

1. Colossians 3:3.

Chapter 1  Among the Fields of Gold

1. Matthew 6:9–10 ESV.

2. Psalm 34:8.

3. Colossians 1:17.

Chapter 2  Hello, Deep Dive

1. Richard Rohr, “Grieving as a Sacred Space,” Sojourners, February 2002,

2. Richard Rohr, “Liminal Space,” Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation, July 7, 2016,

Chapter 3  The Spectacle of Heaven

1. C. S. Lewis, The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002), 445.

2. Jemar Tisby, “Why My Grief Belongs on the Internet,” Christianity Today, January 2016,

3. Soong-Chan Rah, Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2015), 21–22.

4. One of the most radical examples of this in scripture is when Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers and then eventually promoted to the highest position under Pharaoh, where he’s able to liberate his family from hunger and deliver them from certain calamity. See Genesis 37, 39–50, especially 50:20.

5. Genesis 1:1.

6. John 8:1–11; Luke 19:1–10; John 18:10; Acts 9:1–20; Luke 23:40–43; John 4:46–50; Luke 5:12–13.

7. Mark 2:1–11.

Chapter 4  From the Dust

1. Strong’s Concordance 7210, roi,

2. Henri Nouwen, The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society (New York: Doubleday, 1998), 72.

3. John 1:1–5.

4. John 1:14 MSG.

5. John 1:1–5.

6. John 1:17.

7. Strong’s Concordance 1145, dakrýō (from 1144 dákry, “tear-drop”)—properly, to shed quiet (actual) tears; to weep silently (with tears),

8. Strong’s Concordance 2424, Iēsoús—Jesus, the transliteration of Hebrew term 3091, Lt (Yehoshua/Jehoshua, contracted to Joshua), which means “Yahweh saves” (or “Yahweh is salvation”),

9. The lion and lamb metaphors are used for Jesus throughout scripture, most notably in Genesis 49 (lion), Revelation 5 (lion and lamb), and John 1:29 (lamb).

10. Strong’s Concordance 2799, klaíō—properly, to weep aloud, expressing uncontainable, audible grief,

11. John 11:32–35.

12. “National Moral Revival Poor People’s Campaign Watch Night Service, Valerie Kaur,” Facebook video, 6:19, posted by Groundswell Movement on January 20, 2017,

13. Merriam-Webster, s.v., “compassion,”

14. Matthew 15:32.

15. Matthew 20:34.

16. Matthew 9:26.

17. Mark 9:20–27.

18. Luke 15:20.

19. Matthew 18:27.

20. Strong’s Concordance 4697, splagchnizomai,

21. Hebrews 1:3; John 14:6–11.

22. Isaiah 55:8–9.

23. Romans 8:35, 39.

24. John 16:33.

25. James 1:2–5.

26. 1 Peter 5:10. Peter is referring here to the suffering early Christians were enduring for their faith, yet I believe the promise for restoration applies for other ways of suffering too. See Revelation 21:4.

27. 1 Corinthians 2:9.

28. 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Chapter 5  Diary of a Broken Heart

1. C. S. Lewis, A Grief Observed (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), Kindle loc. 246.

2. Greg and Michele Russinger lead Portland Foursquare Church in Portland, Oregon, with this concept at its core—known by its congregants as Sideways PDX.

3. Patrick O’Malley, “Getting Grief Right,” New York Times Opinionator (blog), January 11, 2015,

Chapter 6  A Thousand Shades of Grief

1. Adriel Booker, Miscarriage, Loss, and Faith Survey, posted via Facebook, 756 responses, July 8, 2016.

2. Americans would call this a camping trailer.

3. 1 Samuel 1.

4. If you are new to liturgical prayer or would like to discover more, I recommend starting with Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals by Shane Claiborne.

5. Romans 8:26–27.

6. Strong’s Concordance 4903, sunergeó,

Chapter 7  The Eighteen-Inch Journey

1. Curt Thompson, “How Neuroscience—and the Bible—Help Us Explain Shame,” interview by Rob Moll, Christianity Today, June 23, 2016,

2. “The Power of Vulnerability | Brene Brown,” YouTube video, 20:49, posted by TED on January 3, 2011,

3. Hebrews 4:16.

4. Genesis 2:25.

5. Genesis 3:7–10.

6. Genesis 3:21.

7. Thompson, “How Neuroscience—and the Bible—Help Us Explain Shame.”

8. 1 John 4:8, 16.

9. “Listening to Shame | Brene Brown,” YouTube video, 20:28, posted by TED on March 16, 2012,

10. Revelation 12:3.

11. Romans 5:8.

12. Ephesians 2:10.

13. Colossians 3:3.

14. Romans 8:35–39.

15. Revelation 21:4.

16. Romans 8:31.

17. 1 John 3:16.

18. Learn more about the Helser family’s ministry at

Chapter 8  An Invitation to Liberation

1. Romans 2:4.

2. Romans 2:4.

Chapter 9  Thistle Cove

1. Romans 12:15.

2. YWAM is an acronym for Youth With A Mission.

3. 1 John 4:8; Colossians 3:3.

4. John 3:16.

5. 2 Corinthians 5:18.

Chapter 10  A Crisis of Faith or a Catalyst for Grace?

1. Mark 4:35–41.

2. Hebrews 4:16.

3. See also John 1:1; John 14:9; Hebrews 1:3.

4. John 11:1–44.

5. Strong’s Concordance 714, arkeó,

Chapter 11  Whose Fault Is This, Anyway?

1. Naomi means “pleasant,” while Mara means “bitter.”

2. John 10:10.

3. Romans 2:4.

4. Matthew 7:9.

5. John 3:16.

6. Luke 13:34.

7. James 4:6.

8. Revelation 21:1–4.

9. A. W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), 1.

10. Luke 23:46.

Chapter 12  The Business of Tear-Wiping

1. C. S. Lewis, The Last Battle, The Chronicles of Narnia, vol. 7 (Glasgow, Scotland: Collins, 2001), 760.

2. Revelation 21:3.

3. Strong’s Concordance 3824, paliggenesía,

4. Jesus is recorded as referring to the “kingdom of heaven” in the Gospel of Matthew and the “kingdom of God” in the other Gospels.

5. Philippians 3:20.

6. Ecclesiastes 3:11.

7. Hebrews 13:14.

8. 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15; Ephesians 4:24.

9. Strong’s Concordance 2537, kainos,

10. For further study on biblical eschatology and the renewal of all things, I recommend Surprised by Hope by N. T. Wright; Futureville by Skye Jethani; and A New Heaven and a New Earth by J. Richard Middleton.

11. Skye Jethani, Futureville (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2013), Kindle loc. 1093.

12. Jennifer Dukes Lee, “Out with the Pain, in with the Spirit (a Way to Breathe When Life Is Too Much),” Jennifer Dukes Lee (blog), September 12, 2017,

13. Revelation 21:1–4.

14. John 10:10.

Chapter 13  And Then She Laughed

1. Matthew 19:14.

2. Exodus 2:1–10.

3. Matthew 5:14 ESV; Matthew 5:3–10.

4. Sally Lloyd-Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009), 210.

5. Revelation 12:11.

6. Jerry Sittser, A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009), 46.

Appendix C  Helping Your Child Process Grief after Miscarriage

1. Child Mind Institute, “Helping Children Cope with Grief,” accessed June 19, 2017,

2., “Navigating Children’s Grief: How to Help Following a Death,” accessed June 19, 2017,

3. See The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman or

4. Dorina Gilmore, “Ten Creative Ways to Honor a Loved One,” Dorina Lazo Gilmore (blog), May 26, 2017,

Appendix E  Caring for a Friend after Miscarriage

1. Erica Berman, “No Matter When It Happens, Loss of a Pregnancy Can Be Devastating,” The Huffington Post, July 18, 2012,