This book could not have happened without the success of my television show, ‘Mercurio’s Menu’. And ‘Mercurio’s Menu’ could not have happened without the ongoing support of a lot of very talented, committed, hard working and passionate people. I am truly the tip of the iceberg, for underneath the smiling face on TV there are a myriad of people from all walks of life I would like to thank for making the show so great and enabling this book to be.
I would like to thank all of the following: Tim Worner, Brad Lyons and Graeme Hill from Channel Seven for supporting the series, WTFN Productions Daryl Talbot, Steve Oemcke, Frank Dumphy for actually making the show and dealing with all of what that actually means. My crews for the first two series – series one: producer Anne Marie (Sparky) Sparkman, camera man extraordinaire Mick Purdy, sound guy Chris (Pav) Rynn, 2nd producer Damien Estall and for series two: producer Mark (Boomer) Bayly, camera man Mark (Mr Dob Dob) Doberer, camera assist Erin Bishop.
Whilst we are out on the road shooting the show there are multitudes of people back in the office doing all sorts of things to make sure the show is as good as it can be – editors, technicians, marketing, sponsorship, researchers, accounts, management etc the list goes on and on and I would like to say thank you to them all and especially to Julia Nesbit who has headed up the research for MM and made sure things have gone as smoothly as possible when we are out on the road.
A very big thank you to all the chefs I have worked with on the show, it has been a pleasure and an education, I really do appreciate the time and the gentle support you have all shown me. Thanks also to Achim Herterich from Kuche Inspirational Foods for the help he has given me whenever I needed some advice or guidance when developing or perfecting a recipe.
Thanks to Watercooler Talent David Wilson and Malinda Martin for their advice and support and of course my family – my wife Andrea for almost always liking my experiments, my daughter Elise for her expert advice and assistance and my other daughters Emily and Erin whom I love to cook with.
To everyone at Murdoch Books, I thank you for making this book at short order and for doing such a brilliant job.
I couldn’t make the show or write a cookbook if we didn’t have the wonderful and dedicated people around Australia (and New Zealand) making, growing and nurturing the amazing produce they do. I can’t say enough about these people only that it has been my pleasure to have met you all and share in your labours of love, you are all truly inspirational. I look forward to seeing you on the road again soon.
Lastly, thank you dear reader for buying this book. If someone bought it for you as a gift then what better way to say thanks than to cook them a meal.