
Cath: Many thanks to Heather and Mike, our agents, Heather doubly so for her beta reading skills. And to the rest of the reading team – Lisa and Kerry and Paul. Extra thanks to Sofie Wigram for making sure my translations of all our Greek quotes don’t go off the rails. To Alan, my husband, for his continuing, unquestioning support. And last but not least to Canelo, Elizabeth and Patrick especially, for believing in our wild adventure into Ancient Greek mythos, and working hard to share it with our readers.

David: Thanks as always to our test readers Kerry, Heather, Paul and Lisa; and to Canelo for their faith in this project, especially Elizabeth for the editing, and Patrick for the awesome covers. Much gratitude to our agents Heather and Mike for putting the relationship between writer and publisher together, and their constant support and advocacy. Thanks most of all to Kerry, for putting up with having a writer for a husband, and all your support and encouragement – I love you always.

Hello to Jason Isaacs. Tinkety-tonk and down with the Nazis.