I’ve been bubbling to spill my thanks for a long time. To the many, many people who have worked behind the scenes to make this book a reality, my gratitude is infinite. Much thanks to:

My mother, who believed in my dreams before I did, who endured an all-nighter editing spree, who attends every conference and reads every word I write. I love you more than you know.

My literary agent, Cynthia Ruchti, for being in my corner and always taking part in my excitement. You’re the kindred-spirit agent I always prayed for.

Marcus Brotherton, for becoming my friend, being my fan, and encouraging my journey. Thank you for the connections you so graciously made happen for me. You’re the best and I will ever hold a warm spot in my heart for you.

Steve Laube, for your advice, wisdom, and friendship. I wouldn’t be where I am without the guidance you’ve given me over these last few years.

The incredible team at Barbour, for making my publishing dreams come true.

Granddaddy, for your unfailing support and love.

My church family, for your prayers.

All my awesome writer friends—Erica Vetsch, Lynnette Eason, Vincent Davis, Rita Gerlach, and more.

And above all, Jesus. The One who not only gives me words to write and stories to tell, but who also gives me life, hope, and peace. I love You endlessly. You are my rock.