 347

God, 32829, 331, 346, 384

grundnorm, 33741, 343

happiness, 38384

Hart, 371, 374

Hegel, 326

Hobbes, 328

Holocaust, 313

humanism, 324

institutions, 335

interpretation, 33537

Kant, 324, 349

judiciary, 328

justice, 327, 38385

knowledge, 347

Lee, 343

legal order, 325, 328, 334, 33742

legal positivism, 323, 326, 328, 331, 34648

legitimacy, 327, 329, 348

metaphysics, 345

methodology, 345

modernity, 333, 347, 348, 384

natural law, 328

nature, 326, 327

Nietzsche, 324, 346, 34748, 384

norms, 33235, 33644

offenders, 344

psychology, 346

pure theory, 32350

Radbruch, 328

reductionism, 324

religion, 326, 330

Rousseau, 326

rules, 332, 334

sanctions, 333, 336, 341

Schmitt, 328

science, 33536, 340, 38485

social life, 336

society, 326

sociology, 324

souls, 330

state, 325, 32831, 34546

Stewart, 344

Stoics, 328

subjectivity, 327, 328

transparency, 347

truth, 330, 349, 350

Unger, 469

validity, 34142

Weber, 324, 331, 385

Kennedy, Duncan

Blackstone, 465

coercion, 466

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 456, 459, 464, 46566

human rights, 466

liberalism, 465, 466

rules, 465

Keynes, John Maynard, 449, 451

Kings see Rulers


a posteriori, 135

a priori, 135

Augustine, 58

Austin, 21417, 227, 233, 245

Bacon, 8182, 99

Bentham, 196

Cicero, 54

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 45253

Dworkin, R, 417

facts, 10809

faith, 139

freedom, 177, 28485

government, 518

Hegel, 167, 17475, 177

Hobbes, 88

Hume, 106, 108, 127

ideas, 10809

Kant, 13233, 13536, 13942

Kelsen, 347

modernity, 28788

methodology, 99

Nietzsche, 295

Plato, 29, 30, 3233

power, 99, 295

reason, 108

Rousseau, 159

sceptics, 53

social change, 127

social role, 17475

tradition, 106

Weber, 28485, 28788

Kohlberg, Lawrence, 498

Krishna, 1718

Kronman, 289


Lacey, Nicola, 48788

Laissez-faire, 179, 271


Austin, 240

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 468

games, 36264, 518, 523

grammar, 42325

Hart, 35556, 36167, 381

Hobbes, 87

international law, 240

Kant, 137

Lyotard, 518

private, 362

Wittgenstein, 1, 36167

Last Judgment, 185

Law see also Civil law, Law and economics, Law-making, Natural law

ambition, 174

criminal, 19596

definition, 35, 7, 18990, 23132

direction, 17374

external, 37273

internal, 37273

positive, 18485

purpose, 19293

recognising, 3

society, 24774

state, 20708

unwritten, 20708

Law and economics, 1314

classes, 25354

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 519

determinism, 25354

Marx, 25254, 262

Posner, Richard, 9


Austin, 24143

Bentham, 241

Dworkin, R, 431, 437

Fuller, 389

judiciary, 24143, 431

natural law, 72

St Thomas Aquinas, 72

Lee, 343

Legal order, 26570, 325, 328, 334, 33742

Legal positivism, 2, 39

Austin, 5, 6, 21330

Bentham, 189

Cotterrell, 4, 8

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 14

Dworkin, R, 14, 41618, 42223, 427, 436, 438

God, 6

Hart, 5, 7, 35182, 522

Hegel, 177

Heidegger, 6

Hobbes, 6, 92

Holocaust, 313, 316, 31821

Hume, 105, 126

judiciary, 328

Kelsen, 323, 326, 328, 331, 34648

legal realism, 7

legal system, 5

methodologies, 5, 6

Mill, 211

morality, 56

natural law, 22, 177

non-cognitivism, 5

post-modernity, 69

separation thesis, 5

socio-legal studies, 4

sociology, 78

sovereignty, 6

state, 6

truth, 8

Weber, Max, 8

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 7

Legal realism, 2, 7, 96

Legal system, 5, 36870, 37576


Austin, 224, 241

capitalism, 27879

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 475

Dworkin, R, 421, 438

ethics, 100

Fuller, 38691

Hart, 353, 355

Hegel, 170

Hobbes, 100

Holocaust, 31618

Marx, 270

nation states, 27879

linger, 473

Weber, 27879, 286

Legislature, 190, 19192, 264

Legislation, 426, 460


authority, 327

government, 157, 165

Hegel, 165, 166, 171

Holocaust, 309, 31316

institutions, 519

Kelsen, 327, 329, 348

modernity, 156, 28183

Nozick, 398, 405

Rawls, 39293

Rousseau, 15357

slavery, 171

social contract, 156, 157

St Thomas Aquinas, 71

state, 71

Unger, 473

Weber, 279, 280, 28183

Lenin, VI, 248, 272

Levellers, 121, 122

Levi-Strauss, Claude, 45253


Aristode, 45

Austin, 235, 245

conventions, 45

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 456, 46065, 467, 47475

deontologicial, 131, 408

Dworkin, R, 419

feminism, 12, 491, 50406

Hegel, 178

history, 21112

Hobbes, 79

Holocaust, 30708

Hume, 112

Kant, 131, 152

Kennedy, 465

Marx, 261, 268

Mill, 19911

post-modernity, 13

Rawls, 414

Roscoe, 15

Sandel, 40809

scepticism, 210

sociology, 21112

Unger, 472

Liberty, 20106, 39899

Libertarianism, 398407

Livingston, Donald, 120

Locke, John, 165, 244, 398400, 405

Lorde, Audre, 50910

Luxemburg, Rosa, 451

Lyotard, 518, 519, 520