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Adobo, Filipino, with pork and chicken, 152–53
appetizers, 34–51, 60–61
chile mussels, 40–41
fresh spring rolls with peanut -hoisin sauce, 38–39
fried oysters with cilantro sauce, 46–47
Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
Japanese salt-grilled fish, 44–45
roasted asparagus with miso dressing, 48–49
salt and pepper soft-shell crabs, 42–43
spicy chicken wings, 36–37
Thai nam prik with crudités, 60–61
see also salads
apples, egg noodles with Indonesian peanut sauce and, 82–83
arugula salad with deep-fried tofu, 59
Asian pesto, 84–85
asparagus, roasted, with miso dressing, 48–49
Barbecue, Asian, 103–27
bulgogi, 120–21
five-spice game hens, 106–7
grilled eggplant with minced pork sauce, 126–27
grilled squid salad, 116–17
grilled striped bass with ginger sauce, 114–15
Indian spice–rubbed pork chops, 105
Indonesian grilled chicken, 108–9
lemongrass pork chops, 122–23
pepper-marinated salmon, 112–13
Thai beef salad, 118–19
Thai grilled chicken, 110–11
Vietnamese spareribs, 124–25
in Asian pesto, 84–85
in fresh spring rolls with peanut-hoisin sauce, 38–39
in pad Thai, 100–102
in Thai beefsteak curry, 148–49
in vegetable curry with coconut milk, 160
bass, grilled striped, with ginger sauce, 114–15
beans, see black beans; green beans
in bulgogi, 120–21
ground, in mapo tofu, 154–55
Korean beef noodles, 94–95
-steak curry, Thai, 148–49
stew, Chinese red-cooked, 150–51
Thai beef salad, 118–19
Vietnamese beef pho, 66–67
beverages, 178–79
black beans:
salted, Chinese fish fillets with, 136–37
salted, in grilled eggplant with minced pork sauce, 126–27
salted, in mapo tofu, 154–55
bok choy, in Chinese cellophane noodle and pork soup, 72–73
in pad Thai, 100–102
in Vietnamese chicken salad, 88–89
broccoli rabe:
sautéed with caramelized onions, 159
in Singapore mah mee with shrimp, roast pork, and egg noodles, 74–75
bulgogi, 120–21
chicken coconut curry, 142–43
fish cake salad, 52–53
Cabbage, napa:
in Chinese cellophane noodle and pork soup, 72–73
in yakisoba, 96–97
cabbage, Savoy:
chicken, and mint salad, Vietnamese, 54–55
in Chinese clay-pot stew with chicken and Chinese sausage, 146–47
in grilled squid salad, 116–17
in Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
in Singapore noodles, 92–93
in yakisoba, 96–97
in Chinese red-cooked beef stew, 150–51
in Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
in Korean beef noodles, 94–95
and mustard seed salad, 63
in pad Thai, 100–102
in Singapore noodles, 92–93
in Thai nam prik with crudités, 60–61
in Vietnamese cabbage, chicken and mint salad, 54–55
in Vietnamese chicken salad, 88–89
in yakisoba, 96–97
cauliflower, spiced, 173
cellophane noodles, 18
and pork soup, Chinese, 72–73
in Thai glass noodle salad, 90–91
see also noodles
chana dal, see split peas, yellow spiced
Chinese clay-pot stew with Chinese sausage and, 146–47
coconut curry, Burmese, 142–43
Filipino adobo with pork and, 152–53
Indonesian grilled, 108–9
Japanese soba with mushrooms and, 70–71
in pad Thai, 100–102
roast, with Szechuan peppercorns, 144–45
salad, Szechuan, 86–87
salad, Vietnamese, 88–89
in sesame noodles, 80–81
in Singapore noodles, 92–93
stock, 6
in Thai glass noodle salad, 90–91
Thai grilled, 110–11
Vietnamese cabbage and mint salad with, 54–55
wings, spicy, 36–37
chile (s), 6
in chili oil, 7
mussels, 40–41
shrimp, Singapore, 138–39
-tomato paste, okra with, 170–71
chili sauce, 7–8
sweet-and-sour, fried snapper with, 129–31
in Thai chili fish, 132–33
in Vietnamese beef pho, 66–67
cellophane noodle and pork soup, 72–73
clay-pot stew with chicken and Chinese sausage, 146–47
egg noodles, 19
fish fillets with black beans, 136–37
red-cooked beef stew, 150–51
roast pork tenderloin, 156–57
sausage, 8
in Asian pesto, 84–85
in chile mussels, 40–41
in egg noodles with Indonesian peanut sauce and apples, 82–83
in lentils with spinach, 164–65
roots, in Thai grilled chicken, 110–11
sauce, fried oysters with, 46–47
in Thai beef salad, 118–19
citrus, 8
clams, in Southeast Asian seafood soup, 76–77
coconut curry, Burmese chicken, 142–43
coconut milk, 9
in Indonesian grilled chicken, 108–9
Southeast Asian sauté with shrimp, spinach and, 98–99
in Southeast Asian seafood soup, 76–77
in Thai beefsteak curry, 148–49
vegetable curry with, 160
cookies, sesame butter, 177
Cornish game hens, five-spice, 106–7
crabs, salt and pepper soft-shell, 42–43
crudités, Thai nam prik with, 60–61
in Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
salad with dried shrimp and peanuts, 58
in seaweed salad with tofu and sprouts, 56–57
in sesame noodles, 80–81
in Thai nam prik with crudités, 60–61
Burmese chicken coconut. 142–43
paste, 10
Singapore noodles, 92–93
vegetable, with coconut milk, 160
Dashi, 11
deep-fried tofu, arugula salad with, 59
sesame butter cookies, 177
tropical fruit, 176
for arugula salad with deep- fried tofu, 59
for Burmese fish cake salad, 52–53
lemon-ginger, tossed salad with, 62
miso, roasted asparagus with, 48–49
peanut, for Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
for seaweed salad with tofu and sprouts, 56–57
for Thai beef salad, 118–19
grilled, with minced pork sauce, 126–27
puree, 172
equipment, 29–33
Filipino adobo with pork and chicken, 152–53
Burmese fish cake salad, 52–53
fillets with black beans, Chinese, 136–37
fried snapper with sweet-and- sour chili sauce, 129–31
grilled striped bass with ginger sauce, 114–15
Japanese salt-grilled, 44–45
pepper-marinated salmon, 112–13
salmon with tomato and garam masala, 134–35
sauce, 11–12 Thai chili, 132–33
deep-, tofu, arugula salad with, 59
garlic shrimp, 140–41
onions, shallots, and garlic, crispy, 9–10
oysters with cilantro sauce, 46–47
snapper with sweet-and-sour chili sauce, 129–31
see also stir-fried
fruit, tropical, 176
Gado gado, Indonesian, 50–51
galangal, 13
game hens, five-spice, 106–7
garam masala, 12–13
salmon with tomato and, 134–35
garlic, 21–22
in Filipino adobo with pork and chicken, 152–53
-fried shrimp, 140–41
ginger, 13
iced tea, 178
-lemon dressing, tossed salad with, 62–63
sauce, grilled striped bass with, 114–15
green beans:
in Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
with minced pork, 166–67
sambal, 168–69
in Szechuan chicken salad, 86–87
in Thai beefsteak curry, 148–49
grilled dishes, see barbecue, Asian
Herbs, 14–15
hoisin sauce, 15
spiced cauliflower, 173
spiced yellow split peas, 162–63
spice–rubbed pork chops, 105
gado gado, 50–51
grilled chicken, 108–9
peanut sauce and apples, egg noodles with, 82–83
miso soup with tofu and wakame, 65
salt-grilled fish, 44–45
soba with chicken and mushrooms, 70–71
-style seaweed salad with tofu and sprouts, 56–57
yakisoba, 96–97
Kaffir lime leaf, 15
beef noodles, 94–95
bulgogi, 120–21
krupah, 16
Lemongrass, 16–17
in grilled squid salad, 116–17
pork chops, 122–23
soup with shrimp, tomato, and straw mushrooms, 68–69
in Thai grilled chicken, 110–11
lentils with spinach, 164–65
lobster tails, in Southeast Asian seafood soup, 76–77
Main courses, 128–57
Burmese chicken coconut curry, 142–43
Chinese clay-pot stew with chicken and Chinese sausage, 146–47
Chinese fish fillets with black beans, 136–37
Chinese red-cooked beef stew, 150–51
Chinese roast pork tenderloin, 156–57
Filipino adobo with pork and chicken, 152–53
fried snapper with sweet-and-sour chili sauce, 129–31
garlic fried shrimp, 140–41
mapo tofu, 154–55
roast chicken with Szechuan peppercorns, 144–45
salmon with tomato and garam masala, 134–35
Singapore chile shrimp, 138–39
Thai beefsteak curry, 148–49
Thai chili fish, 132–33
mapo tofu, 154–55
in Asian pesto, 84–85
in eggplant puree, 172
in fresh spring rolls with peanut-hoisin sauce, 38–39
in Thai beef salad, 118–19
Vietnamese cabbage and chicken salad with, 54–55
mirin, 23
miso, 17
dressing, roasted asparagus with, 48–49
soup with tofu and wakame, 65
mushrooms, 17–18
portobello, in Korean beef noodles, 94–95
straw, lemongrass soup with shrimp, tomato and, 68–69
white button, in vegetable curry with coconut milk, 160
mushrooms, dried:
in Chinese cellophane noodle and pork soup, 72–73
in Chinese clay-pot stew with chicken and Chinese sausage, 146–47
Japanese soba with chicken and, 70–71
in mapo tofu, 154–55
mushrooms, shiitake:
in Chinese fish fillets with black beans, 136–37
in grilled eggplant with minced pork sauce, 126–27
Japanese soba with chicken and, 70–71
in Korean beef noodles, 94–95
mussels, chile, 40–41
mustard seed and carrot salad, 63
Nam prik, Thai, with crudités, 60–61
noodles, 78–102
Asian pesto, 84–85
in Burmese chicken coconut curry, 142–43
Chinese cellophane, and pork soup, 72–73
cold sesame, 80–81
Japanese soba with chicken and mushrooms, 70–71
Korean beef noodles, stir-fried, 94–95
pad Thai, stir-fried, 100–102
Singapore, stir-fried, 92–93
Southeast Asian sauté with shrimp, spinach, and coconut milk, 98–99
in Southeast Asian seafood soup, 76–77
Szechuan chicken salad, 86–87
Thai glass noodle salad, 90–91
in Vietnamese beef pho, 66–67
Vietnamese chicken salad, 88–89
yakisoba, stir-fried, 96–97
noodles, egg:
with Indonesian peanut sauce and apples, 82–83
Singapore mah mee with shrimp, roast pork and, 74–75
Oil, cooking, 21
okra with tomato chile paste, 170–71
onions, 21–22
caramelized, sautéed broccoli rabe with, 159
crispy fried, 9–10
oysters, fried, with cilantro sauce, 46–47
Pad Thai, 100–102
papaya, in Thai nam prik with crudités, 60–61
in Asian pesto, 84–85
cucumber salad with dried shrimp and, 58
dressing, for Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
-hoisin sauce, fresh spring rolls with, 38–39
oil for cooking, 21
in pad Thai, 100–102
roasted, 22
sauce and apples, egg noodles with Indonesian, 82–83
in Vietnamese cabbage, chicken, and mint salad, 54–55
in Vietnamese chicken salad, 88–89
peppercorns, Szechuan, 26
roast chicken with, 144–45
pepper-marinated salmon, 112–13
pesto, Asian, 84–85
Chinese cellophane noodle soup with, 72–73
Filipino adobo with chicken and, 152–53
ground, in mapo tofu, 154–55
roast, Singapore mah mee with shrimp, egg noodles and, 74–75
tenderloin, Chinese roast, 156–57
Vietnamese spareribs, 124–25
in yakisoba, 96–97
pork, minced:
green beans with, 166–67
grilled eggplant with, 126–27
pork chops:
Indian spice–rubbed, 105
lemongrass, 122–23
in Burmese fish cake salad, 52–53
in Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
sweet, in spicy Southeast Asian-style grilled vegetables, 174–75
Rice, 22–23
-paper wrappers, 19
wine and mirin, 23
rice noodles, 19–20
in pad Thai, 100–102
in Singapore noodles, 92–93
in Vietnamese chicken salad, 88–89
asparagus with miso dressing, 48–49
chicken with Szechuan peppercorns, 144–45
peanuts, 22
pork, Singapore mah mee with shrimp, egg noodles and, 74–75
pork tenderloin, Chinese, 156–57
Salad greens:
in bulgogi, 120–21
in Burmese fish cake salad, 52–53
in Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
in salt and pepper soft-shell crabs, 42–43
in Thai beef salad, 118–19
in Thai glass noodle salad, 90–91
in tossed salad with lemon-ginger dressing, 62
in Vietnamese chicken salad, 88–89
salads, 52–59, 62–63
arugula, with deep-fried tofu, 59
Burmese fish cake salad, 52–53
carrot and mustard seed, 63
cucumber, with dried shrimp and peanuts, 58
grilled squid, 116–17
Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
seaweed, with tofu and sprouts, 56–57
Szechuan chicken, 86–87
Thai beef, 118–19
tossed, with lemon-ginger dressing, 62
Vietnamese cabbage, chicken, and mint, 54–55
Vietnamese chicken, 88–89
see also appetizers
pepper-marinated, 112–13
with tomato and garam masala, 134–35
salt and pepper soft-shell crabs, 42–43
salt-grilled fish, Japanese, 44–45
sambal, green bean, 168–69
sambal olek, 8
cilantro, fried oysters with, 46–47
ginger, grilled striped bass with, 114–15
Indonesian peanut, egg noodles with apples and, 82–83
peanut-hoisin, fresh spring rolls with, 38–39
pesto, Asian, 84–85
sesame, for noodles, 80–81
soy, 26
sweet-and-sour chili, fried snapper with, 129–31
Thai nam prik, with crudités, 60–61
Chinese, clay-pot stew with chicken and, 146–47
Chinese, in Singapore noodles, 92–93
sautéed broccoli rabe with caramelized onions, 159
scallions, 21–22
scallops, in Southeast Asian seafood soup, 76–77
miso soup with tofu and wakame, 65
salad with tofu and sprouts, 56–57
-butter cookies, 177
noodles, 80–81
oil, 24
paste, 24
spinach, 161
shallots, 21–22
dried, cucumber salad with peanuts and, 58
in fresh spring rolls with peanut-hoisin sauce, 38–39
garlic fried, 140–41
lemongrass soup with tomato, straw mushrooms and, 68–69
in pad Thai, 100–102
sauces, powders, and pastes, 25
Singapore mah mee with roast pork, egg noodles and, 74–75
in Singapore noodles, 92–93
Southeast Asian sauté with spinach, coconut milk and, 98–99
in Thai glass noodle salad, 90–91
side dishes, see vegetables and side dishes
chile shrimp, 138–39
mah mee with shrimp, roast pork, and egg noodles, 74–75
noodles, stir-fried, 92–93
snapper, fried, with sweet-and sour-chili sauce, 129–31
snow peas, in vegetable curry with coconut milk, 160
soba noodles:
basic, 20
Japanese, with chicken and mushrooms, 70–71
soups, 64–77
Chinese cellophane noodle and pork, 72–73
Japanese soba with chicken and mushrooms, 70–71
lemongrass, with shrimp, tomato, and straw mushrooms, 68–69
miso, with tofu and wakame, 65
Singapore mah mee with shrimp, roast pork, and egg noodles, 74–75
Southeast Asian seafood, 76–77
stock, for Vietnamese beef pho, 66–67
Vietnamese beef pho, 66–67
Southeast Asian:
sauté with shrimp, spinach, and coconut milk, 98–99
seafood soup, 76–77
-style grilled vegetables, spicy, 174–75
soybeans, salted and fermented, 23–24
spareribs, Vietnamese, 124–25
spice(d), spicy, 27
cauliflower, 173
chicken wings, 36–37
five-, game hens, 106–7
five-, powder, 12
-rubbed pork chops, Indian, 105
Southeast Asian-style grilled vegetables, 174–75
yellow split peas, 162–63
in Japanese soba with chicken and mushrooms, 70–71
lentils with, 164–65
sesame, 161
Southeast Asian sauté with shrimp, coconut milk and, 98–99
split peas, yellow spiced, 162–63
spring rolls, fresh, with peanut-hoisin sauce, 38–39
in pad Thai, 101–2
seaweed salad with tofu and, 56–57
in Singapore noodles, 92–93
in Vietnamese beef pho, 66–67
squid salad, grilled, 116–17
sriracha chili sauce, 8
Chinese clay-pot, with chicken and Chinese sausage, 146–47
Chinese red-cooked beef, 150–51
Korean beef noodles, 94–95
pad Thai, 100–102
Singapore noodles, 92–93
yakisoba, 96–97
sweet-and-sour chili sauce, fried snapper with, 129–31
chicken salad, 86–87
peppercorns, in spicy chicken wings, 36–37
peppercorns, roast chicken with, 144–45
Tea, 178
beef salad, 118–19
beefsteak curry, 148–49
chili fish, 132–33
glass noodle salad, 90–91
grilled chicken, 110–11
nam prik with crudités, 60–61
pad Thai, 100–102
tofu, 27–28
deep-fried, arugula salad with, 59
in Indonesian gado gado, 50–51
mapo, 154–55
miso soup with wakame and, 65
and sprouts, seaweed salad with, 56–57
in chile mussels, 40–41
-chile paste, okra with, 170–71
in Chinese clay-pot stew with chicken and Chinese sausage, 146–47
lemongrass soup with shrimp, straw mushrooms and, 68–69
salmon with garam masala and, 134–35
in Thai beefsteak curry, 148–49
in Thai chili fish, 132–33
in vegetable curry with coconut milk, 160
trout, for Japanese salt-grilled fish, 44–45
turkey, ground, in Thai glass noodle salad, 90–91
Vegetables and side dishes, 158–75
green bean sambal, 168–69
green beans with minced pork, 166–67
lentils with spinach, 164–65
okra with tomato chili paste, 170–71
sautéed broccoli rabe with caramelized onions, 159
sesame spinach, 161
spiced cauliflower, 173
spiced yellow split peas, 162–63
spicy Southeast Asian–style grilled vegetables, 174–75
vegetable curry with coconut milk, 160
beef pho, 66–67
cabbage, chicken, and mint salad, 54–55
chicken salad, 88–89
spareribs, 124–25
vinegars, 28
Wakame, 28
miso soup with tofu and, 65
in seaweed salad with tofu and sprouts, 56–57
wheat noodles, 20–21
wines, 179
Yakisoba, 96–97
yellow split peas, spiced, 162–63
Zucchini, in spicy Southeast Asian–style grilled vegetables, 174–75