Outline of Mark

Prologue: The beginning of the good news (1:1–13)

Part I: “Who is this man?” (1:1–8:26)

A.  Proclamation of the kingdom with deeds of power (1:14–6:32)

•  The call of the disciples and Jesus’ mighty deeds (1:14–45)

•  Controversies with the religious authorities (2:1–3:6)

•  A new Israel and a new family of God (3:7–35)

•  Parables of the kingdom (4:1–34)

•  Jesus’ authority over all that threatens us (4:35–5:43)

•  Unbelief at Nazareth (6:1–6)

•  The mission of the Twelve (6:7–32)

B.  Understanding the bread (6:33–8:26)

•  Bread miracle, sea miracle, hardened hearts, healings (6:33–56)

•  The new law of the gospel (7:1–23)

•  An exorcism and a healing of Gentiles (7:24–37)

•  Bread miracle, sea crossing, hardened hearts (8:1–21)

•  Gradual healing of a blind man (8:22–26)

Hinge: Peter’s confession of faith: “You are the Messiah!” (8:27–30)

Part II: Revelation of the suffering and glorious Messiah (8:31–16:20)

A.  On the way of discipleship (8:31–10:52)

•  First passion prediction, inept response, teaching on discipleship (8:31–9:1)

•  Transfiguration and an exorcism (9:2–29)

•  Second passion prediction, inept response, teaching on discipleship (9:30–10:31)

•  Third passion prediction, inept response, teaching on discipleship (10:32–45)

•  Instantaneous healing of a blind man (10:46–52)

B.  The Lord comes to his temple (11:1–13:37)

•  Jesus’ triumphal entry and cleansing of the temple (11:1–26)

•  Controversies establishing the basis for Jesus’ authority (11:27–12:44)

•  End times discourse (13:1–37)

C.  Passion, death, and resurrection (14:1–16:20)

•  A woman’s anointing; Judas’s betrayal (14:1–11)

•  The Last Supper (14:12–31)

•  Agony, arrest, and desertion in Gethsemane (14:32–52)

•  Trials before Jewish and Gentile rulers (14:53–15:15)

•  Crucifixion, death, and burial: “Truly this man was the Son of God!” (15:16–47)

•  The empty tomb (16:1–8)

•  The Longer Ending (16:9–20)