Index of Pastoral Topics

This index indicates where the Gospel of Mark provides material related to topics that may be useful for evangelization, catechesis, apologetics, or other forms of pastoral ministry.

agony in the garden, 14:32–42

Anointing of the Sick, 6:13, 53–56

baptism, 1:4–11

baptism in the Spirit, 1:7–8

baptism of infants, 10:13–16

biblical inspiration, 12:36

body, sacramental quality of, 1:31, 41; 5:23, 41; 6:5; 7:33–35; 8:22–25

brothers and sisters of Jesus, 3:31–35

busyness, 6:30–32

celibacy, 12:24–25

children, 9:33–37; 10:13–16

children of God, 1:9–11; 11:25

Church and state, 12:13–17

commandments, 10:17–22; 12:28–34

compassion of Jesus, 1:40–42; 6:34; 8:2–3

cross, power of the, 15:22–32

demands for proof, 8:11–13

disabilities, 7:31–37

discipleship: call, cost, compensation, 1:16–20; 2:13–14; 8:34–38; 10:28–30

ecumenism, 9:38–41

eternal life, resurrection, 10:17–30; 12:18–27; 16:1–14

Eucharist, 6:35–44; 8:1–8; 14:22–25

evangelization, mission, 5:14–20; 6:7–13; 9:38–41; 16:14–20

exorcisms, 1:21–27, 34; 3:23–27; 5:1–13; 6:7, 13; 9:14–29; 16:17

faith, efficacy of, 2:5; 5:25–34; 6:45–52; 7:24–30; 9:23–24; 10:52; 11:22–24; 16:16–18

family of God, 3:31–35

fasting, 2:18–22

fear, 4:36–41; 5:36; 6:50; 16:8

forgiveness, 1:4; 2:1–12; 11:25

generosity, 10:21, 28–30; 12:41–44

healing by Jesus and disciples, 1:30–34, 40–42; 2:1–12; 3:1–5, 10; 5:21–43; 6:5, 13, 55–56; 7:24–30, 31–37; 8:22–26; 10:46–52; 16:18

heaven. See eternal life

hell, 9:42–48

Holy Spirit, 1:7–12; 3:29; 12:36; 13:11

honors, danger of, 9:33–37; 10:35–45; 12:38–40

humility, 9:33–37; 10:13–16, 35–45

Jesus, identity of, 1:7–11, 22–27; 2:5–12, 28; 4:41; 6:50; 8:27–29; 9:2–8; 11:7–11; 14:61–62; 15:39

kingdom of God, 1:14–15; 4:10–32; 9:1; 10:14–15, 23–27; 14:25

leadership in the Church, 10:35–45; 12:10–12

love, commandment of, 12:28–34

marriage, 10:1–12; 12:18–27

martyrdom, 6:14–29; 8:34–38; 10:35–40; 13:9–13

Mary, mother of Jesus, 3:31; 6:3

ministry, 6:35–44; 9:35–41; 10:42–45

miracles over nature, 4:35–41; 6:34–44, 45–51; 8:1–8

passion of Christ, predictions, 8:31; 9:12, 31; 10:33–34; 14:18–21, 27

persecution, 8:34–38; 10:29–30; 13:9–13

Peter as leader of apostles, 1:29, 36; 3:16–19; 8:29; 10:28; 14:29–31, 37; 16:7

poverty, the poor, 10:21–22; 12:41–44; 14:5–7

prayer, 1:35–39; 4:33–34; 6:30–32; 11:22–25; 14:32–42

prayer of intercession, 2:1–12

prayer ministry, 9:14–29

Reconciliation, sacrament of, 1:40–45; 6:53–56

repentance, 1:2–8, 14–15

resurrection of the body, 12:18–27

Scripture, inspiration of, 12:36

second coming, 8:38–9:1; 13:24–37

servanthood, 9:33–35; 10:45. See also humility

sexual immorality, 7:20–23

sin, snowball effect of, 6:14–29

sinners, Jesus’ care for, 2:15–17; 14:41

spiritual battle, 1:12–13; 3:23–27; 4:15; 8:33. See also exorcisms

suffering, 10:35–40; 13:9–13; 14:27–31, 32–42

tax, 12:13–17

temptations to sin, 9:42–48

theology of the body, 10:1–12; 12:18–27

tithing, 10:23–27

tradition, 7:1–8

unity among Christians, 9:38–41

vices, list of, 7:14–23

wealth, 10:17–27

women and Jesus, 1:30–31; 5:25–34; 7:25–30; 14:3–9; 15:40–41, 47; 16:1–10

word of God, response to, 4:1–20