By motion Descartes meant what we now call the momentum, mv. He believed that Σmv retained a constant value, where E indicates summation over all the moving bodies. Leibniz introduced the concept of energy at a later date, describing it as force (vis viva, equal to mv2), and found that Σmv2 retained a constant value. He also discovered the constancy of the momenta Σmve9780486119175_img_1008.gif, etc. in the separate directions in space. Descartes wanted his animal spirits to change the direction of motion while keeping Σmv constant. Leibniz’s objection was that this would change Σmve9780486119175_img_1008.gif; energy did not come into the question at all.


By ‘force’ Leibniz here means energy or vis viva.


We need not discuss the possibility of space having inherent in itself a curvature on a universe-wide scale; such curvature, if it exists, is unimportant for our present discussion.