
I can’t imagine where I would be without family (in all its forms), friends and community. Each has a vital role and influence in my life and has played a part in the making of this book. I want to acknowledge my family for their support and inspiration, especially Declan, my first reader, greatest encourager and most avid fan. I am also very grateful to my talented, ever-patient editor, Warren Cariou, for his shrewd editorial comments, constant enthusiasm and overall support for this book. Many people in the Saskatchewan writing community have mentored, supported, and taken interest in my work as a writer, especially my insightful Visible Ink compatriots and my good friend and first mentor, Jill Robinson. Maarsii, for believing in me and always being enthusiastic about the work. And my thanks, in general, to the many talented and amazing Aboriginal writers who set the example of how it’s done. Finally, the Canada Council for the Arts provided me with a grant to work on these stories, a shot of encouragement for which I am grateful.

The following stories have been previously published or recognized:

“Ayekis” appeared in Spring Magazine, 2007, and in New Breed Magazine, Fall 2008.

“Billy Bird” appeared in The Dalhousie Review, Autumn 2008.

“Blood Memory” appeared in Geist, Spring 2010, and subsequently in Best Canadian Essays 2011 (Tightrope Books, 2012). It was a finalist for a Western Magazine Award (2011) and nominated to the Journey Prize competition (2010).

“Just Pretending” appeared in Prairie Fire, Spring 2010.

“Mister X” received first place in the fiction category of the Short Manuscript Awards, Saskatchewan Writer’s Guild, 2008.

“The Nirvana Principle” appeared in Grain Magazine, 2008, and was nominated to the Journey Prize competition (2009).

“Someone’s Been Lying to You” appeared under the title “Cracker” in Zaagidiwin is a Many Splendoured Thing (Ningwakwe Learning Press, 2008).