The file Carl had given me didn’t give me much to go on in terms of where to find the werewolves. The file included police witness statements and grainy phone pictures. Except for one photo. This photo was clear and in focus, and it told me exactly where to find the wolves. I gathered my things and ran to my car, scowling as I went. The picture clearly depicted two large wolves standing outside Darcy’s supernatural nightclub. So, once again, I made my way back to the last place I wanted to go.
I stormed over to the door, athame in hand, and when Darcy’s goons saw me, their eyes widened in fear and the big burly bear shifter security guards scrambled to open the door. They knew not to mess with me. I stepped through the door and was about to stomp up the stairs when I heard a growl behind me. I stopped half way up the darkened stairwell and slowly turned. It was one of the bear shifters.
“What do you want, Ralph? We had an agreement,” I said.
“I’m sorry, Emma. But I can’t let you go with the intent to cause harm. This is a safe place.”
“Yeah, well. That was before certain creatures under Darcy’s protection broke the law. I’m here to fix that.”
“I’m sure there’s an explanation,” said Ralph, slowly approaching me with his hands out in front, like I was the beast he was trying to calm. I held my athame out in front of me as a warning not to take one more step.
“There’s no explanation. I’m here to sort out the problem, and there need to be no questions asked. Got it? Now go back to your post, Grizzly.”
Ralph scowled, grumbled, and stomped back down the stairs to his post at the front door. I turned and made my way up to the nightclub floor.
It was about mid-morning, so the nightclub wasn’t officially open yet, but Darcy lived here and offered a haven and a bed to any supernatural creature who needed it. That was probably why Shalia and Daniel were here.
He must have sensed me, because as soon as I entered the nightclub floor, Darcy appeared at the balcony.
“Back so soon, love?” My heart stuttered. Darcy used a whole manner of accents as he traveled around, but he preferred British. That one drove me crazy.
“Darcy,” I breathed, tense. I clenched my jaw. “May I have a word?”
“Sure. Step into my—”
“God, you’re so corny. Save the pick-up lines and the stupid accent.” I stomped up the metal stairs to the upper level, where the bedrooms and offices were, causing the sound of my steps to resonate throughout the club. Darcy stood near the open door to his office. He gestured for me to enter first. I did but shoved past him on the way. I got to the desk and turned back to face Darcy, folding my arms across my bosom. He gave a start when he saw my scowl, my pursed lips, and my narrowed gaze. Darcy sighed.
“I know why you’re here,” he said.
“Then let’s discuss it so I can go.”
He sauntered around me and perched his backside on the edge of the desk behind me. He was too close. My heart rate rose, and blood flushed my cheeks. I found it hard to breathe.
“Darcy, please. Stop.”
“Okay. Let’s talk.”