Abbott Financial Services

Abramo, Phil

accounting industry

“accredited investor”

Across the Board

Acs, Gabor S.

Adelphia Communications

Adler Coleman


hedge funds and

Agora Inc.

Alfred University

Alliance Capital

Altomare, Richard A.

Amber Securities/Capital Assets Ltd.

American Arbitration Association (AAA)

American Bar Association

American Funds Distributors

American Stock Exchange (Amex)

microcap stocks and

Amex window

Amorosa, Dominic

Amsterdam, boiler rooms in


Antilla, Susan

Applied Technology

A.R. Baron


appeal in

arbitrator selection for

manufactured evidence in

Shearson ruling and

Argus Research

Arnold & Porter

Arseneault, Jack

Arthur Andersen

Asensio, Manuel


financial markets in


Askin, David J.

Askin Capital Management

Aslanian, Stanley, Jr.

Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR)

see also CFA Institute


Australian Securities Commission

backward pricing

Bacon, Louis

Baker, Brett

“Baloney Blitzkrieg”

Eagletech and


Bankruptcy Court

banks, banking


Barbash, Barry

Barber, Brad M.


Baxter, Harold J.

Bayou hedge fund group

Bear Stearns & Co.

muni-bond deals and

Beatty, Randolph

behavioral finance

Bennett, Robert

Bernheim, Antoine

Bhagat, Sanjai

Bianco, Tony

bid-ask spread

Bingaman, Anne K.

Black, Bernard

Blinder Robinson

Blodget, Henry

BlueFire Research

Blue Water Fund Ltd.

bonds, bond funds

hedge funds and

municipal, see municipal bonds

rating of

Boni, Leslie

“bore,” see media

Born to Steal (Weiss)

Bowen, Scott

Breeden, Richard C.

Briggs, Lynn

Britz, Robert G.


brokerage firms

penny stocks and

price fixing and

short-sellers vs.

Brown, Stewart L.

Brucato, Peter F., Jr.

Bryan, Richard

Buffett, Warren

Build the Board

Bullard, Mercer

Burns, David D.

Bush, George W.

Ownership Society and

Business Week

Donaldson coverage in

Enron and

Grasso profiled by

Levitt coverage in

microcap-stock promoters vs. short-sellers in

Business Week Assets

Byrne, Patrick

Byron, Christopher


California Judicial Council

call options

Capital Assets Ltd.

capital gains, short-term vs. long-term

Capital Group

capture theory

Carey, Christopher

Carr, David

Carter, John C.

Casavant, Urban

CastPro Inc.

Catoggio, Bobby

Caxton Corp.

CEO Council

CFA Institute

Chalmers, John M. R.

Chamber of Commerce, U.S.

chaos theory

chartered financial analysts (CFAs)

Chemerow, David I.

Chequemate International Inc.

Chicago Board of Trade

Chicago Tribune


class-action lawsuits

CMKM Diamonds


CNBC University

cold-calling, offshore stock pushing and

collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs)

Commerce Bancorp


Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Communications Decency Act (1996)

Congress, U.S.

hedge funds and

microcap fraud and

mutual funds and

naked short-selling and

see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

Connolly, James A., III (Drew)v

Constitution, U.S.

consultants, MSRB ban on

Consumer Federation of America

Convergence Asset Management

Cornwallis, Lord

covered-call writing

Cowan, Douglas

Cox, Christopher

Cragun, Bryant

Cramer, Jim

Creative Securities

Credit Suisse First Boston

Criterion report

Cuban, Mark

D’Alessio, John R.

Danforth, John

Dashtar Corporation

Dateline NBC,

Davidson, James D.

Dean, Howard

DeCavalcante crime family


Denver brokerages

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC)

Dirks, Ray

Dodd, Chris

Dodd, Tom

Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette

Donaldson, William H.

EasyLink and

hedge funds and

media coverage of

mutual fund scandals and

naked short-selling and

as NYSE head

Dorfman, Dan

Douglas, William O.

Dow Jones Newswires

Drexel Burnham Lambert

Dreyfus Corp.

Druckenmiller, Stanley

due process

Dutch Tulip Bulb Mania

Dutton, John M.

Dutton report

Dynamics fund

Dynatech International, Inc.

Eagletech Communications

EasyLink Services

Edelen, Roger M.

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH

Elgindy, Amr

Ellis, Charles D.

Emshwiller, John R.

endowment money, hedge funds and


equity funds

Essary, Gayle

naked short-selling opposed by

Essary, Todd

ETFs (exchange-traded funds)

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay)

Fagenson, Robert B.

Fannie Mae


farming, hedging and


Federal Reserve

Board of Governors of

Feeling Good (Burns)


hedge fund

mutual fund

Feldman Weinstein LLP


“financial consultant”

Financial Review,


Fink, Matthew P.

FirstAlert network

First Amendment

First Call

First Hanover Securities

First Jersey

FIRST Research Consortium

Fitzgerald, Peter G.


floor brokers


Ford Focus


401(k) plans

Frankel, Martin

Fred Alger Management

Freeman, John P.

Freeman-Brown study

free markets

short-selling and

free speech

Fuhrman, Ryan C.

futures contracts

G-37 rule


Garden State Preservation Trust

Gartenberg v. Merrill Lynch Asset Management,

Geek Securities


Genesis International Financial

Giuliani, Rudy

Glassman, Cynthia A.

global macro funds

Go East, Young Man (Douglas)

Goldin, Harrison J.

“Goofy Leverage Template” (“LTCM Subtemplate”)

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

Granite Partners

Grasso, Dick

Grasso, Dick (continued)

scandal of

self-regulation and

Great Britain

Great Depression

Greater Moron Theory of Investing

Greenberg, Herb

Groves, Rand

burden of proof and

courtroom rights and

see also Rand Groves v. Merrill Lynch Pierce

Fenner & Smith Inc. and Llewellyn G. Ross

and National Association of Securities

Dealers Inc.

Growth Fund of America

Haaga, Paul G., Jr.

Haas Securities

Hanover Sterling & Co.

Hart, David W.

“Haskell, Eddie”

Hastert, J. Dennis

HealthTech International



hedge funds

abuses of

CMOs and


endowment money and

fees for

growth in use of

late trading and

lockups and

Malkiel-Saha study of

municipal bonds vs.

mutual funds vs.

naked short-selling andorigins of

regulation and

risks of

scandals and

Strunk’s list for

Henriques, Diana

Herr, Mark

Hibbard Brown

“hidden persuaders”

High and Low Financiers

High Risk Opportunities Fund

Holland, tulip bulb mania in

House of Representatives, U.S.:

Banking Committee of

Capital Markets subcommittee of

Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee of

Telecommunications and Finance

Committee of

Howard, Christopher

“Hubris Template”

Hurtgen, P. Nicholas

Illinois, muni-bond scandal in

independent directors

Independent Research Network

index funds

fees for



Insana, Ron

insider trading

“Institutional Coverage”

Institutional Investor (II)

interest rates

International Asset Management

International Monetary Systems, Ltd.


financial fraud and

naked short-selling and

Silicon Investor Web site of

Internet companies, stock in

In the Matter of New York Stock Exchange Inc.,


investment banks

Investment Company Act (1940)

Investment Company Institute (ICI)

fund fees and

independent directors and

Securities Law Procedures Conference of


Investor Communications International (ICI)

Investor Relations Group

Investors Research Institute (IRI)

Investrend Communications, Inc.

Investrend Research Coverage Platforms

Investrend Research Syndicate

IPOs (initial public offerings)



Iseson, Jonathan D.

Jacobson, Mary C.



John M. Dutton & Associates

Johnson, Andrea

Joint Report on the Government Securities Market,

Jones, Alfred Winslow

Jones, Paul Tudor


Justice Department, U.S.

Kadlec, Gregory B.

Kanjorski, Paul E.

Kansas, muni-bond deals in

Karmel, Roberta S.

Kennedy, Joseph P.

Kenneth Lipper hedge funds

Kerns, Charles Joseph, Sr.

Ketchum, Richard G.


Kidder, Peabody & Co.

Klehm, Henry

Kott, Irving

Kovner, Bruce

Krispy Kreme


Kwalwasser, Edward

Lamont, Owen A.

Lebed, Jonathan

Lefèvre, Edwin

Lehavy, Reuven

letter-writing campaigns

Levin, Richard C.

Levitt, Arthur J., Jr.

as Amex head

Donaldson vs.

G-37 and

hedge funds and

independent directors and

as “Investor’s Champion”

price fixing and

Stratton settlement and

see also Take On the Street


“lockups,” hedge funds and

Loessi, Edward J.

London stock exchange


Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)

university endowments and

Loraca International

Lynch, Peter

McCaffrey, David P.

McGreevey, James E.

Mackay, Charles

McLean, Bethany


Malkiel, Burton G.

Managed Funds Association (MFA)


market makers

Market Reform Act (1990)


Markey, Edward J.


“bore” and

deferential coverage by

hedge funds and

microcap fraud and

mutual funds and

naked short-selling and

overseas investors and

SEC coverage of

Mercury fund

Merrill Lynch

advertising of

“Private Client Group” of

public image of

see also Rand Groves v. Merrill Lynch Pierce

Fenner & Smith Inc. and Llewellyn G. Ross

and National Association of Securities

Dealers Inc.

Meyers, G. Martin

MFS Funds

microcap stocks

fraud and

Internet and

Mob links and

short-selling and

short squeezes and

middle class, stock ownership by

Milken, Mike

Millennium Group

mining stocks

“Mispricing Template”

money managers

money market funds


Morgan Stanley


mortgages, securitized

Motley Fool Web site

mPhase Technologies

MSN Money

Multi-Strategy Hedge Opportunities

municipal bonds

G-37 and

negotiated basis for

Philadelphia case and

regulation and

Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB)

Murray, Brenda P.

Mutual Fund and Investment Management Conference

mutual funds

fees for

hedge funds vs.

independent directors and

market timing and

performance of

SEC 1992 history of

SEC 2003 study of

self-regulation and

mutual fund scandals

independent directors and

late trading


Mutual Funds Quarterly,


Mysak, Joe


naked call options

naked short-selling

as counterfeit stock scheme

Eagletech and

Essary’s efforts against

hedge funds and

House hearings on

Regulation SHO and


American Funds complaint of

California arbitrations and

microcap fraud and

naked short-selling and

short-sellers and

see also Rand Groves v. Merrill Lynch Pierce

Fenner & Smith Inc. and Llewellyn G. Ross

and National Association of Securities

Dealers Inc.

Nasdaq SmallCap Market

Nasdaq Stock Market

microcap stocks and

price fixing and

NASD Dispute Resolution, Inc.

National Association Against Naked Short-Selling (NAANS)

National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

National Coalition Against Naked Shorting (NCANS)

National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI)

National Securities Markets Improvements Act (1996)

Nations Funds




New Jersey, muni-bond deals in

New Jersey Arbitration Act

New Jersey Economic Development Authority

New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency

New Jersey Transportation Trust Authority


New Yorker

New York Post

New York Society of Securities Analysts (NYSSA)

New York State Supreme Court

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

arbitration and

D’Alessio’s suit against

floor of

independent directors of

self-regulation and

New York Times

New York Times Magazine

New Zealand

Ney, Robert W.

Nicholas, Nicholas J., Jr.


North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA)


Odets, Clifford

offshore, hedge funds and

Oklahoma, muni-bond deals in

Online Investors Advantage

Oops! Template



on futures

O’Quinn, John

Ostrer, Mitchel E.


Over the Counter (OTC) Bulletin Board

over-the-counter (OTC) markets

short-selling and

Ownership Society

Packard, Vance

Paine Webber

pairs trading

Panayides, Marios A.

Paramount Securities

Pasciuto, Louis


Penny King Holdings

penny-stock fraud

Penny Stock Reform Act (PSRA; 1990)

Penny Stock Task Force

pension funds

hedge funds and

Persico, Frank

Philadelphia muni-bond scandal

philanthropy, hedge fund

Pickard and Djinis

Pierce, Brent

Pilgrim, Gary L.

Pilgrim Baxter

Pines, Isidore

Pink Sheet stocks

Pitt, Harvey

Plunkitt, George Washington


capture theory and

Wall Street and

portfolio diversification

portfolio turnover rate


Porush, Daniel M.

Porush v. Prodigy,

President’s Working Group on Financial Markets

price fixing, stock and

private investment partnerships


P.T. Dolok Permai (International Asset Management; IAM)

Public Analysis & Review (PAR) program

“public arbitrator”

Public Policy Implications of Investment

Company Growth (SEC study)

pump-and-dump stock scam

Putnam fund group

pyramid schemes

Quantum Fund

quarterly fees, hedge fund

Quinn, Thomas F.

Rakoff, Jed S.

Rand Groves v. Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & amp;

Smith Inc. and Llewellyn G. Ross and National Association of Securities Dealers Inc.

appeal of

arbitration process before

courtroom rights and

Herr letters and

Random Walk Down Wall Street, A (Malkiel)

“reciprocal brokerage arrangements”

see also kickbacks; revenue sharing

Reed, John

Regulation by Prosecution (Karmel)

Regulation FD

Regulation S

Regulation SHO

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (Lefèvre)

Remond, Carol





Retractable Technologies


revenue sharing

“Reverse Rationality Theorem of Wall Street Crime and Punishment”

Revolutionary War

Rhino Advisers

Rigas, John

Rigas, Timothy

Rinaldo, Matthew J.

Robertson, Julian

Robin Hood Foundation

Ross, Llewellyn G.

Rowe, Frederick E.

Roye, Paul F.

Rule 22c-1

Russia, ruble devaluation in

Saha, Atanu

St. Louis Post-Dispatch,

Salomon Brothers

Salomon Smith Barney

S&P/Barra 600 Small Cap Value Index

Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Scheidt, Douglas

Schneider, Floyd D.

Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Securities Act (1933)

Rule 17b of

Securities Act (1934)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

accounting standards board of

Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies of

Altomare sued by

Bear’s settlement with

Eagletech and

G-37 rule and

GAO 2003 report and

hedge funds and

Investment Management division of

letter-writing campaigns and

microcap stocks and

municipal bonds and

mutual funds and

naked short-selling and

overseas stock scams and

Penny Stock Task Force of

price fixing and

Regulation SHO and

rulemaking process of

short-selling and

Stratton’s settlement with

uptick rule and

Wall Street analysts and

Securities Bureau

Securities Industry Association (SIA)



self-regulation, self-regulatory organization (SRO)

capture theory and

hedge funds and

muni-bond scandals and

mutual fund fees and

mutual fund scandals and

naked short-selling and

overseas investors and

pay-to-play and

short-selling and

Wall Street research and

sell-side research

Senate, U.S.:

Banking Committee of

Governmental Affairs Committee of

Seventh Amendment

Shearson/American Express Inc. v. McMahon,

Shepard, Steve

Shipes, Barry


Shortbuster’s Club


academic defense of

corporate crime revealed by

hedge funds and

mechanics of

naked, see naked short-selling

short squeezes and

uptick rule and

Wall Street view of

short squeezes

Silicon Investor Web site

Skilling, Jeff

“smart money”

Smeltzer, Karl C.

Smith, Rebecca

Smith Barney

Smith Barney v. Critical Health Systems

Social Security privatization

Sold Short (Asensio)

Solomon-Page Group Ltd.

Sorkin, Ira Lee

Soros, George

hedge funds and

offshore operations of

Sovereign Equity Management Group



“Spiders” and “Diamonds”

Spitzer, Eliot

hedge funds and

muni-bond scandals and

mutual fund fees and

mutual fund scandals and

stabilization rate

Standard & Poor’s (S&P)

Composite 1500

MidCap 400

stock index

Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500

hedge funds vs.

Stanford University

Starnet Communications

State Street Capital Markets Corp.

Steinhardt, Michael

Steinhardt Management Corp.

Stem Genetics

Sterling Foster

Stewart, Martha

Steyer, Thomas


stocks, stock markets

in Internet companies

microcap, see microcap stocks

middle-class ownership of

offshore pushing of

price fixing and

research on

self-regulation and

short-selling of, see naked short-selling


see also mutual funds; specific exchanges

Stratton Oakmont

Strong Capital Management

Strong mutual fund group

Strunk, Harry

Sturc, John


Supreme Court, U.S.

Surowiecki, James


Swenson, David


Taglich Brothers

Take On the Street (Levitt)


hedge funds and



Thompson, Larry

Tiger funds

Titan Motorcycles of America

Tobin, Anthony L.

Treasury bills and bonds

Tremont Advisers


First Battle of (1776)

Second Battle of (1777)

Trueman, Brett

Tunstall, John H.


Tyle, Craig S.

UBS Financial Services

UBS Paine Webber

Unified Capital Group

United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit

Universal Express

uptick rule

U.S. Offshore Funds Directory,

U.S. Technologies

Utah, mining stocks in

value investing

Value Line

Vanguard Group

Van Kampen Investment Corp.

Waaco Kid

Wall Street Journal,

Wall Street Polices Itself (McCaffrey and Hart)

Washington, George

Washington Post,

Watson Wyatt Worldwide

Webster, William

Welles, Chris

Wellington Management

West Virginia, muni-bond deals in

White, Mary Jo

White, Ronald A.

Wilshire 5000 stock index

Winans, R. Foster

Winning the Loser’s Game (Ellis)

Wolfson, Allen Z.

Wolfson, David M.

Wolfson & Co.


World Gambling Plc


Yahoo! Finance

Yale University

Young, Rodney

“Ziasun Eight”

ZiaSun Technologies

Bowen’s lawsuit against

Schneider vs

Telescan merger with