Abbati, Pietro, 765
Abel, Niels Henrik, 216, 973-74, 1024, 1053, 1097, 1111, 1137
biography, 644-45
Abelian integrals, 653-55
elliptic functions, 645-50
rigorization of analysis, 947-48, 964-65, 973-74
theory of equations, 754-55
Ackerman, Wilhelm, 1208
Adams, John Couch, 369
Adelard of Bath, 205, 207
Agrippa von Nettesheim, 286
Ahmes, 16, 18, 20
Al-Battânî, 195
Alberti, Leone Battista, 232-33, 285
Al-Bîrûnî, 190, 195, 241
Albuzjani. SeeAbû'1-Wefâ
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’, 623, 867, 1029
algebra, 598
calculus, 425, 465, 954
complex function theory, 626-28
complex numbers, 595
Fourier series, 458-59
mechanics, 616
ordinary differential equations, 477, 484, 494, 500
partial differential equations, 503-5, 510, 512-13, 516-17, 532, 542
rigor, 619
Alexander, James W., 1176-77, 1179-80
Alexander the Great, 4, 101-2
AlexandrofF, Paul S., 1181
Alhazen, 193, 196
Al-Karkhî, 192
Al Kashî, 254
Al-Khowârizmî, 192-93
Ampère, André-Marie, 703, 750
Anaxagoras, 38, 147
Anaximauder, 27
Anaximcnes, 27
Antiphon, 42
Äpastamba, 184
Apollonius, 56, 89-99, 135, 157-58, 168, 300
Archimedes, 37, 105-16, 134, 163-66, 168, 286, 395
Archytas, 27-28, 42, 46, 48-49
Argand, Jean-Robert, 630-31, 776
Aristaeus the Elder, 48
Aristarchus, 156-57
Aristotle, 26-27, 35-37, 51-54, 151-53, 155-56, 162-63, 207, 395, 436, 776, 992, 1028
concept of mathematics, 51, 151-53
Arnauld, Antoine, 252
Aronhold, Siegfried Heinrich, 928
Äryabhata, 184, 187, 189
Arzelà, Cesare, 1046, 1077-78
Ascoli, Giulio, 1077
Augustine, Saint, 204
Autolycus of Pitane, 54
Babbage, Charles, 259, 622
Bäcklund, Albert Victor, 703
Bacon, Francis, 225-26
Bacon, Roger, 145, 207-8, 213, 226
Bairc, René, 1079, 1186, 1199
Baldi, Bernadino, 223, 229
Baltzer, Richard, 879
Banach, Stephen, 1088-92
Barrow, Isaac, 252, 281, 339, 346-47, 356-57, 380, 383-84
Bartels, Johann M., 862, 878-79
Bede, Venerable, 202
Beeckman, Isaac, 316, 478
Beltrami, Eugenio, 896, 901-2, 905, 914, 1030, 1122, 1130
Bendixson, Ivar, 737
Benedetti, Giovanni Battista, 223, 229, 234, 478
Berkeley, George, Bishop, 400, 427-28
Bernays, Paul, 1205
Bernoulli, Daniel, 401, 446, 479-81, 492, 507-10, 512, 521, 524, 578, 677, 1112
Bernoulli, James: calculus, 380-83, 407, 412
calculus of variations, 575-77
coordinate geometry, 320
differential geometry, 562
infinite series, 439, 442-46, 451
ordinary differential equations, 471-75, 478
probability, 273-74
Bernoulli, John, 335, 340, 492, 592
calculus, 380-83, 387-88, 406-11
calculus of variations, 574-77
coordinate geometry, 545
differential geometry, 556, 562
infinite series, 441-42, 444, 446
ordinary differential equations, 472-76, 478-79, 497· 5°3
Bernoulli, Nicholas (1687-1759), 412, 447, 461-63
Bernoulli, Nicholas (1695-1726), 401, 475
Berry, G. G., 1183
Bessarion, Cardinal, 238
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 710, 717, 871-72, 98o
Betti, Enrico, 1169
Beudon, Jules, 703
Bezout, Etienne, 553, 606-8, 796, 798
Bhaskara, 184-86, 273
Bianchi, Luigi, 554, 1122
Binet, Jacques P. M., 796
Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 836
Birkhoff, George David, 1106-8, 1178
Bôcher, Maxime, 599, 607
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 201
Bolyai, John, 873-74, 877-81, 914, 921, 103-233
Bolyai, Wolfgang Farkas, 861, 872, 878-79
Bolzano, Bernhard, 948, 950-55, 963, 979, 985, 994, 1025
Bombeiii, Raphael, 253-55
Bonnet, Ossian, 865
Boole, George, 927, 1189-91
Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm, 624, 667, 981
Borei, Emile, 953-54, 1044, 1078, 1117-19, 1159, 1186, 1199
Bosse, Abraham, 289
Bott, Raoul, 1151
Bouquet, Jean-Claude, 642, 718, 722
Bourbaki, Nicolas, 1210
Boutroux, Pierre, 1182
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 496
Boyer, Carl B., 348
Boyle, Robert, 227
Brahe, Tycho, 203, 219, 242
Brahmagupta, 183-84, 192
Bravais, Auguste, 768
Brianchon, Charles-Julien, 836, 841
Briggs, Henry, 275-76, 440
Brill, Alexander von, 938, 940
Brillouin, Léon, 1102
Briot, Charles A. A., 642, 718, 722
Brouncker, Lord William, 255, 278, 468-69
Brouwer, Luitzen E. J., 1132, 1162, 1171, 1177-79, 1199-1203, 1208
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 232
Bryson, 42
Buchheim, Arthur, 808
Burali-Forti, Cesare, 1003
Bürgi, Joost, 258
Buridan, Jean, 211-12
Burnside, William, 1142-45
Caesar, Julius, 178, 180
Cajori, Florian, 263, 364
Callett, Jean-Charles (François), 463-64
Campanus, Johannes, 217
Cantor, Georg, 824, 96g, 1021, 1031, 1040, 1042, 1044, 1078, 1159, 1161, 1184-85
irrational numbers, 983-86
sets and transfinite numbers, 992-1003
Caratheodory, Constantin, 838
Carcavi, Pierre de, 275
Cardan, Jerome, 221-22, 234, 236, 251-53, 260, 263-71, 1028
Carnot, Lazare N. M., 432, 593, 835-36, 841
Carroll, Lewis. See Dodgson, Charles L.
Cartan, Elie, 1151, 1155-56
Cassini, Jacques, 320, 469
Cassini, Jean-Dominque, 320
Cassiodorus, Aurelius, 202
Castelnuovo, Guido, 934
Catalani Eugène Charles, 788
Cataldi, Pietro Antonio, 278
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 465, 947, 993, 1024, 1029, 1076, 1099-1100
biography, 633-34
algebra, 796, 798, 801-2, 815-16
complex function theory, 634-42, 667
differential equations, 535, 680-81, 698, 701-2, 717-21, 739, 743
differential geometry, 560-61
foundations of analysis, 948, 950-58, 961, 963-65, 973-74, 979, 1024, 1096-97
geometry, 843
group theory, 765-66, 768, 1137
theory of numbers, 819
Cavalieri, Bonvaventura, 349-50, 383-84
Cayley, Arthur, 478, 768-69, 792, 796, 804-7, 812, 944, 1030, 1033, 1138-39, 1142-43, 1166
biography, 805
algebraic invariants, 927-29, 931
non-Euclidean geom-etery, 907-9, 921-23
Cëch, Eduard, 1181
Cellérier, Charles, 955-56
Cesàro, Ernesto, 1018, 1112-13
Charpit, Paul, 535
Chasles, Michel, 523, 834-36, 844, 846, 849-50
Chevalier, August, 756
Chladni, Ernst F. F., 697
Christoffel, Eluin Bruno, 666, 896-99, 1030, 1122, 1127-28
Chuquet, Nicolas, 252, 260
Cicero, 179
Clairaut, Alexis-Claude: biography, 557
calculus, 425
coordinate geometry, 545, 548, 551
differential equations, 469-70, 476-77, 494, 496-97, 523, 532
differential geometry, 559, 562-63
rigor, 618-19
trigonometric series, 458, 514
Clavius, Christopherus, 1006
Clebsch, (Rudolf Friedrich) Alfred, 808, 929. 934-40. 943-44
Cleopatra, 180
Clifford, William Kingdon, 792, 893, 1167
Codazzi, Delfino, 885
Cohen, Paul J., 1209
Collins, John, 271, 363, 380
Colson, John, 319
Commandino, Federigo, 285
Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas
Caritat de, 500, 623-24
Constantine, 180
Copernicus, Nicholas, 219, 238, 241-43, 245-46, 331, 620
Cotes, Roger, 408, 439, 460, 600
Coulomb, Charles, 507
Cousin, Pierre, 954
Cramer, Gabriel, 440, 552-54, 606, 796
Creile, August Leopold, 624, 837
Cremona, Luigi, 933
Ctesibius, 116
Dandelin, Germinal, 837
Danti, Ignazio, 222-23
Darboux, Gaston, 478, 625, 694, 952, 956-60
Dedekind, Richard, 793, 942-43
abstract algebra, 1138, 1142, 1145-46, 1150
algebraic numbers, 820-24
irrational numbers, 983-88
Dehn, Max, 1008, 1016, 1143
Delambre, Jean-Baptiste, 623
Democritus, 37, 150
DeMorgan, Augustus, 593, 596, 774-75, 975-76, 980, 1096-97, 1182, 1188-89
Desargues, Girard, 128, 285, 288-95, 300, 840
Descartes, René 219-20, 226-27, 395, 836, 1028, 1163, 1187
biography, 304-8
algebra, 260, 262, 270-72, 280-81
calculus, 345-46
coordinate geometry, 302, 308-17
functions, 338
music, 478
negative and complex numbers, 252-54
optics, 314-15
philosophy of science, 325-31, 333-34
Deschales, Claude-François Milliet, 395
Dickson, Leonard E., 792, 794, 1141, 1146, 1150-51
Diderot, Denis, 616, 623
Dini, Ulisse, 1040
Dinostratus, 42, 48
Diocles, 118-19, ’68, 286
Diocletian, 179
Diogenes, Laertius, 44
Dionis du Séjour, Achille-Pierre, 554
Diophantus, 135, 138-44, 192
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune-, 819-20, 829-30, 948, 950, 966-67, 1040, 1145
Dodgson, Charles L., 803
Du Bois-Reymond, Paul, 694, 700, 705-6, 970-71, 973, 992, 998, 1020, 1040, 1042, 1052
Duns Scotus, John, 208
Dupin, Charles, 568-69, 836
Dürer, Albrecht, 233-35
Dyck, Walther von, 1141, 1143
Einstein, Albert, 1127, 1130-31
Eisenhart, Luther P., 1134-35
Eisenstein, Ferdinard Gotthold, 818, 927-29
Empedocles, 150
Engel, Friedrich, 878
Enriques, Federigo, 1009
Eratosthenes, 38, 160-61
Euclid, 56-89, 145, 579
Eudemus of Rhodes, 26, 29, 53-54
Eudoxus, 27, 46, 48-50, 68, 145, 154
Euler, Leonhard, 614, 623, 739, 918, 948, 1029, 1163-64
biography, 401-3, 616
algebra, 258, 267, 408-11, 593-94. 597-98, 607, 798
calculus, 417-21, 429-30, 618
calculus of variations, 573, 577-79, 582, 586-87, 740
complex functions, 627-28
coordinate geometry, 545-47, 550, 553-54
differential equations, 477-79, 481-82, 484-86, 488-89, 492-93, 496-97, 500, 502, 505-22, 525, 540-42, 687, 717-18
differential geometry, 556, 558-59, 562-65, 882
infinite series, 439, 446-54, 460-65, 1100, 1103, 1109-10, 1114
philosophy of science, 620
special functions, 422-24
theory of numbers, 276, 459-60, 608-12, 813, 815, 826, 828-31
trigonometric series, 454-59
Eutocius, 130
Fagnano, Giulio Carlo de’Toschi de, Count, 413-7
Fagliano, J. F. de’Toschi di, 839
Fatio de Duillier, Nicholas, 382, 557
Fatou, Pierre, 1047
Feit, Walter, 1142
Fejér, Leopold, 1119
Fenn, Joseph, 865
Fermât, Pierre de: biography, 274, 295, 395
calculus, 344-48, 350, 352, 356, 383
coordinate geometry, 302-4, 316-17, 321
optics, 315, 580-81
probability, 273
theory of numbers, 274-78, 608-9, 611, 829
Ferrari, Lodovico, 234, 263, 267-68
Ferro, Scipione dal, 263
Feuerbach, Karl Wilhelm, 837
Fibonacci. SeeLeonardo of Pisa
Finsler, Paul, 1135
Fior, Antonio Maria, 263
Fischer, Charles Albert, 1080
Fischer, Ernst, 1071-72
Floquet, Gaston, 713-14
Fontaine des Benins, Alexis, 425, 471
Fontana, Niccolò. SeeTartaglia, Niccolò
Fourier, Joseph, 502, 949, 957, 961-62, 1024, 1036-37
biography, 671-72
partial differential equations, 672-80
special functions, 710
Fraenkel, Abraham A., 1186
Fréchet, Maurice, 1078-80, 1082, 1084, 1159-61
Fredholm, Erik Ivar, 1056, 1058-60
Frege, Gottlob, 988, 1034, 1191-92
Frenét, Fréderic-Jean, 562
Frenicle de Bessy, Bernard, 276
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 697, 1036, 1052
Frobenius, F. Georg, 464, 725, 793, 808-9, 1112, 1139, 141-42, 445
Fubini, Guido, 1048-49
Fuchs, Lazarus, 721-22, 724-25, 737
Galen, 103
Galilei, Galileo, 203, 219, 223, 229, 325, 478, 993
biography, 327-28
astronomy, 246-47
calculus, 348-49, 356
methodology and philosophy of science, 327-35, 616, 620
Galois, Evariste, 653, 752, 1024, 1137, 1146
biography, 755-56
finite fields, 1149-50
group theory, 764-68
theory of equations, 756-57, 760-63
Gans, Richard, 1108
Gassendi, Pierre, 396
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 980, 993, 1006, 1024, 1032, 1136-37, 1145, 1164
biography, 870-71, 882, 947
algebra, 271, 595, 598-99, 752-53, 776-77, 793, 796
complex numbers and functions, 631-33
constructions, 753-54
differential equations, 682, 684-85, 712, 723
differential geometry, 882-90
foundations of analysis, 949, 962
mechanics, 740
non-Euclidean geometry, 868, 870-74, 877-81, 921, 947-48
special functions, 424
theory of numbers, 813-20, 826-30
Geminus of Rhodes, 104-5
Gentzen, Gerhard, 1209
Gerard of Cremona, 89
Gerbert (Pope Sylvester II), 202
Gergonne, Joseph-Diez, 624, 837, 840, 842, 845-46, 1008
Germain, Sophie, 702, 739, 884
Ghetaldi, Marino, 280
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 786-87, 791, 1023
Gilbert de la Porée, 206
Gilbert, William, 228
Girard, Albert, 253, 270
Godei, Kurt, 1206-7, 1209
Goldbach, Christian, 422, 462-63, 597-98, 616
Gombaud, Antoine, Chevalier de Mere, 273
Gordan, Paul, 929-30, 934, 939-40
Goudin, Matthieu B., 554
Goursat, Edouard, 668-69, 702
Grandi, Guido, 387, 445-46
Grassmann, Hermann Günther, 782-85, 791, 793, 914, 984, 1017, 1030
Green, George, 683-85, 1029, 1101-2
Gregory, David, 470, 573
Gregory, Duncan F., 774, 980
Gregory, James, 270-71, 339, 355-56, 388-89, 438-39. 441. 461
Gregory of St. Vincent, 300, 354, 356, 437
Greiling, Kurt, 1183-84
Grosseteste, Robert, 207, 213, 226, 580
Grossmann, Marcel, 1131
Gua de Malves, Abbé
Jean-Paul de, 270, 549-52
Gudermann, Christof, 643
Guldin, Paul, 129
Gunter, Edmund, 258
Hachette, Jean-Nicolas-Pierre, 547, 801
Hadamard, Jacques, 626, 703, 1003, 1026, 1077-78, 1085, 1186, 1199
alegbra, 804
theory of numbers, 831
Halm, Hans, 1088, 1090
Halley, Edmond, 357-58
Halphen, Georges-Henri, 553, 941-42
Halsted, George B., 1015
Hamilton, William R., 581, 740-45, 772, 775-76, 792-94, 983, 989
biography, 777-78
quaternions, 779-82, 1025
Hankel, Hermann, 711, 950, 986, 1031
Hardy, Godfrey H., 831, 1035-36
Harnack, Alex, 1042
Harriot, Thomas, 252, 260, 280
Hausdorff, Felix, 1160-61
Heath, Sir Thomas L., 57, 118
Heaviside, Oliver, 3, 698, 787, 790-91, 1096-97
Hecataeus, 160
Heiberg, J. L., 57
Heine, (Heinrich) Eduard, 689, 711-13, 969
Heisenberg, Werner, 1092
Helly, Eduard, 1088
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 525, 693-94, 920-21, 1021, 1030, 1034-35
Hensel, Kurt, 808, 942, 1146-47
Hermann, Jacob, 475, 544-45, 562
Hermite, Charles, 651, 714, 763, 808-9, 973, 981, 1035, 1049
Heron, 25, 57, 116-17, 135-36, 580
Herschel, John, 622
Hesse, Ludwig Otto, 857, 927
Hessenberg Gerhard, 1015, 1132
Hilbert, David, 1003, 1024, 1031, 1035, 1038, 1137
biography, 1060-61
algebraic geometry, 943
algebraic invariants, 929-32
calculus of variations, 704, 709
differential equations, 726
foundations, 990-92, 1010-16, 1027, 1203-8
integral equations, 1055, 1060-70, 1082
non-Euclidean geometry, 906
theory of numbers, 609, 825
Hill, George William, 731-32, 1023
Hipparchus, 119-20, 158-59
Hippasus, 32
Hippias of Elis, 38-40
Hippocrates of Chios, 26, 40-42, 45, 47, 57
Hobbes, Thomas, 318, 333, 356, 619, 862
Hobson, E. W., 712
Hoene-Wronski, Josef Maria, 619
Holder, (Ludwig) Otto, 767, 1112-13, 1142
Holmboe, Berndt Michael, 644, 973
Holmgren, Erik, 1060
Hooke, Robert, 337, 357, 468
Horn, Jakob, 1106
Hudde, John, 262
Hume, David, 862, 1032
Huntington, Edward V., 1014, 1141, 1146
Hurwitz, Adolf, 793, 1003
Huygens, Christian, 337, 357, 367, 395, 478, 492, 575, 581
calculus, 355
coordinate geometery, 555-56
differential equations, 471-72
methodology of science, 331-32, 335
Hypatia, 129, 181
Hypsicles, 86, 119
Isadore of Seville, 202
Isidorus of Miletus, 130
Ivory, James, 523
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, 621, 813, 1024, 1026, 1037, 1100
algebra, 608, 798-99, 801
calculus of variations, 745-47
complex function theory, 645-47, 649-53
mechanics, 743-45
theory of numbers, 818, 829
Jeffreys, Harold, 1102, 1109
Jones, William, 251, 258, 404, 448
Jordan, Camille, 756, 766-69, 971, 1017, 1020, 1040, 1043-44, 1144, 1159, 1162, 1168
Jordanus Nemorarius, 211-12
Jurin, James, 428
Justinian, 43, 130, 190
Kant, Immanuel, 862, 1032
Kästner, Abraham G., 440, 754, 869, 871
Kellogg, Oliver D., 726, 1178
Kelvin, Lord (Sir William Thomson), 648-49, 772, 933, 1100
Kepler, Johannes, 219-20, 231, 286, 2go, 2gg, 331, 620
biography, 242-43
calculus, 347-49, 383
heliocentric theory, 241, 243-46
Kervaire, Michel, 1151
Khayyam, Omar, 191, 194-95
Kidinu, 4
Killing, Wilhem K. J., 1155
Kirchoff, Gustav R., 694
Kirkman, Thomas Penyngton, 766
Klein, Felix, 726, 728, 730, 852, 871, 893, 904, 1003, 1019, 1024, 1033, 1037, 1139-40, 1145, 1159
Erlanger Programm, 917-21
non-Euclidean geometry, 909-13
topology, 1167-68
Kline, John R., 1015
Kliigel, George S., 867-69
Kneser, Adolf, 747
Knopp, Konrad, 1183
Koch, Helge von, 1020
Koebe, Paul, 939
Kowalewski, Gerhard, 955, 1059
Kowalewsky, Sophie, 702
Kramers, Hendrik A., 1102
Kremer, Gerhard (Mercator), 235
Kronecker, Leopold, 755, 763, 979, 988, 1003, 1034, 1037, 1138, 1146, 1150
algebraic geometry, 941-42
algebraic numbers, 824-25
foundations, 1197-98
Kummer, Ernst Eduard, 819-2o, 822, 1028
Lacroix, Sylvestre-François, 433, 465-66, 618, 948-49
Laertius, Diogenes, 44
Lagny, Thomas Fantet, 404
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 406, 426, 547, 603, 614-15, 678, 835, 948, 1024, 1029
biography, 493
algebra, 598, 600-606, 796, 800-801
astronomy, 493-95
calculus, 430-32, 618, 949, 964
calculus of variations, 582-87, 739-40
conformai mapping, 570-71, 687
differential equations, 477-78, 486-87, 497-98, 510-14, 519, 521, 525, 532-35, 541-43, 730
group theory, 764-66
infinite series, 446, 458-59, 463-65
mechanics, 739-43
theory of numbers, 609-11, 813, 826, 828
Laguerre, Edmond, 906-7, 1114-15
La Hire, Philippe de, 289, 298-301, 321, 840
Lamb, Horace, 468
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 234, 404, 460, 570, 868-69, 879, 887
Lamé, Gabriel, 687-89, 712-13, 819, 900-901
Lancret, Michel-Ange, 559-60
Landsberg, Georg, 942
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, 436, 502, 972, 1052, 1098-99
biography, 494-95, 628
algebra, 607, 796, 800-801
astronomy, 496
differential equations, 477-78, 497, 502, 527-29, 542-43, 682, 687
philosophy of science, 628
Lasker, Emanuel, 1153
Laurent, Pierre-Alphonse, 641
Lebesgue, Henri, 954, 961, 1044-50, 1159, 1162, 1186, 1199
Lefschetz, Solomon, 1180
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 1098
calculus of variations, 589-90
differential equations, 525-31
elliptic integrals, 420-22, 646
Euclidean geometery, 58, 865-66, 1032
number system, 593
special functions, 424, 526-28, 530-31
theory of numbers, 611-12, 813, 815, 826, 830
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 252, 258, 335, 380, 391, 395, 492, 862, 1028
biography, 370-71
algebra, 281, 408-11, 411-12, 599-600
calculus, 371-80, 3848g
calculus of variations, 575
differential equations, 471-72, 474-75
differential geometry, 556-57
function concept, 339-40
infinite series, 438-39, 441, 446, 461
mathematical logic, 1187-88
philosophy of science, 219, 619
topology, 1158, 1163-64
Leon, 57
Leonardo da Vinci, 223-25, 233-35, 580
Leonardo of Pisa, 205-6, 209-10, 237
Leray, Jean, 1178
LeSturgeon, Elizabeth, 1080
Leucippus, 37, 150
Levi ben Gerson, 273
Levi, Beppo, 945
Levi-Civita, Tullio, 1123, 1131-32
Levy, Paul P., 1077
L’Hospital, Guillaume F. A., 383, 387, 557
Liapounoff, Alexander, 736
Lie, Sopus, 920-21, 1030, 1139-40, 1155
Liebmann, Heinrich, 906
Lindeman, Ferdinand, 981-82
Liouville, Joseph, 624-25, 650, 667, 713, 715-17, 719, 766, 824, 933, 981, 1054, 1101-2
Lipschitz, Rudolph, 718, 899, 902, 1030, 1122, 1127-28
Listing, Johann B., 1164-65
Lobatchevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich, 873-81, 914, 921
Locke, John, 619, 862
Lommel, Eugen C, J., 710
Lull, Raymond, 1187
Lüroth, Jacob, 937
Maclaurin, Colin, 428-29, 442, 461, 522-23, 552-53, 606
Magnus, Ludwig Imanuel, 933
Magnus, Wilhelm, 1143
Mahâvira, 184-85, 187
Mainardi, Gaspare, 885
Malus, Etienne-Louis, 569
Mariotte, Edmé, 468
Masaccio, 232
Mascheroni, Lorenzo, 235, 840
Maschke, Heinrich, 1145
Masères, Francis, Baron, 592-93
Mastini, Michael, 243
Mathieu, Emile-Léonard, 689, 713
Maupertuis, Pierre L, M., 469, 581-82, 620, 740
Maurolycus, Francesco, 223, 229, 272
Maxwell, James Clerk, 684, 698-99, 785-86, 790, 870, 931
Mayer, Frédéric-Christian, 404
Medici, Cosimo I de’, 220
Medici, Cosimo II de’, 327
Menaechmus, 42, 47-48
Menelaus, 120-22
Menger, Karl, 1162
Méray, Charles, 983
Mercator, See Kremer, Gerhard
Mercator, Nicholas (born Kaufman), 354, 437
Mere, Chevalier de, SeeGombaud, Antoine
Mersenne, Marin, 275-176, 278, 295, 304, 478
Mertens, Franz, 929
Metrodorus, 138
Metzler, William Henry, 808, 811
Meusnier, Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Charles, 563-64, 586
Meziriac, Claude Bachet de, 261, 274
Mill, John Stuart, 861
Miller, George A., 1142
Milnor, John, 1151, 1176
Minding, Ferdinand, 608, 886, 893, 905
Minkowski, Hermann, 829, 931
Mirimanoff, Dimitry, 820
Mittag-Leffler, Costa, 668
Möbius, Augustus Ferdinand, 777, 846, 852-53, 918, 1028, 1164-66
Möhr, George, 234, 840
Moivre, Abraham de, 409, 453-54, 600
Molien, Theodor, 1144
Monge, Gaspard, 235, 536-40, 547, 565-69, 614, 616-17, 801, 836, 840
Monte, Guidobaldo del, 223, 234, 286
Montmort, Pierre Rémond de, 473
Montucla, J, F, (Jean-Etienne), 617
Moore, Eliakim H., 15, 1009, 1018, 1082, 1141-42, 1150
Morland, Samuel, 258
Morley, Frank, 839-40
Motte, Andrew, 364
Mourraille, J, Raymond, 381
Müller, Johannes (Regiomoiitanus) 238-39
Muller, J, H, T., 984
Murphy, Robert, 711
Mydorge, Claude, 295, 304
Nabu-rimanni, 4
Napier, John, 256-58
Nasîr-Eddin, 191, 196, 864, 866
Nave, Annibale della, 263
Navier, Claude L, M, H., 696-98
Neile, William, 98, 355
Nelson, Leonard, 1183-84
Netto, Eugen E., 1018, 1139
Neugebauer, Otto, 47
Neumann, Carl Gottfried, 666, 685, 704, 711, 1054
Neumann, John von, 1092-95, 1186, 1205
Newton, Sir Isaac: biography, 365-69
algebra, 252, 254, 271-72, 281, 600, 607
astronomy, 365-69, 470
calculus, 354, 359-65, 384, 387, 556
calculus of variations, 573-74
coordinate geometry, 548-49
differential equations, 470, 475, 491-93, 497
function concept, 339-40
infinite series, 437-42, 461
compared with Leibniz, 378-80
methodology of science, 331, 334
philosophy of science, 219, 616, 620
Nicholas of Cusa, Cardinal, 241
Nichomachus, 135-38, 201
Nicole, François, 548
Nicomedes, 117-18, 286
Nieuwentijdt, Bernard, 385
Nöbeling, A, Georg, 1162
Noether, Emmy, 931-32, 1153, 1180
Noether, Max, 933-34, 940-41, 944
Novikov, P, S., 1143
Ohm, Martin, 976, 987
Olbers, Heinrich W, M., 818, 872, 980
Oldenburg, Henry, 273, 370
Olympiodorus, 580
Oresme, Nicole, 210-11, 241, 437
Ostrogradsky, Michel, 683, 789-90
Oughtred, William, 258
Ozanam, Jacques, 323, 1028
Pacioli, Luca, 234-37, 250-51, 260
Painlevé, Paul, 737
Pappus, 26, 38, 57, 127-29, 168, 174, 223, 1005
Parent, Antoine, 545
Parmenides, 27, 150
Parseval, Marc-Antoine, 716-17
Pascal, Blaise, 219, 252, 258, 272-73, 395, 1026, 1028
biography, 295-97
calculus, 350, 352-53, 383-84
projective geometry, 297-301, 840
Pasch, Moritz, 1008-9, 1137
Peacock, George, 622, 773-75, 974-75, 980
Peano, Giuseppe, 988-89, 1009-10, 1014, 1018, 1020, 1038, 1042-43, 1137, 1162
Peckham, John, 213
Peirce, Benjamin, 793, 1023
Peirce, Charles S., 793, 1144, 1191
Peletier, Jacques, 1005
Pemberton, Henry, 392
Pericles, 37
Peurbach, George, 238
Peyrard, François, 57
Pfaff, Johann Friedrich, 489, 870
Philolaus, 28, 147-48
Philoponus, 211
Piazzi, Giuseppe, 870
Picard, (Charles) Emile, 668, 705-6, 720, 945, 1025, 1037, 1040, 1070, 1169
Pick, Georg, 1131
Pieri, Mario, 1009-10
Piero della Francesca, 233, 235
Pierpont, James, 1096
Pitot, Henri, 545
Plateau, Joseph, 750
Plato, 26, 38, 42-47, 47-48, 150-51, 154, 395, 1026
concept of mathematics, 43-44, 150-51, 175
Playfair, John, 865
Plücker, Julius, 836, 846, 853-58, 933
Plutarch, 46, 106
Poincaré, Henri, 706-7, 709, 973, 1003, 1025-26, 1056, 1145
biography, 706, 1024, 1170
algebra, 732
algebraic geometry, 938-39
asymptotic series, 1097, 1104-8
automorphic functions, 728-30, 1139
differential equations, 704, 706-7, 732-37
foundations, 1086, 1197-99
non-Euclidean geometry, 916-17, 921-22
topology, 1161-62, 1170-76, 1178-79
Poisson, Simeon-Denis, 452, 464, 633, 678-79, 681-82, 690-91, 697, 710, 739-40, 801, 962, 1024, 1052, 1100, 1103, 1110-11
Poncelet, Jean Victor, 834, 836-37, 840, 841-46, 906, 933, 1024
Pontrjagin, Lev S., 1180
Porée, Gilbert de la, 206
Porphyry, 57
Poudra, N, G., 289
Pringsheim, Alfred, 1038
Proclus, 24, 26, 29, 44, 56, 104, 129, 131, 863-64, 993, 1005
Ptolemy, Claudius, 119, 122-25, 145, 159-60, 169, 863, 866
Puiseux, Victor, 552, 641-42
Pythagoras, 27-34, 46
Quetelet, Lambert A, J., 56g, 845, 933
Raabe, Joseph L., 1112
Radon, Johann, 1050
Rameau, Jean-Philippe, 515
Raphson, Joseph, 381
Rayleigh, Lord (Strutt, John William), 684
Recorde, Robert, 259-60
Regiomontanus, SeeMüller, Johannes
Regius, Hudalrich, 278
Rhaeticus, George Joachim, 238-39
Riccati, Jacopo Francesco, Count, 483-84, 500
Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio, 1122-30
Richard, Jules, 1183
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard, 1021, 1030, 1033, 1077, 1122
biography, 655-56, 889, 924
complex function theory, 656-66, 934, 93g
differential equations, 691-93, 722-24, 727
differential geometry, 889-99, 904, 1122
foundations of analysis, 955, 967-69
non-Euclidean geometry, 914
theory of numbers, 831
topology, 920
trigonometric series, 967-69, 1040
Riesz, Friedrich, 1070-73, 1085-87
Roberval, Gilles Persone de, 295, 338-39, 344, 350-51, 354, 384
Roch, Gustav, 665, 934
Rodrigues, Olinde, 531, 883
Rohault, Jacques, 492
Rolle, Michel, 381
Romanus, Adrianus, 240
Rosanes, Jacob, 934
Rudolff, ChristofÈ, 254
Ruffini, Paolo, 605-6, 764-66
Russell, Bertrand, 923, 988, 999, 1003, 1005, 1033, 1183-84, 1192-96
Rychlik, k., 955
Saccheri, Gerolamo, 866-67, 869, 879-80
Salmon, George, 927-29
Sarasa, Alfons A., 354
Sarrus, Pierre Frédéric, 584
Sauveur, Joseph, 478
Schauder, Jules P., 1178
Scheeffer, Ludwig, 1020
Scherk, Heinrich F., 796
Schmidt, Erhard, 1070, 1082-84
Schnee, Walter, 1113
Schoenflies, Arthur M., 1018
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1005
Schrödinger, Erwin, 1092
Schur, Friedrich, 89g, 100g
Schur, Issai, 1144-45
Schwarz, Herman Amandus, 666, 704, 706, 727, 838-39, 1020
Schweikart Ferdinand Karl, 868-69, 879
Seeber, Ludwig August, 829
Seidel, Philipp L., 965
Serret, Joseph Alfred, 562, 766
Servois, François-Joseph, 774, 777, 836, 841
Simart, Georges, 945
Simplicius, 26, 35, 130
Simpson, Thomas, 427
Smale, Stephen, 1176
Smith, Henry J, S., 803, 960, 1005
Sncll, Willcbrord, 285
Sochozki, Julian W., 668
Socrates, 43
Sonine, Nickolai J., 714
Stallings, John R., 1176
Stark, M, H., 822
Staudt, Karl Georg Christian von, 850-52, 906
Steiner, Jacob, 836, 838, 840, 846-48, 933
Steinitz, Ernst, 1147-49
Stewart, Matthew, 622
Stickelberger, Ludwig, 1139
Stieltjes, Thomas Jan, 973, 1041, 1104, 1114-17
Stifel, Michael, 251-52, 256, 279
Stirling, James, 453, 545, 548-49, 553
Stokes, Sir George Gabriel, 684, 697, 965, 1100, 1102-3
Stolz, Otto, 986, 1042
Study, Eduard, 835, 838-39
Sturm, Charles, 715-17
Sylow, Ludwig, 768
Sylvester, Bernard, 206
Sylvester, James Joseph, 271, 544, 625, 798-800, 802-3, 1136
biography, 797
algebraic invariants, 927, 930
Taber, Henry, 808
Tâbit ibn Qorra, 193, 195, 278
Tait, Peter Guthrie, 781, 791, 812, 931
Tartaglia, Niccolò, 107, 220, 229, 234, 250, 263-64
Tauber, Alfred, 1119
Taurinus, Franz Adolf, 869, 879
Taylor, Brook, 234, 427, 441-42, 478-79
Tchebycheff, Pafnuti L., 830-31
Thaïes, 27-28, 46, 147
Theaetetus, 42, 48
Theodoric of Freiburg, 213
Theodorus of Cyrene, 42, 48
Theodosius, 119
Theodosius, Emperor, 180
Theon of Alexandria, 25, 57, 129
Theophrastus, 26
Theudius, 57
Thierry of Chartres, 206
Thomae, Karl J., 961
Thompson, John G., 1142
Thompson, Sir William, SeeKelvin, Lord
Tonelli, Leonida, 1081
Torricelli, Evangelista, 338, 356, 557
Toscanelli, Paolo del Pozzo, 232
Tschirnhausen, Ehrenfried Walter von, 270, 556, 599-600
Uccello, Paolo, 232
Urban, Pope, 327
Urysohn, Paul S., 1161-62
Vallée Poussin, Charles-Jean de la, 831-32
Vandermonde, Alexandre-Théophile, 600, 606-7, 796
Van Schooten, Frans, 318
Van’t Hoff, Jacobus, 1130
Varähamihira, 184, 189
Varignon, Pierre, 403, 470
Vasari, Giorgio, 232
Veblen, Oswald, 1009, 1014-15, 1017, 1134, 1180
Veronese, Giuseppe, 1010, 1016
Vieta, François, 238-39, 242, 251-52, 260-62, 266, 268-70, 279-80, 437
Vietoris, Leopold, 1181
Viviani, Vincenzo, 396
Vitali, Giuseppe, 1048-49
Vitello, 213
Vitruvius, 179
Voltaire, 434, 469, 492
Volterra, Vito, 986, 1023, 1028, 1048, 1056-58, 1077-78
Wallis, John, 396-98
algebra, 252-53, 255-256, 281
calculus, 353, 356, 388
complex numbers, 594-95
coordinate geometry, 319
infinite series, 437-38
parallel axiom, 864-65
theory of numbers, 278
Wantzel, Pierre L., 754, 764
Waving, Edward, 465, 609
Watson, George N., 711, 1100
Weber, Heinrich, 689, 714, 942, 1145-46
Weber, Wilhelm, 871
Wedderburn, Joseph H, M., 794, 1150-53, 1156
Weierstrass, Karl: biography, 643
algebra, 793, 802
algebraic geometry, 939, 942
calculus of variations, 664-65, 686, 747-4g
complex functions, 642-44, 650-51, 664-65
foundations of analysis, 948, 952-53, 956, 965-66, 979
foundation of arithmetic, 983, 987
Wellstein, Joseph, 916
Wentzel, Gregor, 1102
Werner, Johann, 239
Wessel, Caspar, 629-30, 776-77
Weyl, Hermann, 101, 924, 1026, 1074, 1091-92, 1134, 1156
foundations of mathematics, 1197, 1200-1201, 1203, 1206, 1208-10
Whitehead, Alfred North, 250, 1009, 1031, 1184, 1192-96
Wiener, Norbert, 1088, 1092
William of Moerbccke, 264
William of Ockham, 208
Wilson, John, 610
Wirtinger, Wilhelm, 1065
Witt, Jan de, 544-45
Wolf, Christian, 446
Woodhousc, Robert, 974
Wren, Christopher, 354 55, 547
Xcnophanes, 27
Young, Thomas, 697
Zeeman, E, C, 1176
Zenodorous, 126, 576
Zeno of Elea, 27, 35-37, 150
Zermelo, Ernst, 1002, 1184-86
Zeuthen, Hieronymous G., 944