alchemy ref 1
Ancient Greeks ref 1
as feeling beings ref 1
as machines ref 1
Art of Fencing, The ref 1
astrology ref 1
atoms, Descartes’ theory ref 1
Bacon, Francis ref 1
Beeckman, Isaac ref 1
belief vs. understanding ref 1, ref 2
body, existence of ref 1, ref 2
and consciousness ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
and mind ref 1
Burman, Frans ref 1
circle ref 1
coordinates ref 1
doubt ref 1
dualism see dualism
mind model discounted ref 1
universe ref 1
Causal Adequacy Principle ref 1, ref 2
causal necessity ref 1
cause ref 1
and effect ref 1
and philosophy ref 1
and scientific thinkers ref 1
see also under God
clear and distinct ideas ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
body and mind ref 1
problems ref 1
Cogito, the ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
cogito ergo sum see Cogito, the
computers and humans ref 1, ref 2
consciousness ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
corpuscles ref 1
Cratylus ref 1
demon see invisible demon
birth ref 1
books banned ref 1
death ref 1
as father ref 1
health ref 1
life ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
philosophy flawed ref 1
as a representative realist ref 1
retirement ref 1
school ref 1
and vivisection ref 1
Discourse on the Method ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
clear and distinct rule ref 1, ref 2
Double Aspect Theory ref 1
dreams ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
evidence ref 1
problems with ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
emotions ref 1
empiricism ref 1
Empiricus, Sextus ref 1
Epiphenomenalism ref 1
Erasmus ref 1
Essays ref 1
essence ref 1
Euclid ref 1
existentialism ref 1
extended substance ref 1
Feyerabend, Paul ref 1
Fibonacci numbers ref 1
final cause see cause
first person perspective ref 1
formalists ref 1
Foucault, Michel ref 1
free will ref 1
Galilei, Galileo ref 1
arrest ref 1
geometry ref 1
Double Aspect Theory ref 1
existence “proved” ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
faith ref 1
and mathematics ref 1
and Occasionalism ref 1
gravity ref 1
Greeks see Ancient Greeks
hearing ref 1
Heraclitus ref 1
Holland, Descartes settles in ref 1
Hume, David ref 1
“I think therefore I am” see Cogito, the
see also body, existence of
ideas, Descartes on ref 1, ref 2
see also clear and distinct ideas
immortality see soul
invisible demon ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Kepler, Johannes ref 1
dubitable/indubitable ref 1
and mathematics ref 1
public ref 1
Pyrrhonist view ref 1
and science ref 1
and the senses ref 1
see also scepticism
Lacan, Jacques ref 1
law, Descartes’ study of ref 1
“leaky proofs” ref 1
Leibniz, G.W. ref 1
letters of Descartes ref 1
Locke, John ref 1
logical necessity ref 1
see also computers and humans
Malebranche, Nicholas ref 1
mathematician, Descartes as ref 1, ref 2
mathematics ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
doubting ref 1
as human invention ref 1, ref 2
as truth ref 1
and the universe ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Meditations ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
clear and distinct rule ref 1, ref 2
mental states ref 1
and body interaction ref 1, ref 2
see also dualism
existence of ref 1
origins ref 1
and soul ref 1
see also dualism
Mind/Brain Identity Theory ref 1, ref 2
Montaigne, Michel de ref 1
Netherlands see Holland
Newton, Isaac ref 1
observation, importance of ref 1
Occasionalism ref 1
occult ref 1
Ontological argument ref 1
optics, Descartes’ study of ref 1
Paracelsus ref 1
Pascal, Blaise ref 1
Passions of the Soul ref 1, ref 2
perception ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
belief and faith ref 1
empiricists vs. rationalists ref 1
Philosophical essays ref 1
in Descartes’ time ref 1
and science ref 1
Philosophy of Mind, the ref 1, ref 2
physicalists see Mind/Brain Identity Theory
pineal gland ref 1
planets, study of orbits ref 1
Platonist view
held by Descartes ref 1, ref 2
Popper, Karl ref 1
Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia ref 1
Principles of Philosophy ref 1, ref 2
Psychophysical Parallelism ref 1
qualia ref 1
quantum theory ref 1
Queen Christina of Sweden ref 1, ref 2
rationalism ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
reality ref 1
reductionism ref 1
religion see Christianity, God
representative realism ref 1
res extensa theory ref 1
Roman Catholic Church see Christianity
Ryle, Gilbert ref 1
Sartre, Jean-Paul ref 1
scepticism ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
scholasticism ref 1
schoolmen ref 1
in Descartes’ time ref 1, ref 2
and philosophy ref 1
Searle, John ref 1
seeing ref 1
senses ref 1
knowledge through ref 1
lack of clarity ref 1
shrine, visit to ref 1
sight see seeing
software, thoughts as ref 1
Sorbière, de ref 1
soul ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
Descartes’ image of ref 1, ref 2
interaction with body ref 1
Spinoza, Benedictus de ref 1, ref 2
spirit see soul
St Anselm ref 1
St Augustine ref 1
St Thomas Aquinas ref 1
sun see planets, study of orbits
Sweden, invitation to ref 1, ref 2
swordsman, Descartes as ref 1
Theory of Everything (TOE) ref 1
Thirty Years’ War ref 1
see also consciousness
existence of ref 1
mind and body interaction ref 1
substance see res cogitans
thoughts see thinking
Token Identity Theory ref 1
Trademark argument ref 1
trialism ref 1
truth and mathematics ref 1
understanding vs. belief ref 1, ref 2
unity in knowledge ref 1
language ref 1
scepticism ref 1
of Descartes’ time ref 1, ref 2
and mathematics ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
vivisection ref 1
and faith ref 1
and the intellect ref 1
and subduing emotions ref 1
Wittgenstein, Ludwig ref 1
World, The ref 1