Bailey sat outside in the yard on one of the concrete benches, her eyes closed, her face to the sky, savouring the sensation of the warm July sun on her skin on this bright fresh morning, taking the opportunity to absorb a bit of vitamin D before she was locked up back indoors again.
With her eyes closed, she could almost pretend that she wasn’t in prison but on some beach somewhere, tanning herself. She certainly didn’t need to be looking at the prison. Even nice summer weather like this couldn’t do much to soften its oppressiveness.
As she sat there, she became aware, all of a sudden, that something was blocking out the warm light of the sun. She opened her eyes and blinked.
A figure stood over her, silhouetted against the sun, the features not immediately visible. But that distinctive frayed afro was enough to tell her who it was.
A brown hand placed something on the table in front of her.
It was a small red origami creature.
Crazy Mel moved out of the sun and looked down at Bailey with her manic bloodshot eyes. Bailey guessed she was stoned, as usual.
Mel nodded at the origami creature.
Bailey took a closer look at it. It had a rectangular body, four triangular legs, a head with two tiny ears, and a pointed tail. She marvelled at the intricacy of it. It was evidently supposed to be some kind of animal, but which one, she couldn’t tell.
‘That’s fabulous, Mel. What is it?’
‘It’s a tiger.’
‘For me?’
Mel nodded. ‘Protection.’
‘Against what?’
Bailey picked up the origami tiger. It was insubstantial, almost as light as a feather. Some protection! She looked up at Mel and smiled.
‘Why thank you, Mel.’ She spoke in the manner that you would to a child or a mentally handicapped person.
‘Be careful,’ said Mel. ‘It bites.’
Bailey examined the tiger’s tiny head.
‘I don’t see any teeth, Mel.’
Mel nodded sagely and winked at her. Then she turned and limped off across the yard. Bailey watched her jerking along awkwardly in her weird lopsided gait until she disappeared around the corner of B-Wing.
She turned over the little origami tiger in her fingers. It didn’t exactly look like a tiger, but there was no doubt as to the level of craftsmanship which had gone into its construction. She contemplated leaving it there on the table. But then in a moment of superstitious panic she carefully pressed it flat and slipped it into her back trouser pocket. Mel had met the Hairdresser and survived. Maybe some of that survival instinct would rub off on Bailey. Perhaps the little tiger would offer her some kind of talismanic protection, if nothing else. At this point in her investigation she needed whatever luck she could get.