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Adder’s Tongue and Mandrake
Apathetically Yours
The Awakening
The Banshee’s Call
Beauty is the Beast
Bittersweet Rapture
Black Roses
Blinking Lights
Blood Moon Rising
Brain Plastic Control
Broken Spell
Cemetery Silence
Circles of Fire
The Citadel
City Lights
The Coffin Party Midnight Ball
The Creatress
Crimson Skies
Curse of the Black Widow
Dance of the Cobra
Dark Craving
Dark Dreams on Moonless Nights
The Dead Don’t Sleep
Don’t Go into the Cellar!
The Dream-Cat
The Dreaming Dead
The Dying Tree
Eight Years Later
Electric Edie
Epitaph for a Dream
Exquisite Alchemy
The Father
The Final Toast
Five O’clock Fear
Fly Away, My Raven Black
For a Moment
Forever Dancing
Forget Me Not
From Out of the Abyss
Gray Manor
Gray Skies
The Green-Eyed Monster
The Grimoire
Ground Zero
Haikus of Horror
The Haunted Stars
Here I Am
Hieroglyphic Dreams
I am She
In Lampblack Evening Solitude
In My Garden Grim
In the Realm of Faerie
In the Violet Obscurity
Isis Lives Again
Lady of the Stormy Skies
Lapsus Linguae (A Slip of the Tongue)
Let Me Sleep
Lonely Wednesday
Love Can Make You Cry
The Maddening Cry
Madness in the Manor
Magnum Opus in Decay
Malevolent Moonrise
Marcy’s Diary
Mausoleum 13
Memento Mori (Christmas Eve)
Midnight Séance
My Heart-Shaped Box
Night of the Anomaly
Ode to the Widow Bishop
Once Upon a Lucid Dream
One Foot in the Grave
Opening the Canopic Jar
Pervading the Empty Spaces
Point in Time
The Possession
Premature Burial
Priestess and Pentacle
Reflections From Dark Depths
The Revenant
The Rosary Garrote
Sands of Time
Season of the Crone
Seven Tears For Every Smile
The Shadows Taste Your Fear
Silent Stranger
Sinister Consequences
Sleep Now
The Spirit Lamp
Star Childe
Storm Warning
Strangers Among Us
Sunday Afternoon
The Taphophile
Tears of Stone
Thirteen Minutes Past the Hour
The Thirteenth Rune
Ticket to the Universe
Today I Feel
Turquoise Sky and Watermelon Wind
The Undead
The Unfinished Novel
Vicious Circle
Vow of Obedience
Walk on the Moon
The Weeping Rain
When Only Words Remain
White Dove
A Wind So Bitter
The Wind Whispers ‘Gypsy”
Woman of the Woods
Adder's tongue and mandrake
I gather for a spell
from places dark with shadows
where only phantoms dwell.
A monstrous hand of glory
burns bright to light my path
which weaves through forests haunted
and cursed by witches' wrath,
Past graveyards long forgotten
obscured by brambles high,
with thorns that lie in wait of blood
beneath the sullen sky.
High above in twisted trees
a screech owl's eerie trill
forebodes the dreaded pale horse
that thunders down the hill.
Its riders face is hidden 'neath
a dark and flowing hood;
he nods, then waves a bony hand
and rides into the wood.
Without a salutation,
I know his name is Death;
I drop my roots and flowers
and run 'til out of breath.
Amidst a meadow's pastel hues
I fall into a sleep
from which there is no waking,
and not a soul does weep.
Adder's tongue and mandrake,
their blossoms gently wave
within the grim unloving wind
that blows across my grave.