The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

abandonment of property, 59, 62, 64–70, 125

Africa, 217

African Americans, 3, 9, 26, 77–79, 99–100, 132, 141, 149–51, 155– 62, 214

Agriculture Department, US (USDA), 126

air conditioning, 3, 7, 76

algorithms, 211, 212

alternative facts, 152

alt-right, 213

Alvarez, Daniel, 6

American Journal of Public Health, 70

American National Election Studies, 173

American Public Health Association (APHA), 128, 131

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 117–18

Anderson, Elijah, 16

Angel, Shlomo, 76

Annenberg Foundation, 88

Ansari, Aziz, 41, 42

Anti-intellectualism in American Life (Hofstadter), 94

Anzac Bridge, 22

Apple, 214

Araos, Malcolm, 198

architecture of accommodation, 195

Aristotle, 148

Army Corp of Engineers, US, 204

Associated Press, 8

athletic facilities, 155–59, 166–73

Atlantic, 60

automatic teller machines, 76

Baldassarri, Delia, 153

Bangladesh, 197–99

banks, 76

Barbershop (film series), 162

barbershops, 160–62, 226

Barnes & Noble, 222, 223–24

Baruch College, 97

Baskin, Hal, 5

Bay Area, 213–17

BBC, 8, 139

Bearman, Peter, 153

beer gardens, 20

BeltLine, 21

Biderman, Ciro, 71

BIG Group, 201

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 88, 219

Billington, David, 231–32

Billion Oyster Project, 203–4

BING Art Books, 101, 103

Black Metropolis (Drake and Cayton), 161

Black Rage (Grier and Cobbs), 161

Blackstone Group, 219

Bloomberg, Michael, 190

Bloomberg News, 97

blue-collar workers, 9, 221

Bodega, 224–25

bookstores, 222, 223–24, 226

border walls, 19, 230

Bowling Alone (Putnam), 12

bowling leagues, 27–32

boyd, danah, 43

Brain, Marshall, 17

Branas, Charles, 63–65, 68–71, 132

Bratton, William J., 61

Brazil, 8, 73, 74–75

Bright, Al, 157

Brin, Sergey, 215

broken windows theory, 60–64

Brown, Les, 126–27

Brown University, 94, 95

Brown v. Board of Education, 157

Bureau of Labor Statistics, US, 13

cafés, 16, 20, 44, 75, 101, 103, 130, 226

Caius, John, 93

Caldeira, Teresa, 73

California, University of, 214, 216–17

Cambridge University, 93

Campus: An American Planning

Tradition (Turner), 92

campus design, 91–96, 98–99

Cantwell, Leasa and Guy, 185

Carnegie, Andrew, 24, 48, 217–19

Carnegie Corporation of New York, 88

Carse, Ashley, 14–15

Case, Anne, 119

Cayton, Horace, 161

Cedric the Entertainer, 162

census data, 77, 144

Center for an Urban Future, 221

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US, 2–3, 189

Centre for Liveable Cities, 135, 136

Chan, Priscilla, 216

Chan Zuckerberg BioHub, 216

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, 216

Chicago, Ill., 22, 128–29

heat wave of 1995 in, 1–7, 15, 26, 76

housing in, 78–81

neighborhoods of, 4–7, 80, 100, 125–26, 129, 130, 131, 147–51, 179, 229

Polis Station project, 227–29

Chicago, University of, 99–105

Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, 126

childcare centers, 18, 19, 38–40

China, 8, 20, 138

cholera, 60

City of Walls (Caldeira), 73

City Project, Los Angeles, 143

City University of New York (CUNY), 139

civic associations, 11–13, 16, 23

civic skills, 140

climate change and security, 9, 129, 152, 186–87, 188–90, 191, 199

Clinton, Hillary, 22, 212

Cobb, Jelani, 114–16

Cobbs, Price, 161

collective effervescence, 31

College of William and Mary, 94, 96

Collegiate Learning Assessment, 109

Colombia, 72

Coming Apart (Murray), 12

communitas, 167

confounds, 145

Congress, US, 212

Contested Waters (Wiltse), 155–57

Cooley, Charles, 148

counterpublics, 160

country clubs’ exclusion policies, 19

Coursera, 105, 106

Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, US, 157

crime, 21, 28, 57–60, 72, 75–79, 121–22

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), 59, 73

Currency Exchange Café, 101, 103

currency exchanges, 76

Daley, Richard M., 6

Dandridge, Dorothy, 157

Dartmouth College, 94

Data & Society, 43

Deaton, Angus, 119

Defensible Space (Newman), 58

deindustrialization, 151

Delta Works, 195

Denver, 77–78, 220

De Urbanisten,196

Dewey, John, 12

Dober, Richard, 91–92

Donovan, Shaun, 200

Drake, St. Clair, 161

drinking grounds, 20

dry laws, 71–72

Dunkin’ Donuts, 44

Durkheim, Émile, 31, 119

East Side Coastal Resiliency Project, 201–2, 204, 231

eating clubs, 95

edX, 105

elderly, 3–6, 14, 26–31, 44–45, 134–39

Emanuel, Ezekiel, 106

Emanuel, Rahm, 229

Emerson, Michael, 182

environmental deprivation, 145

“Ethnography of Infrastructure, The” (Star), 14

eyes on street, 57

Facebook, 42, 43, 78, 181, 183, 193, 209–13, 214–16

favela, 74

Federal Reserve Bank, 64

FEMA, 189

filter bubbles, 152

Finland, 138

Fiorina, Morris, 151

Fischer, Claude, 13, 41

“Floating Cities, No Longer Science Fiction, Begin to Take Shape,” 199

food desert, 126, 127, 130, 215

foreclosure crisis, 10, 127

Foreign Policy, 8

Forward, The, 48

fossil fuel industry, 191

Fraser, Nancy, 160

fraternities, 96–98

Freedman, Samuel, 90

Fresno State, 97

Gang, Jeanne, 227–30

Garmin monitors, 132

gated communities, 8, 72–75

Gates, Theaster, 101, 103

gentrification, 21, 75–80, 213–17

Global Health Initiatives, 193

Global News, 8

global warming, 23, 186–87

Going Solo (Klinenberg), 134

Google, 214–15

Gordon, Billi, 142

Great Recession of 2008, 127, 225

Green, Keith, 66–68, 70

greenhouse gas emissions, 187, 204

Grier, William, 161

Growing Home, 127, 128, 129, 130

Guatemala, 8

gun violence, 63–64, 68–69

Hafstein, Valdimar, 155

Haidt, Jonathan, 173

Hannon, Lance, 65

Harcourt, Bernard, 61

Harris-Lacewell, Melissa, 161–62

Hart, Roger, 139–40

Harvard, 94, 95, 105

hawker centers, 135

hazing, 97

Heat Wave (Klinenberg), 7

heat waves, 1–7, 26, 76, 191

Herbert, Keith, 78

heroin, 118, 120–23, 174

High Line, 21, 22

HIV, 121, 122, 175

Hofstadter, Richard, 94

homeless, 45, 99, 126, 166

homophily, 148

Honduras, 8

hot pots (geothermal pools), 20, 155–56

housing projects, 55–57, 78–80, 135–37

Houston, Tex., 177–85, 204–5

Hout, Mike, 152

HowStuffWorks website, 17

hurricanes, 177–85, 186, 189, 190, 191–93, 200–201, 205–6

Iceland, 20, 154–55

Illinois Private College Campus Police Act of 1992, 100

immigrants and immigrant communities, 46, 90, 147–50, 155, 156, 167–68, 183, 210, 218

Internet and library use by, 47– 50, 52, 89, 111, 174–75, 221

India, 8, 217

infrastructures, critical, 14–15, 24, 187, 227, 231–33

infrastructures, social, 14, 15, 17, 20–21, 24, 97, 112, 163–66, 194–95

athletic facilities as, 155–59, 166–73

for black community, 160–62

and climate security, 188–90

to combat isolation in elderly, 14, 26–31, 134–39

decline of, 7–11

defining of, 5, 16

effect of gentrification upon, 75–80

and Facebook, 209–13, 214–16

libraries as, 32

online universities as, 105, 106

religious groups as, 182–85, 188

revitalization of, 21–23

in rural areas, 19

schools as, 40–41

vs. social capital, 5

urban examples of, 101–4, 163– 66, 203–4

Ingels, Bjarke, 201, 231

Instagram, 42

Internet, 8, 13, 32, 41, 42, 86, 105, 152, 173–76, 219

isolation, 3, 97, 120

of African Americans, 3, 9, 99– 100, 155–60

effect of gated communities on, 74–75

among elderly, 3–6, 14, 26–31, 133–39

libraries’ role combating, 31–32, 34–37, 38, 112

Israel, 19

Istanbul, 17

Iyengar, Shanto, 152

izakayas, 20

Jacob, Klaus, 200

Jacobs, Jane, 16, 22, 57, 75, 76

James Beard Foundation, 48

Japan, 20, 135

Jeffery, C. Ray, 59

Kane, Basil, 168

karaoke bars, 20

Katzman, Jonathan, 107, 108–9

Keizer, Kees, 64

Kelling, George, 60–63

Kerrey, Bob, 107

Khan, Sal, 106, 106

Kimpton, Lawrence, 100

Klinenberg, Edward, 147–49

Kois, Dan, 155

Koller, Daphne, 105, 106

Koolhaas, Rem, 215

Kornblum, William, 149–50

Kosslyn, Stephen, 107, 109

Kuo, Frances, 79–80

Lamb, Robert, 17

Landman, Karina, 73–74

Lappset (manufacturing company), 138

LaRocca, Capri, 108

Latin America, 8

Latinos, 3, 9, 77, 141, 149–51, 225

levees, 15, 17

libraries, 10, 32, 37–39, 44, 45, 99, 111–16, 192, 219, 225–26

Carnegie’s support for, 24, 48, 53, 218

combating isolation with, 31–32, 34–37, 38, 112

floating, 198

immigrants’ use of, 46–50, 52, 111

programs for elderly in, 26–31, 38, 134

as safe spaces, 165–66

in Seward Park, 34, 35, 47, 48– 50, 52–53, 89, 111–12

Living Breakwaters, 203, 204, 230, 174

Los Angeles, Calif., 22, 142–44

Losinski, Patrick, 226

Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia, 137–39

Lurie, Nicole, 188

MacDonald, John, 60, 63–64, 68, 132

McDonald, Michael, 193–94

McDonald, Paul, 224

McDonald’s, 44–45

McLean, Katherine, 120

Marcus, Sharon, 112–14

Marsden, Peter, 13

Masons, 11

massive open online courses (MOOCs), 105–11

MassObservation collective, 19

“matched pairs,” 3, 4

MDRC (research firm), 91

Meier, Deborah, 87–88

methadone maintenance facilities, 122–24

Mexico, 19, 72

Michigan, University of, 96

Microsoft, 219

Midway Plaisance Master Plan, 100–101

mikvahs, 160

Minarik, Else Holmelund, 51

Minerva, 107–11

MIT, 105

Mitchell, Richard, 145

mobile phones, 41

Modern Romance (Klinenberg and Ansari), 41, 42

Molenaar, Arnoud, 195

“More Coffee, Less Crime?” (Papachristos), 77

mortality rates, 3, 4, 97, 118, 119, 121, 122, 145, 159, 191

Multiple Environmental Deprivation Index, 144–45

Murray, Charles, 12

MySpace, 43

naltrexone, 119

National Academy of Sciences, US, 126

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 11, 157

National Health Security Strategy, 189

National Hurricane Center, 178

National Study of Student Hazing, 97

National Weather Service, 182

needle distribution programs, 122

Nelson, Ben, 106

Netherland (O’Neill), 167–68

Netherlands, 64, 195

Newman, Oscar, 56–59

New Orleans, La., 17, 179, 189 Lafitte Greenway, 21–22, 205–7

New Urbanism movement, 13

New York, N.Y., 21, 88, 140–41, 190

effect of Hurricane Sandy upon, 191, 192–93, 200–201

immigrant communities in, 46–50, 89

library system in, 33, 37, 51, 219–21

neighborhoods, 25–32, 47–48, 89, 90–91, 163–66, 201–4

subway system, 18–19, 117

New Yorker, 116, 167

New York Harbor School, 203

New York Public Library, 33, 51, 219, 221

New York Resilience System, 193

New York Times, 88, 173, 199

Nextdoor (website), 175

Ng, Andrew, 105

No Fighting (Minarik), 51

Northern Illinois University, 97

Obama, Barack, 188, 200

obesity, 32, 126, 140, 142

OkCupid, 42

Oldenburg, Ray, 16, 75

Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr., 143

Olympic Games of 2008, 138

OMA New York, 215

online universities, 105–11

Open University, 106

opioid addiction, 118–24

Orff, Kate, 203, 230

Oxford English Dictionary, 14

Oxford University, New College, 93

Palestine, 19

pan-European heat wave of 2003, 191

Papachristos, Andrew, 77, 78–79

Paris Agreement of 2016, 231

Parks, Playgrounds and Beaches for the Los Angeles Region (Olmsted), 143

parks and gardens, 11, 16, 22, 32, 59, 128–29, 131, 138, 143

Patterson, Orlando, 160

Pearce, Jamie, 144

Penn State, 97

Pennsylvania, University of, Health System, 64, 65, 132

Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS), 64, 65–68

Petite Ceinture, 22

Pew Research Center surveys, 33, 106

Philadelphia, Pa., 22, 64–70, 132–33

Philanthropy Roundtable, 217–18

Placemaking for an Aging

Population (Loukaitou-Sideris), 137

Plato, 148

Plough, Alonzo, 189

polarization, 173–76, 212

Polis Station, 227–30

poverty, 3, 4, 26, 48, 60, 65, 79, 130, 225

primary group, 148

Princeton University, 94

private security, 8, 73, 100

public housing, 55–57, 79–81, 134

pubs, 19–20

Puerto Rico, 186

Pugh, Cordia, 125–26, 128

Putnam, Robert, 12, 30

rail network, 21, 117

Rajan, Ashwath, 224

Raudenbush, Stephen, 62

Reagan, Ronald, 15

Rebuild by Design, 48, 200, 201

recovery capital, 122

remediation programs, 68–71

#Republic (Sunstein), 153

Rhodes, Harry, 127, 129–31

Rockaway Beach Surf Club, 193

Rotterdam, 17, 22, 195–96

Rovaniemi Polytechnic, 138

Russia, 212, 213

Rutgers University, 94

safe injection clinics, 122–24

Safety Check, 211

Sampson, Robert, 62

Sanjek, Roger, 164, 165, 166

Schilero, Lucy, 164–65

schools, 40–41, 72, 84, 85, 86–91, 198

Schultz, Debbie Wasserman, 173

Schwarzman, Stephen, 219

Science, 64

seasteading, 199

secondary group, 148

Second International Architecture Biennale, 195

Secure America Now, 213

Sendak, Maurice, 51

sexual assault, 97, 123, 156

Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha, 198

shipping docks, 21

Show Me a Hero (HBO miniseries), 58

Siegel, Jessica, 90

Silicon Valley, 105, 170, 199, 211– 12, 214, 216, 219

Simon, Paul and Shelle, 177–85

Singapore, 17, 135–36, 194–95

Small, Mario, 39

Small Victories (Freedman), 89

Snow, John, 60

social atomization, 18

social capital, 5, 8, 12, 32, 120, 152

social media, 41, 173

sororities, 96–98

South, Eugenia, 131–32

South Africa, 73–74

Spain, 138

Spelman, William, 65

Stanford University, 105, 216

Star, Susan Leigh, 14

Starbucks, 44, 45, 51, 78

Stavros Niarchos Foundation, 219

stop and frisk police program, 59

Strijkers, Doepel, 22

Studio Gang, 227

suicide, 119

Sullivan, William, 79–80

Summers, Lawrence, 107

sundlaug (public pool), 154–55

Sunstein, Cass, 153, 173

Supportive Place for Observation and Treatment (SPOT), 123

Supreme Court, US, 157, 158

Swanson, Betty, 6–7

Sweden, 137

swimming pools, 154–59

Switzerland, 120–22, 135

teenagers, 38, 43, 44, 174

Thiel, Peter, 199

third places, 16, 20, 44–45

Thrun, Sebastian, 105

Tinder, 42

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 11–12, 32

Today Online, 8

Toronto City Council, 22

transient communities, 19

transit networks, 16–17, 19

Trump, Donald, 10, 19, 22, 210, 227

Turkle, Sherry, 42–43, 173

Turner, Paul, 92–93, 94

Turner, Victor, 167

Twitter, 43

Udacity, 105, 106

United Kingdom, 106, 122, 135, 138, 142, 144

United Nations, 133

United States, 19, 135, 137, 142–44

and critical infrastructure, 22–23, 117

gun violence rates in, 63

library use by city, 33–34

presidential election of 2016, 8, 22, 151, 152, 174, 210, 212

urban remediation programs, 68–71

urban farms, 126–28, 129

Urban Health Initiative, 101

Vargas, João Costa, 74

voluntary associations, 12, 13, 16, 32, 153

Wade, Lisa, 98

Warner, Michael, 160

Washington, DC Federal Triangle, 17

Wei Da Lim, 135

Westwood, Sean, 152

WhatsApp, 175

Wilcrest Baptist Church, 182–85

Williams, Jonathan, 183

Wilson, James Q., 60–63

Wiltse, Jeff, 155–57, 159

Wire, The (tv series), 121

Woo, Rodney, 183

Wood, James, 167

Worby, Eric, 172

World Bank, 72

World Health Organization, 133–34

Wridt, Pamela, 140, 141–42

Yale College, 94

Yamasaki, Minoru, 55

YouTube, 159

Zalkind, Susan, 123

Zambrana, Haydee, 165

Zimring, Franklin, 62

Zoorob, Michael, 120

Zuckerberg, Mark, 209–13, 216–17