

The page numbers in curly braces {} correspond to the print edition of this title.





List of Abbreviations

List of Maps

List of Illustrations


Chapter One: The Company Raj and the Causes of the Rebellion

Chapter Two: Mutiny and Rebellion in Hindustan

Conclusion: Consequences and Historiography


1. Chapattis, Farmans, and Rumors

2. Mysterious Chapattis

3. A Harvest of Revolt.”

4. “Are We Conquerors . . . or Are We Not?

5. An Indian Official’s Critique of the Raj

6. “The Fat of Pigs and Cows.”

7. An Inquiry into the Enfield Cartridge

8. A Loyalist Sepoy’s Insights

9. The “Mangal Pandey” Inciden

10. Dalhousie and Nana Sahib

11. The Annexation of Awadh

12. The 3rd Light Cavalry’s Protest

13. Mutiny at Meerut, May 10, 1857

14. A Spy’s Account of the Rising at Delhi

15. Bahadur Shah, Reluctant Rebel King?

16. Sir Henry Lawrence in Awadh

17. Behind the Rebel Lines at Delhi

18. Preparing for the Worst at Lucknow

19. The Fears of the People

20. The Unraveling of the Raj

21. A Massacre of Sepoy Fugitives

22. Chaos Behind the Rebel Lines

23. Nunna Nawab’s Account

24. The Massacre at Sati Chaura Ghat

25. The Massacre at the Bibigarh

26. Hazrat Mahal and Birjis Qadr

27. Hazrat Mahal’s Appeal to Awadh

28. The Siege at Lucknow

29. A Rebel’s Description of the Siege

30. A Spymaster’s View of the Rebellion

31. The Rebel Defense of Delhi

32. The Rani and a Rebel Council of War

33. Hazrat Mahal’s Rejoinder

34. “Confession of a Female Pandey


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