acetylcholine 22–23, 86–87, 305–306
Adderall (amphetamine salts) 307–308
adrenal fatigue 208–209
advanced glycation end products (AGEs) 86
aging, mechanisms of 84–87
as risk factor for dementia 150
alcoholism 151
aluminum 148
Alzheimer’s disease xiii, 3–4, 294
depression and 170–171
medications 304–306
staging 4–5
amygdala 17
amyloid imaging 38
Anatomy of an Illness 196
anesthesia, effect on the brain 153
anosmia (loss of smell) 134, 136
antacids 56
antidiabetics 56
antihypertensives 56
anti-inflammatories 56
antigens 187
ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) 177
apolipoprotein E4 (APOE e4) gene 111–114
testing for 115
Aricept (donepezil) 306–307
arrhythmia 64
artificial sweeteners 159–160, 273
Asprey, Dave 152
atherosclerosis 64–65
atrial fibrillation 64
attention deficit disorder (ADD)/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 169
assessment 172
treatment for 174
audiovisual entrainment (AVE) 319–321
autoimmune disorders 187–188
axons 21–22
balance test 70–71
basal ganglia exercises 291
basil 276
beauty aids. See cosmetics
beta amyloid 38, 112–114, 116–118
bilirubin 157
biofeedback 317–319
assessment 173
treatment for 175
black pepper 277
blood brain barrier (BBB) 63, 72
blood flow 59–78
strategies to improve 72–73
blood tests
antinuclear antibodies 193
apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene 115
cholesterol and triglycerides 69
DHEA-S 218–219
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) 193
estrogen and progesterone 219
fasting blood sugar 87, 135, 233–234
fasting insulin 234
ferritin (iron) stores 88, 218
folate 102
homocysteine 102
infectious diseases 194
interleukin 6 (IL-6) 101–102
kidney function 157
rheumatoid factor (Rh) 194
telomere length 88
TGH beta-1 157
thyroid 135
thyroid panel 217–218
vitamin B12 102
vitamin D 194
body mass index (BMI) 71–72, 230, 233
Borland, Chris 131
Borrelia burgdorferi 194
Boyd, Brent 129
consistency of 123
protecting 52–53
structure 13–21
workouts 287–302
brain injury. See traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
brain waves 42–43
brassicas 164
food recommendations chart 278–286
mnemonic xiv–xv
burst training 73
butyric acid 264
cadmium 144–145
caffeine 76
calories 258–259
capric acid 264
caprylic acid 264
cardiovascular disease 62, 64–65
casein 274–275
cayenne pepper 277
centering prayer 290
exercises 292
chemotherapy 155
medications 56
optimal levels 69
cholinesterase inhibitors 305–306
side effects 307
chromosomes 111–114
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) 113
cloves 277
cocoa flavanols 75
coconut oil 235
screening 115
training 293
cold sores 188
complete blood count 69
coordination activities 74
coriander 277
corn 269–270
cortisol 208–210
testing 218
harmful chemicals in 147–148
CPAP mask 245
C-reactive protein 87
crossed cerebellar diaschisis 20
crossword puzzles 289
Davis, Anthony 129–130
types of 34
vs. depression 170–171
dendrites 21
dental fillings 144
depression 170
assessment 172–173
cognitive impairment and 170
treatment for 174–175
vs. dementia 170–171
detoxification 161–162
organs involved with 156
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) 87, 179, 208–209
diabesity 225–240
diabetes 228–230
Alzheimer’s disease and 228
diacetyl 117
Diamond, Marian 287–288
diet and nutrition 255–286
allicin-rich foods 200
anti-inflammatory spices 107
antioxidant-rich foods 93
antioxidant-rich spices 93
arginine-rich foods 77
brassicas 164
caffeine 76
dopamine-rich foods 180
estrogen-boosting foods 223
fats 262–266
fiber 268–269
folate-rich foods 77, 107, 164
fruit 266–267
GABA-rich foods 180
grains 269–270
grass-fed vs. grain-fed meats 107, 261
herbs and spices 275–278
high-glycemic foods 117
hormone-supporting spices 223
magnesium-rich foods 77
melatonin-rich foods 251
milk 274–275
organic produce 260
polyphenol-rich foods 118, 239
potassium-rich foods 77
prebiotic-rich foods 107
probiotic-rich foods 107
processed meats 107
progesterone-boosting foods 224
protein 261–262
protein-rich foods 239
quercetin-rich foods 200
saturated fat 117
selenium-rich foods 200
serotonin-rich foods 180
sugar 272
testosterone-boosting foods 223
thyroid-boosting foods 223
vegetables 266–267
vitamin B–rich foods 77
vitamin C–rich foods 200
vitamin D–rich foods 200
vitamin E–rich foods 77
zinc-rich foods 200
diphenylamine 145
EEG biofeedback. See neurofeedback
EGCG 163
eggs 223
elimination diet 195
endocrine disrupters 220
entrainment 320
Environmental Working Group (EWG) 158, 260
Skin Deep database 148
epigenetics 114
erythritol 273
essential oils 136
estradiol 211
estriol 211–212
estrogen 210–212
estrone 211
eszopiclone 245
excitotoxins 223
Exelon (rivastigmine) 306–307
fasting, intermittent 259
fasting blood sugar 87
fats 262–266
healthy vs. unhealthy 265–266
omega-3 fatty acids 263
omega-6 fatty acids 263–264
trans 265
unsaturated 263–264
ferritin. See iron
insoluble 269
soluble 269
first responders 153–155
Fleming, Marvin 313–314
food additives and preservatives 159
food allergens 187
food detox 160
food labels 159
football 128–134
football dementia 113
formaldehyde 148
free radicals 85
frontal lobes 13
frontotemporal lobe dementia 34
fruit 266–267
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) 22, 86, 179, 180
garlic 276
genes 111–112
genetics 109–118
ginger 277–278
ginger root 251
ginseng 117
GI tract 98
glutamate 22–23
sensitivity 269
glycation 86
glycemic index (GI) 268
glycemic load 268
GMOs (genetically modified organisms) 155–156
GPS 19
grains 269–270
gratitude 175
green tea 176
green tea catechins 76
gum health. See periodontal (gum) disease
Harch, Paul 313
head trauma 119–138
heart attack 64
heavy metals, testing for 158
hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 87, 234
herbicides 145
high-glycemic foods 117
hippocampus 15–17
homocysteine 102
reducing 103–104
hormone replacement therapy 215–216
hormones 204–217
house cleaning 161
hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) 123, 312–314
hypertension 64–65
hyperthyroidism 206
hypothyroidism 205–206
ibuprofen 56
immune deficiency disorders 186
immune system 185–187
functions 186
immunity/infection issues 183–201
infectious disease 193–195
screening 194
symptoms of 194–195
inflammation 95–108
causes of 97–101
chronic 98
insomnia 244–245
types of 244
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) 156
journaling 177
Karol, Jim 288–289
ketogenic diet 118
language games 289
lauric acid 264
LDL cholesterol 64
exposure 149
leaky gut 98–100
addressing 103
learning, benefits of 292–293
lipid panel 69–70
loving-kindness meditation 178
L-theanine 176
maltitol 273
marijuana 151–152
marjoram 276
biology of 22–24
encoding of 17
medications 303–308
menopause and 215–216
memory athlete 289
memory problems
relative risk factors 48–50
warning signs 28–30
Memory Rescue Diet 234–235, 255–286
checklist 256
Memory Rescue program
implementing 51–52
developing personal plan 333–343
memory strategies
acronyms 297–298
associations 297
places 298
rhyming 296–297
menopause 215–216
mental health 167–181
screening 171–174
treatment 174–178
mercury 144
metabolic syndrome 232
microbiome 99–100
milk 274–275
mindful exercise 74
minocycline 189
mint 276
mitochondria 84
mnemonic 297–298
effects of 152–153
treatment for exposure 152
testing for 157
Moldy: The Toxic Mold Movie 152
monosodium glutamate (MSG) 159
mycotoxin test 157–158
myristic acid 264
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 91, 163
National Football League Brain Study 131–134
National Institute on Aging 5
neurofeedback 317–319
neurogenesis 67
neurohormone deficiencies 203–224
neurons 21–22
neuroplasticity 22
Newberg, Andrew 290
N-methyl D-aspartate 304
nutmeg 278
nutraceuticals 54–56. See also supplements
Nuvigil (armodafinil) 308
obesity 230–232
memory problems and 231–232
occipital lobes 19
omega-3 fatty acids 75, 100–101, 106, 136, 163, 179, 263
benefits of EPA and DHA 104–105
boosting 104–105
Omega 3 Index 102–103
omega-6 fatty acids 199, 263–264
oral contraceptives 56, 99, 207, 213–214
oregano 276
organochlorines 145
organophosphates 145
oxidative stress 85
oxybenzone 148
oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) 266–267
parabens 148
parietal lobes 18
exercises 291
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) 146
perimenopause 214–215
periodontal (gum) disease 105
phthalates 148
phosphates 166
Pizzorno, Joseph 148
polyethylene glycols 148
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
assessment 173–174
treatment for 175
prebiotics 106
list of 103
prediabetes 228–230
prefrontal cortex 13–15
exercises 289–291
presenilin genes 114
list of 103
processed meats 165
progesterone 212–213
Provigil (modafinil) 308
pycnogenol 76
QEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram) 42–44
racquet sports 74
Raji, Cyrus 230
Razadyne (galantamine) 306
retirement/aging 79–94
rheumatoid factor 194
Ritalin (methylphenidate) 307
rosemary 276
sage 276
sauna 162
screen time 176
Scripture meditation 290–291
selegiline 308
skin 161–162
sleep 241–252
brain cleansing during 244
enhancers 248–250
recommended amount of 245, 246
relationship to auto accidents 245
robbers 247–248
smoking, as risk factor for dementia 149–150
social isolation 87
soy 262
SPECT (single photon emission computerized tomography) xix, 33–42
scalloping 143
spices 275–278
anti-inflammatory 107
antioxidant-rich 93
hormone-supporting 223
immunity-boosting 199
to decrease beta amyloid/tau aggregation 117
to support brain healing 137
to support mental health 180
standard American diet 260–261
stearic acid 264
stevia 273
stimulant medications 307–308
strategy games 290
stress 171
tips to reduce 175–177, 195–196
stroke 65–66
sugar 272
acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) 91, 117, 136
alpha GPC 90
alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) 136, 238
anthocyanins 197
artichoke extract 163
astaxanthin 164
Bacopa monnieri 92
betaine 106
blueberry extract 116
calcium D-glucarate 221
chromium picolinate 237
cocoa flavanols 75
diindolylmethane (DIM) 220–221
fiber 163
GABA 250
ginseng 117
GPC 90
immune-boosting 197
iron 179
lemon balm 251
L-tyrosine 220
magnesium 117, 163, 179, 222, 238, 250
melatonin 250
methylfolate 175
multivitamin 136
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 91, 117, 136, 162
omega-3 fatty acids 75, 106, 117, 136, 163, 179, 220–221, 236
pycnogenol 76
sage 92–93
SAMe (s-adenosyl methionine) 179
therapeutic mushroom 196
vitamin D3 239
sweating 161–162
syphilis 63
tau proteins 38, 112–113, 116–117
television 294
strengthening 89–90
what weakens them 89
temazepam 245
temporal lobe 15–18
exercises 291
Tetris 290
TGF beta-1 157
Think Dirty app 160–161
thyme 276
thyroid 205–207
panel 217
tobacco. See smoking
toxins 139–166
damage from 146–147
limiting exposure to 158–161
list of 144–146
Toxoplasma gondii 192–193
toxoplasmosis 192–193
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) 314–317
transient ischemic attack 65–66
traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) 123–126
long-term impact of 126
triclosan 148
triglycerides 69
tryptophan 252
vascular dementia 34
vegetables 266
vitamin B12 102, 106, 117, 163
vitamin D3 239
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 161
waist to height ratio (WHtR) 233
walking 67
water consumption 160
weight-loss tips 235–236
white blood cells 187
whole-brain combination workouts 289
xylitol 273
zinc, normal levels 157
zolpidem 245