I. The Importance of Family
Jenny Springer is struggling with the fact that she is adopted. Not knowing her real parents causes bitterness between her and her adoptive parents. In today’s society with a prevelance of divorce, blended families, and adoption, many families are struggling with the same issues.
1. Do you have a similar situation in your family? Or perhaps friends who have adopted a child?
2. How are you or the family you know dealing with it? Are you (or they) letting the Lord guide as to how the situation is handled?
3. How are the children responding?
Scripture References: Psalm 68:5-6; 82:3
II. Family Ties
In chapters 13 and 14, Jonathan learns that his family was originally Amish. It changes his whole perspective on life.
1. How important is it for children to know their family history?
2. Does knowing your family roots give you strength or does it even matter?
3. Do you ever have a deep longing to go back to the place where you grew up?
4. Why do you think that is?
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 19:8; Luke 15:13-24
III. Understanding the power of God’s love.
In chapter 24, when Jerusha is repairing the quilt, the Lord shows her several important things about Jenny’s life.
1. What did the Lord show Jerusha about building a proper foundation in your child’s life?
2. When Jerusha replaces the torn rose petals, what does the Lord show her about the shed blood of Jesus?
3. What did the Lord show Jerusha about the stains of sin in our lives?
Scripture References: Isaiah 1:18; Romans 4:7; I Corinthians 3:10-15
IV. Listening to God
In chapter 30, Jenny has to finally surrender to following God’s way instead of her own. If she doesn’t, it could mean her death.
1. Have you ever come to a point in your life where you would only make it through if you stopped doing what you wanted to do and let God take over?
2. How did you respond to the test?
3. What was the outcome?
Scripture References: Isaiah 58:11; Hebrews 3:7-8