





From a mummy's tomb his body rises,

spirit from the past, he once again lives.

Ancient pyramids dance inside his eyes;

in his kiss lies the riddle of the Sphinx.

Light from silver stars, dead a thousand years

kindles his evil that burns from within,

hungry, demonic, devouring my heart;

darkest sorceries bloom at his command.

Dream or a nightmare, I know not which.

Love's toxicity courses through his veins;

when he touches me I can feel his curse

flowing like the Nile deep into my soul;

baffled and spellbound, I cannot escape.

Hellhounds, black as jet, rip apart the night;

sandstorms escalate, blinding my vision.

Red Egyptian moon grimaces above,

blood-spilt sacrifice stains the desert sand.

God Anubis come, mummify my pain.




Alone I sit breathless

on night's dark shore,

inscribing epitaphs

in the sand.

Moon-mirrored waves,

sea-thunder growling,

filling the desert wasteland

within me.

Poems of love

washed away, lost at sea,

sunken like treasure

in manta ray caves.

Pirates of passion,

fleeting obsessions,

silhouette strangers with

smiles, never speaking.

Secretly aching

for one velvet touch;

afraid one might conjure

love's fury.




Time flies, wings of gold;

the ride ends all too soon,

leaves you old, feeling cold

like the dark side of the moon.

Life's a song, a symphony;

when it's over set it free...

it plays on forever and ever

Time heals, so they say,

time gives and takes away,

leaves no trace, empty space,

leaves no moments to embrace.

Life's a dream, a mystery

when it's over let it be...

it echoes forever and ever

This point in time

has no beginning, has no end,

but still it shines

woven from the silver threads

of all to come and all that's been.

Life time, just a rhyme,

words drifting on the breeze.

Fear and pain, tears in vain,

no more possibilities.

The minutes fade into the past

where light and shadow are steadfast;

where sorrow knows no tomorrow

Times change, rearrange

the tapestry of life.

Time will tell, this farewell

wounds my soul, cuts like a knife.

All is said and all is done;

now the ending has begun...

I'll miss you forever and ever





She haunts me,

invades my mind

like the ghost of a dead lover

that no prayer can exorcise.

She cries, tears dripping

waters of the Nile.

I struggle in her profoundness

until I drown.

She possesses me

like a she-demon;

filling my head

with cosmic fire.

Inside me, she becomes me

and I become Farika...

I cannot escape

the pyramids

in her eyes.


Black umbrellas under the rain,

tears are shed, sympathy exchanged.

Mourners hide their faces pale,

draped in black lace veils.

The lid is closed, the casket lowered,

prayers fall on deaf ears

as to the womb of Mother Earth

my ashes are returned.

But in the rumble of the thunder

and the silence of the dirt

where flesh does rot and maggots feed,

my screams remain unheard.




She stands upon a seaside cliff;

crimson velvet drapes her skin.

Moon-bright daughter of the night,

dancing in the wailing wind.

With braided hair of storm cloud black

and eyes like gypsy fire aglow,

she summons up the winds that sing

the Druid-songs of long ago.

She raises up her shining sword

of silver etched with many runes,

and in the names of Lord and Lady

conjures and draws down the moon.

She lights her censer and invokes

the four kings of the elements;

her sweet patchouli incense smoke

ascending to the firmament.

A crescent moon sterling silver

worn upon her head

as she lights her pentagram

with thirteen candles red.

In the center of her circle

to the ancient gods she prays,

skyclad 'neath the magick-bright

quicksilver lunar rays.



She sings a song, she celebrates;

her cone of power radiates,

bright as fire and just as grand—

the universe at her command.




‘Twas on a day of gray it came to call

when flowers crumbled 'neath a shroud of white

and no birds filled the air with joyous song

and shadows took the place of sun-drenched rays.

Arriving on my threshold like a plague

it came without a warning or a sound,

an uninvited stranger cloaked in dread;

the ticking of the clock was all I heard.

Then silently it made its way inside

and scurried 'cross the Oriental rug;

the strands of dismal grayness multiplied

like omens in the starless weeping sky.

It climbed the creaking stairs and slithered past

the marble-topped credenza in the hall

until it found the room that housed my fear;

no iron locks or prayers could ward it off.

The air grew unrelenting, bitter cold

as underneath my door the vile thing crept;

it found its way into my looking glass

and from dark depths my pale reflection cried.




Very little of it now remains,

only odd bits and pieces

like disintegrating dream

fragments that in the morning

cling to your brain.

It's something new,

yet still the same.

Every night it traps my soul

in a web of no escape.

Sealed in walls of yellow brick,

seventeen years of teardrop stains.

Very little of it now remains,

long gone are the colors

of an era claimed by death;

the sounds and the shapes

and the patterns

all now erased.

Yet in my mind

it all remains,

cruel and void of changes,

frozen in its wedge of time,

forever a yellow brick tower;

and it's there

where I remain.




Letters of love from another life

unfold from a distant time and place.

Like eyes on yellowed photos,

staring ghostlike from the film,

invade my brain and pierce my muse.

Their pages, musty, like the shadows in my soul.

Their perfumes, long gone, like petals in winter.

Their words, like the memories they invoke,

caressed by dust, fade slowly into oblivion.

Each one a novel re-written by time.

On a wind of whispers I set them free:

each syllable a dagger in my heart,

each vowel and consonant a tombstone's epitaph.

Merged with tears, the blue ink streaks,

stinging old wounds that still ooze blood.




From your cobwebbed pulpit

you call me a sinner,

a heathen, a whore,

an infidel...


With a self-righteous finger

you point and you judge.

Blood-stained mythologies

justify your hate.

From your throne,

gold embellished,

you brand me a witch,

a strumpet, a heretic,



With crosses of gold

and shards of stained glass

you slice into flesh,

you claw into minds.

But your proselytizing

I strongly defy.

Your pious hypocrisy

I deeply descry.

You hide behind vestments

and idols that weep,

persecuting the blameless,

selling illusions...

your price is a soul.

I see through your thin

sanctimonious disguise.

From the steeples on high

my ears detect your lies


Before your pompous altar

crucified, I proudly stand

saintly in my suffering,

hallowed in my blasphemy,

holy in my decadence.

Your prayers and execrations

are useless against me.

The fire and the brimstone

wait only for you.




The sands of time

flow like lava,

unremitting, destroying

all that lies within their path.

They flow deep into my mind,

decaying the dreams that

propelled my heart and

led me to the sun, so far away

from dungeons

in yellow brick castles

and smiles wrought by woe.

The sands of time

in the hourglass drop, one by one

like the tears in my cup

of English Breakfast tea

each morning and in the dead

of night.

The salty taste of sadness

turns bittersweet with regret.

The grains erode my eyes

and sculpt my reflection into

a face unrecognizable.

The sands of time

heal and hide the scars

but slice open new wounds

with their sharp-edged granules,

each bearing an image from my past.

With bleeding hands, I scoop them up,

feeling their scorpion stings,


Shutting my eyes,

I cast them into the wind

and say good bye.







Crone of winter's spellbound cold,

in her cauldron black are told

secrets ancient, truths and tales,

mystery her fire unveils.

Crone of wisdom, hag of changes,

Body and spirit, she rearranges.

She's the seed that sprouts from death,

transformation is her breath.

Crone of darkness, beldame wise,

look beyond her gargoyle guise.

Let her lessons teach you well:

life is but a magic spell. 




If I gave to you my withered bloom,

would you charm the rain?

If I gave you crags where shadows loom,

would you quell my pain?

If I gave to you the moon agleam,

would you be my night?

If I gave to you my darkest dream,

would you then shine bright?

Seven tears for every smile

falling down like stars;

all the while they compile

secrets in a jar.

If I gave to you a poet's soul,

what words would you pen?

Would they be an endless hole

time and time again?

If I gave to you a looking glass,

whose face would it show

in its cracked and faded lines?

What would it bestow?

Seven tears for every smile

stretching far and wide...

or just one kiss to warm the frozen

emptiness inside?




Moon of magic;

blood for fertility;

Druid fires blazing bright;

spirits roaming;

wail of the banshee;

otherworld shadows

drape the night.

Raven soaring;

wings of sorcery;

eyes like darkest midnight


Silhouettes gather;

moment of mysteries;

born again the ancient ways.




There are things far worse

than death to fear

and realities in this world

more terrifying

than the darkest of nightmares.

When the cold black night

entombs the day,

pray not that you shall ever know

what unspeakable things exist behind

the shadows on your wall.




Silent stranger, high you stand

above the rocky cliffs of gray

where ocean waves unceasingly pound,


You fill me with questions

that have no answers, only desolation.

Ghostly shadow-forms you sketch

upon the endless shoreline

shrouded thick in silvery mist;

and swallowed by the tides.

You stroll the lonely beaches

and leave no footprints in the sand.

Your faceless presence haunts my mind

like bells of phantom vessels

ringing out in the midnight fog.

Your soul resides in moon-kissed wings

of stormbound seabirds

and tempests that rage.

Ocean child, you call to the sea

with voices from the past.

Your words, in bottles, float away;

your starfish eyes bewitch me.

I see reflections of Atlantis

shimmering in your eyes.