I WANT TO express my gratitude to all those who generously gave of their time and knowledge to participate in interviews for this book. All but a few agreed to talk on the record, and their names appear in the text and in the chapter notes that follow. I owe a special debt to several of these women and men. Wilma Goldstein and Candy Straight connected me to Republican women leaders, and without their help this project as I conceived it simply would not have been possible. Jeffrey Slavin, one of the first people I talked to about this project, helped guide me to the right people and gave me one of my first glimpses behind the scenes. Celinda Lake, Marcy Stech, Jess Mcintosh, and Renee Cohen all opened doors for me among Democrats. Jennifer Piscopo, Occidental College political scientist, powerfully influenced my thinking on women in politics globally, read drafts of the relevant chapters, and introduced me to her network of academics specializing in gender and politics.
Special thanks to my agent, Dana Newman, who has championed this book from beginning to end. My editor, Dan Smetanka, has seen me through the ups and downs of two books. I am truly grateful for his incisive editing, but even more for his guidance, support, and mood-lifting wit. Thanks to Kelly Winton, managing editor, Megan Fishmann, publicity director, Charlie Winton, publisher, and to everyone else on the team at Counterpoint.
Many friends and family members have helped shepherd this project from intuition to finished book. My mother, Suzanne F. Cohen, among many of her talents, has been for me a source of inspiration and information on politics. L. Spencer Humphrey, publishing maven, provided invaluable professional advice in the early stages. Lisa J. Hacken read the full manuscript at the eleventh hour, providing indispensable editing. Torie Osborn and Jennifer Piscopo, both political women in their own ways, allowed me to bounce ideas off them for countless hours over the last two years. Thank you Nazila Shokrian and Susan Margolin, as always, for your steadfast friendship and encouragement. To all of you, dayenu.
This book is dedicated to my daughters, Helena and Camille, and to my stepdaughters, Morgan and Paloma. Whenever I wavered, I would remind myself of what is at stake for young women like you. Your confidence, kindness, creativity, and drive inspire me and give me confidence about our country’s future.
My biggest thanks of all goes to my husband Jonathan Parfrey, for his friendship, wisdom, unwavering support, and unconditional love.