Mallorca’s language is Mallorquí, a dialect of Catalan. During Franco’s dictatorship the teaching and publication of Catalan was banned, and replaced by Spanish/Castilian (Castellano), although people still spoke the language at home. With the arrival of regional autonomy in 1978, Catalan/Mallorquí was re-established, and has become a symbol of Mallorcan identity, although everyone also speaks Spanish.
As a result of this, maps and street signs use Castilian or Catalan at random. Most words are fairly similar, but some are completely unrelated. Signs indicating various points of touristic or other interest are almost always in Catalan. Throughout this book, we have tried to give the Catalan version of the place name and the words and phrases below are also in the official local parlance.
Sample Mallorca’s signature pastries
Greg Gladman/Apa Publications
Useful words and phrases
yes sí
no no
please si us plau
thank you (very much) (moltes) gràcies
you’re welcome de res
excuse me perdoni
hello hola
good morning bon dia
good afternoon bona tarda
good evening/night bona nit
goodbye adéu
How much is it? Quant val?
What is your name? Com es diu?
OK d’acord
My name is… Em dic…
Do you speak English? Parla anglès?
I am English/American Sóc anglès (anglesa)/americà/ana
I don’t understand No ho entenc
Please speak more slowly Parli més a poc a poc, sisplau
Can you help me? Em pot ajudar?
I’m looking for…Estic buscant…
Where is…? On és…?
I’m sorry Ho sento
I don’t know No ho sé
When? Quan?
What time is it? Quina hora és?
left esquerra
right dreta
straight on tot recte
opposite al davant
beside al costat
On arrival
I want to get off at… Voldria baixar a…
Is there a bus to…? Hi ha un autobús cap a…?
Which line do I take for…? Quina línia agafo per…?
airport l’aeroport
railway station l’estació de tren
bus station l’estació d’autobusos
bus l’autobús
platform l’andana
ticket un bitllet
return ticket un bitllet de anada i tornada
toilets els lavabos/serveis
Conversing in Palma, next to a headless street artist
Greg Gladman/Apa Publications
Help! Auxili!
Stop! Pari!
I am sick Em trobo malament
I have lost my passport/wallet He perdut el passaport/la cartera
I’d like to buy… Voldria comprar…
How much is it? Quant val?
Do you take credit cards? Es pot pagar amb targeta?
I’m just looking Estic mirant
receipt el tiquet
chemist la farmàcia
bakery el forn de pa
book shop la llibreria
department store els grans magatzems
grocery el botiga de queviures
tobacconist l’estanc
market el mercat
supermarket el supermercat
tourist information office oficina de turisme
free gratuït
open obert
closed tancat
every day tots els dias
Dining out
breakfast l’esmorzar
lunch el dinar
dinner el sopar
meal el menjar
set menu el menú del dia
drink included beguda inclosa
wine list la carta de vins
red wine vi negre
white wine vi blanc
the bill el compte
glass la copa (for wine), el vas (for water)
I am a vegetarian Sóc vegetarià/ana
I’d like to order Voldria demanar
tax included IVA inclòs
Days of the week
Monday Dilluns
Tuesday Dimarts
Wednesday Dimecres
Thursday Dijous
Friday Divendres
Saturday Dissabte
Sunday Diumenge
Social media
Are you on Facebook/Twitter? Que tens Facebook/Twitter?
What’s your user name? Quin és el teu nom d’usuari?
I’ll add you as a friend. T’agregaré com a amic.
I’ll follow you on Twitter. Et seguiré a Twitter
Are you following...? Segueixes...?
I’ll put the pictures on Facebook/Twitter. Penjaré les fotos a Facebook/Twitter.
I’ll tag you in the pictures. T’etiquetaré a les fotos.