Chapter Eighteen

I saw light.

And then I saw nothing.

Hands grabbed me, and that was the last thing I had felt before they took me. They put me to sleep and took me somewhere.


When I woke up, I was chained to a bed in what looked to be a typical prison cell. I called my magic to me, but the spark died and fizzled in my hand. Something was blocking my magic. I loathed magic, but it would be pretty useful right now. I kept trying anyway. When I tried perhaps twenty times, I yelled out in frustration.


“You’ll wear yourself out if you keep it up.” I paused and looked up at the metal bars separating me from my visitor.

“Darcy, why am I here?”

“It’s for your own protection. And theirs. Quite frankly, I’m more concerned about you. You’re different.”

I turned away from him, pulling my legs toward my chest on the bed.

“Emma, what’s wrong?” he said in a hushed tone.

I continued avoiding his gaze. I looked toward the window and saw a brilliant silver moon shining high in the sky.

It reminded me of the night that had started it all, the night I met Darcy. The night my life changed forever.

I glanced at him, and a tear rolled down my cheek.

“I’m sorry, Darcy. Ever since that night, I have had so much hate inside me. I hated you for what you did. You bit me and sparked my magic. You illuminated me. That was the night the spoilt princess died, and the scared woman was born.”

Darcy stepped closer to the bars and reached his hand through. I looked at his pale hand and then got off the bed and walked over to him. I took both of his hands and entwined my fingers with his.

“Emmaline, I bit you because you seduced me. I thought you wanted the same thing. I’m sorry if I angered you. I truly didn’t mean to. It wasn’t my intention at all.”

“I did want it. I had never met a vampire before. Back then, I had never been outside the walls of my own realm. It was all so new and exciting. I got caught up in the moment.”

Darcy’s eyes widened. I could see a hint of pain in them. “Are you saying… Weren’t your feelings real? Aren’t real?”

“No. What I meant was it was the power. The power heightened all my emotions. I was more angry, more scared, more… turned on than I should have been. But that doesn’t mean what I feel now isn’t real. It is very real. You’ve changed me, Darcy.” The last part I whispered, leaning in closer so our mouths were inches apart. I felt his icy breath on my face.

He smiled and then stepped back, but only to unlock the gate. As soon as the gate was open, he ran in and swooped me up in his arms. I kissed him with all the pent-up emotion and everything else I had left. I was done fighting. I gave in and let the magic overwhelm me.