Chapter Three
The Ferryman

Jeremy took a big breath.

He opened his eyes. A man stared down at him. He had long straggly gray hair. His skin was white. He wore a dark oilskin coat and muddy boots.

Jeremy gulped. He tried to remember what Mr. Magnus had said. “You must be the ferryman,” he stammered.

The man scowled. He looked like he was waiting for something.

Aristotle nudged Jeremy. The gold coins! Jeremy sat up and dug them out of his pocket. He gave them to the ferryman.

The ferryman’s hands felt like damp leaves. The coins disappeared into the folds of his long coat. Then he grunted, “Get in.”

Jeremy looked around for the ferry. All he saw was an ancient rowboat. It was made of weathered gray boards. The boards looked rotten.

“Er...Does your boat ever leak?” said Jeremy.

The ferryman didn’t say anything. He climbed into the boat. Jeremy crammed everything into the backpack. He scrambled into the boat. Aristotle hopped in after him.

The man hunched his shoulders and pushed against the pole. Pale green weeds trailed against the bow of the boat. A thin snake glided through the murky water. Two mud-brown eyes stared from a lily pad. Cold mist swirled around them. Jeremy hugged his arms. He was freezing.

He peered into the thick gray fog. After a long time the rowboat bumped against a bank. They had made it! Jeremy and Aristotle climbed out. The ferryman poled silently away.


“Wait!” called Jeremy. “Do you know where we can find six blood-red lanterns?”

But the ferryman had disappeared. Jeremy gazed around. The fog parted. A huge iron gate loomed out of the mist. In front of it was the biggest doghouse Jeremy had ever seen.

The three-headed dog.

The fur on Aristotle’s back bristled.

“Don’t worry,” said Jeremy quickly. “I don’t see anything moving. And it’s awfully quiet. He’s probably not home—”

A loud cracking sound made them both jump.

Aristotle shot between Jeremy’s legs.

It was the sound of a giant dog crunching on giant bones.