Dedicated to

William J. and Judy Hancock
Will and Judy, formerly teachers at Hawai`i Preparatory Academy, all but adopted Thane from high school onward. Will was instrumental in securing a series of seed grants from the Reid Foundation that allowed us to take the book the quantum leap forward to an entirely new second edition. Their kindness and generosity over the years will always be remembered with much affection. Mahalo nui loa!

Russell and Robert Faucett
Russ and Rob joined the project towards the end, and it was their substantial grants through the Faucett Catalyst Fund that enabled us to complete the book by funding artwork, all the maps, and travel to PNG for artist John Anderton so that he would see firsthand the kaleidoscope world of New Guinea birds. Russ and Rob took considerable interest in the project, and they provided encouragement every step of the way. To them we are deeply grateful.

Linda Pratt and Carol Beehler
For their love and support.