My ancestor, Eva, was part dragon shifter, as well. She was also part Keeper—humans with dormant dragon blood and guardians of the Dragon Shifters in a little realm known as Dragontopia. That used to be my home before I found out the truth of my lineage and fled my home in anger. Eva was now the queen of the entire supernatural world, a world parallel to this one. It was a title that was meant to be mine, before I abandoned it and ran away to the human realm, this realm, to hide from the fact that I had doomed my immortal lover to an eternity locked behind the walls of his own home.
But because of Eva and her witch friend Airicka, the spell I cast was broken, and Darcy had come here in search of me. Well, he was ordered to come here by Eva and her minions. And now my secret was out. I could no longer live in peace and anonymity amongst the humans. This was the reason for my personal vendetta against the supernatural creatures. They were threatening my way of life. And because of Eva, who had opened the veil between the two worlds, it had to end. I had to see her. I had to make her change the law regarding the veil door. And if she didn’t agree, I would kill her and take back my throne. I packed my trusty athame under the leg of my jeans and made my way to Darcy’s nightclub.
I arrived at the club just before four. I checked the clock in the dashboard. I still had fifteen minutes until I was due to meet Eva, so I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel of my brand new Audi A1. I originally hadn’t wanted to learn how to drive when I arrived in the human world, but the places I had to be for work and certain killings I had to make, fleeing was a little hard on foot. Even for a powerful witch-dragon shifter hybrid like me. Plus, this car was amazing. I felt like a princess again.
As I was surveying the surrounding street and industrial buildings, I caught sight of movement in my peripheral. A werewolf I knew to be named Felix, an employee of Darcy’s, stood outside the door of the club. He must have heard the approach of the newcomer because his head jerked to the left, and that was when I saw her. Eva was walking down the street toward the club, and she was alone. Where was her other half, Ash?
I waited until Eva was inside the club before making my move. My fingers immediately felt for the bulge of the sword hidden under my jeans leg, checking it was still there, and then got out of the car. I jogged over to the door and greeted Felix with a nod. He opened the door and let me in, following me up the dimly lit stairs.
When I reached the ground floor of the club, it was dark and deserted, save for the bartender/wolf shifter Adam, sorting coins into the till, and the DJ, who was setting up for her sound check. She was new to the club. I hadn’t seen her before, but the large banner behind her table and the speakers announced her as DJ Siphon. She had a bleached blonde pixie cut that was spiked up with gel at the back, deep pink eyeshadow and matching lipstick. She had on a silver sequined dress which was short enough to reveal her fishnet stockings underneath. She was beautiful, and I would probably go for her if I were attracted to women. And judging by the way she watched me as I walked by on my way to Darcy’s office, she obviously did.
I watched her out of the corner of my eye as I climbed the spiral metal stairs to the upper level and began to feel the start of a migraine coming on. My heart pounded, and I began to feel incredibly tired. What the hell? I didn’t get tired unless I used magic… I turned my full attention to DJ Siphon, and that was when it clicked. She was named DJ Siphon for a very good reason. Her lips quirked knowingly. She was siphoning my magic. She was a succubus.
I quickly made my way to Darcy’s office before she could drain me further. When I stepped inside and locked the door behind me, Eva and Darcy turned to look my way. They were sitting rather close on the love seat on the opposite side of the office. I let out a frustrated breath and stomped to the drink cart beside Darcy’s desk.
“Why on earth did you hire a succubus, Darcy? She almost drained me.” I poured myself a shot of vodka and downed it. The liquor burned on its way down my throat, but I didn’t care. I welcomed the fire.
Darcy chuckled. “Sorry, Emma. I’ll tell her not to. It’s kind of her thing.”
“Does she do that to everyone or just a select few?”
“Well, she feeds off emotion and energy. It’s the reason she became a DJ. A nightclub is the best place to feed. Besides, she’s nocturnal.”
I downed another vodka shot. “Does she feed off you too?” My tone was short and annoyed. I felt Darcy come up behind me. He put a hand on my shoulder and turned my body away from the booze. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
“I love it when you’re jealous.” He sighed and turned and made his way back toward where Eva sat comfortably with hands joined in front of her on the love seat. She was leaning forward, trying not to watch my and Darcy’s exchange, but when Darcy returned, and I followed, she leaned back and hitched a leg over her knee crossing her legs and placing her joined hands in her lap.
“It’s good to see you again, Eva,” I said in faux nicety. I wasn’t happy to see her at all. But I needed this meeting and had to make the most of it. I had to get what I was after.
She nodded and let her long copper-colored locks fall over one shoulder. Her hair was slightly shorter since I last saw her. And she no longer wore braids. She was still dressed like she always had, though, ready to kick butt in jeans, a t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket. Only this time, her clothes looked designer. She was the queen of the entire supernatural world, after all. She couldn’t just wear anything. She even had on expensive-looking knee-high brown leather boots.
“You too, Emma. I see you’ve changed your hair. I like it. It suits you.”
I smiled and brushed my fingers through my newly darkened blonde hair. My hair had always been white-blonde, so white my parents said it was made from moonlight. I was sick of it, and it looked unnatural here. So, I had given myself a slight makeover. I liked the change. It was only a small part of the new me. I sat down on a chair opposite Eva and Darcy, crossing my legs, as well.
“So what brings you back? Is Ash okay?”
“Ash is fine. He’s busy running the kingdom and raising the kids. You know how it is,” Eva said with a musical laugh, playing with the ends of her hair twirling it round her finger.
“No, I don’t actually,” I add, slightly bored. I had to move this conversation along. Eva looked at me, blinked, and then quickly avoided eye contact, clearing her throat.
“I didn’t come to talk about my husband. I returned here to talk to you about a matter which Darcy brought to my attention. A matter regarding you and a pair of werewolves in the southern island continent of New Zealand.”
She met my gaze, and I froze. Then I turned my gaze to Darcy and felt the fire burn inside me with bubbling rage. I unhooked my leg from my other one and planted both feet firmly on the ground and clenched my fists.
“You told her?!”
“I had to. She is our queen. I have to let her know.”
I stood and called my pink fire to my hand. “You broke my trust, Darcy. I trusted you.” Darcy and Eva both stood, fearing a fight.
“I’m sorry. As I said, I had no choice. You broke the treaty.”
“Yeah, a treaty in which I had no part in. Technically, I can do whatever the hell I want with the treaty. Right now, I’m going to say, stick it up your arse, Darcy.”
“But you broke the law, and I have no choice but to ask you to return to the Capital with me.”
“Ugh.” I shot out my hand, and pure pink fire shot out and blasted Darcy across the room pinning him against the wall. “As I said, I never wanted that damn treaty to begin with. You broke my trust. Again, Darcy.” I tightened my hold on his neck with my power.
“Let him go,” demanded Eva. “You broke the law, Emma. You broke the treaty the minute you decided every paranormal creature was out to get you when they aren’t.”
“They are! I came here to get away from that world. And because of you, that world found me. Darcy found me. I’m not safe.”
Darcy coughed, and I tightened my hold again.
“Please… Emma,” he gasped. “I’m… sorry. I… love…”
“You what? You love me, Darcy?” I sauntered toward him slowly and seductively. I loosened my hold on him only so he could slide down the wall, closer to eye level. I kept a hold on him. He wasn’t going anywhere yet. “I got your love letter. It was touching, but none of it matters when you still go behind my back and report back to queenie here,” I said, waving my hand toward Eva. “And you play mind games with me. And you seduce me with your vampire hypnosis.” With each step, I tightened my hold on his neck. He gasped and coughed and squirmed. But I was stronger than he was.
“You don’t love me. You were only a typical vampire. I was your next meal. Well, I’m not anymore. It’s over. I’m done.” I let him go, and he coughed and bent over to suck air into his lungs. I bet he was putting on quite an act. Vampires heal quickly. I walked toward the door.
“If you cross me again, Darcy, so help me, I will curse you again. And this time, no one will be able to break you out.” I stepped out of the office and slammed the door in my wake. The whole wall shook.