The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Absopure Water Corporation


administrative consent order (ACO)

African Americans. See also racial segregation

barriers faced by

children’s blood-lead levels and

disenfranchisement and

environmental justice and

housing restrictions and

New Flint plan and

population of, in Flint

schools and

urban riots of 1960s and



Albion, Michigan

Allen Park, Michigan

Ambrose, Jerry

American Bicentennial

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Michigan chapter

American Legion

American Society for Civil Engineers

American Water Works Association (AWWA)

Ananich, Jim

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

Arab American Heritage Council

Asbury Park, New Jersey

Atlantic City

Auden, W. H.

austerity. See also disinvestment; emergency managers

auto industry. See also General Motors


sit-down strike

baby formula


Baker College


Bay City, Michigan

Beecher, Michigan

Benton Harbor, Michigan

Berkeley, California

Bernero, Virg

Berstron Field House

Betanzo, Elin

Bettis, Barbara


Beyond Blight

Blacksburg, Virginia

blood-lead level data

blood tests, free

boil-water advisories

Bond Buyer, The


bottled water

Brockovich, Erin

Bronx, New York

Brooke, Edward W.

Brown v. Board of Education

Buckham Alley


Buick City

Bureau of Mines

Burgess, Jan

Burress, Hannibal

Burton, Michigan

Busch, Stephen



Camden, New Jersey



Capitol Theatre restoration

Carmody, Steve

Carson, Rachel

Carter, Jimmy

Cass, Lewis

catalytic converters

Cavanagh, Jerome

Center for Investigative Reporting

Center for Public Integrity

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Chevrolet Park

Chevy in the Hole (later Chevy Commons)


Chicago River


blood-lead level tests and

class action settlement and

lead poisoning and

Washington, D.C., crisis and

Children’s Hospital (Philadelphia)

Children’s National Medical Center




Legionnaires’ disease and

total coliform tests and

TTHMs and



City of Flint Grows Up, The (Crow)

Civic Park Health and Wellness House

Civic Park neighborhood

one hundredth anniversary

Civil Action, A (Harr)

Civilian Conservation Corps

civil lawsuits

civil rights movement

class action lawsuits

Clean Air Act (1970)

Clean Water Act (1972)


Clinton, Hillary

Coalition for Clean Water

College Cultural neighborhood


Committee to Repeal Forced Housing Legislation

Concerned Pastors for Social Action

Connecticut Municipal Accountability Review Board

constitutional rights

Coogler, Ryan

Cook, Pat

copper. See also Lead and Copper Rule

corrosion control

Corrosive Impact (Guyette)

Croft, Howard

Crooks, Jennifer

Crow, Carl

C. S. Mott Foundation

Cultural Center

Curtis, Christopher Paul

Cuyahoga River

Davis, Wantwaz

Dawson, Qiana

Declaration of Independence

defense industry

Del Toral, Miguel

Democracy Defense League

Democracy in America (Tocqueville)

Democracy Now! (cable show)

Democratic Party

Demolition Means Progress (Highsmith)


bankruptcy of

emergency managers and

fire of 1805

riots and

schools and

water system and

Detroit City Council

Detroit Free Press

Detroit Institute of Arts

Detroit News

Detroit Pistons

Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey

Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD). See also Great Lakes Water Authority

corrosion control and

cost of water and

Flint debt to KWA and

Flint direct line to

Flint switchback to

Flint switch from

GM switchback to

Hard to Swallow and

reconnection fee and

Dillon, Andy

Dionne, Aaron


Disaster Distress helpline



Dort Highway treatment plant

doubt strategy

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Duffy, Vincent

DuPont and Company


Earley, Darnell

East Village Magazine

E. coli

Ecorse, Michigan

Edison, Thomas

Edwards, Marc


of 1964

of 2011

of 2016

Elizabeth II, queen of England

emergency managers. See also specific individuals

accountability and

appointment of

disinvestment and

Guyette on

lawsuit vs.

legislation creating

need to restructure

power of

“Engineering Ethics and the Public” (Virginia Tech course)

environmental justice

environmental laws

environmental movement

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). See also Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)

Del Toral report and

inspector general’s investigation of

lawsuit vs.

LCR and

Legionnaires’ disease and

Love Canal and

MDEQ and

Superfund and

Washington, D.C., lead crisis and

Environmental Protection Agency, District 5 (Chicago office)

Environmental Science & Technology


report altered

Erin Brockovich (film)

Etherly, Woody, Jr.

Ethyl Corporation


Fair Housing Act (1968)

fair housing ordinances

Federal Disaster Act

federal disaster declaration

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

Fedewa, Rebecca

ferric chloride

Figueroa, Yolanda

Firebirds hockey team

fire hydrants


aftermath of crisis in

auto boom and

begins using DWSD water

budget deficit and debt

civil unrest of 1960s

delayed maintenance and

direct line to DWSD and

early history of

emergency managers of 2002–4

emergency managers of 2011–15

federal disaster declarations and

housing segregation in


lawsuits on water crisis in

population loss and

state of emergency declarations and

switchback to DWSD and

switch to river water and

water treatment by, lacks corrosion control

Flint Beat (news site)

Flint Board of Realtors

Flint City Commission (later City Council)

Flint City Council (formerly City Commission)

DWSD-KWA resolution of 2017 and

Flint Water Study and

KWA and

votes to reconnect to DWSD

Flint Department of Public Works (DPW)

Flint Generals hockey team

Flint Institute of Arts

Flint Journal

Flint Lake Park

Flint Literary Festival

Flint Office of Ombudsman

Flint Parks Department

Flint Public Library

Flint River

cleanup of

early history of

Flint switches to water from

GM switchback to DWSD from

high cost of


Legionnaires’ disease and

Flint River Fest

Flint River Trail

Flint River Watershed Coalition

Flintside (news site)

Flint Strong

Flint Symphony Orchestra

Flint Township (suburb)

Flint Water Advisory Task Force

Flint Water Class Action Group

Flint Water Study group

Floral Park neighborhood

Fonda, Jane

Fonger, Ron

Ford, Gerald

Ford Foundation

Fortune 500 companies

Franklin, Aretha

Franklin, Benjamin

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Freeman, Joshua

Gadola, Michael

Galloway, Monica

Gary, Indiana

Garza, Ryan

gasoline, leaded

Gazall, Kathleen

Geisel, Theodore (Dr. Seuss)

General Motors (GM)

corrosion problems and

DWSD deal of 1964

leaded gasoline and

New Flint plan and

segregation and

sit-down strike

suburbs and

water rates and

General Motors Institute. See Kettering University

Genesee County

blood-lead levels in

Flint direct line sold to


state of emergency and

Genesee County Board of Supervisors

Genesee County Health Department

Genesee County Hispanic/Latino Collaborative

Genesee County Sheriff’s Department

Gibbs, Lois

GI Bill

Glasgow, Michael

Goya, Francisco

Grand Rapids

Grand Traverse

Great Britain

Great Lakes

Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA). See also Detroit Water and Sewerage District

Great Migration

Great Recession (2008–9)

Great Society

Guyette, Curt

Habitat for Humanity

Hammer, Peter

Hamtramck, Michigan

Hanna-Attisha, Mona

Hard to Swallow (documentary)

hard water, defined

Harris, Alfred

Harrison, New Jersey

Hartford, Connecticut

Hazard, Bethany

hazardous (toxic) waste sites

Head Start

Hedman, Susan

Henry, Jim

Here’s to Flint (documentary)

Hiawatha (Longfellow)

Highland Park, Michigan

“High Lead Levels in Flint, Michigan” (Del Toral)

Highsmith, Andrew R.

Hispanic population

Hollins, Harvey


Hooker Chemical Company

Housing and Urban Development, Department of (HUD)

housing discrimination

Humes, Cardine

Humphrey, Hubert

Hurley Medical Center

Hussein, Saddam

Hyde Park (Boston)

Imagine Flint master plan


Indian reservations

industrial pollution. See also hazardous waste sites

industrial dispersion policy

Industrial Revolution

inequality, systemic


cost of rebuilding

preemptive improvement of

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

involuntary manslaughter


Jackson, Bobby

Jackson, Derrick Z.

Jane Fonda’s Workout Book

Jefferson, Lathan

Jersey City school district


John Birch Society

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Joy Tabernacle Church

Justice Department

#JusticeForFlint benefit

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Karegnondi Water Authority (KWA)

bond debt and ACO

contract and cost of return to DWSD

GM and

Katrina, Hurricane

Kehoe, Robert

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert

Kerner, Otto

Kerner Commission (National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders)

Kerner Report

Kettering, Charles “Ket”

Kettering, Ohio

Kettering University

Kildee, Dan

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kolb, Chris

Korean War

Ku Klux Klan

Kurtz, Ed

Lake Erie

Lake Huron

Lake Michigan

Lake Ontario

Lake Superior

Lambrinidou, Yanna

Lansing, Michigan

pipe replacement program

Lansing Board of Water and Light (BWL)

Lapeer County

Lapeer Road ice rink


alchemy and

CDC minimizes harm of

Del Toral report and

failure to warn about

Flint Water Study and

MDEQ and

regulation of

toxicity of

UM-Flint and

uses and ubiquity of

Walters home and

Washington, D.C., crisis

Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)

Lead Industries Association (LIA)

lead-sampling kits

Lead Wars (Markowitz and Rosner)

League of Nations

Lear Corp.

Lee, Kendrick

Lee, Sonya

Legionnaires’ disease

Levittown, New York

Levy, Kate

Lewis, Yvonne

Lichtenstein, Roy

Lincoln Institute for Land Policy

Lindsay, John

Living by the Word (Walker)

local control

Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam (LAN)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Lorax, The (Seuss)

Lorde, Audre

Los Angeles

Love, William T.

Love Canal

Love Canal (Gibbs)

Lyon, Nick

MacArthur grant

Maddow, Rachel

Maddox, Lester

Madison, Wisconsin

Maier, Henry

Markowitz, Gerald

Masonic Temple

Massachusetts State Board of Health

Matisse, Henri

Mattapan neighborhood

Maynard, Corodon

Mays, Eric

Mays, Melissa

McCathern, R. Sherman

McClinton, Claire

McCormick, Sue

McCree, Floyd

McCree, Melvin

McElmurry, Shawn

McLaren hospital


Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Memphis massacre of 1866

Metro Times


Michigan attorney general’s office

special prosecutor on water crisis and

Michigan Citizen

Michigan Civil Rights Commission

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)

ACO and

corrosion control and

criminal charges vs.

Del Toral and

emails and

Flint Water Study and

Hanna-Attisha and

Legionnaires’ disease and

media and

test results revised by

TTHMs and

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)

criminal charges vs.

Michigan Environmental Council

Michigan Governor’s Office

Flint Water Study and

Legionnaires’ disease and

Task Force on Flint Water Crisis

Michigan National Guard

Michigan Press Association

Michigan Radio

Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act

Michigan School for the Deaf

Michigan state government

Flint offices, bottled water in

Flint settlement and

Michigan State Legislature

Michigan State Police

Michigan State University

College of Human Medicine (Flint)

Michigan Supreme Court

Michigan Territory


miner’s disease


Mishipeshu (Ojibwa mythical figure)

Mission of Hope shelter

Modern Housing Corporation

Monae, Janelle

Monahan, Tim

Moore, Michael

Mott, Charles Stewart

Mott, Ruth

Mott Community College

Mott Park neighborhood

Mount Clemens, Michigan

MSNBC (cable channel)

Muchmore, Dennis

multifamily housing bans

Multiple Listing Exchange

Muncie, Indiana

Muskegon, Michigan

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Association of Real Estate Boards

National Conference of Catholic Bishops

National Geographic

National Lead Company

National Parks Service

National Priorities List

National Science Foundation

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

NBC, Flint local affiliate

Needleman, Herb

Neeley, Sheldon

Newark, New Jersey

New Deal

New Flint plan

New Flint Resistance Committee

New Jersey

Newman, Richard S.

New Orleans


Newton, Isaac

New York City

lead and

Legionnaires’ disease and

New York State

New York Times

Niagara Falls

Niagara Gazette

Nixon, Richard

Nolden, Bryant “BB”

Nolden, Willie, Jr.

North Carolina

“Not Safe to Drink” (radio documentary)

Obama, Barack

Office of Environmental Justice (EPA)

Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (EPA)

O’Hara, Frank

Ohio State University



Ontario Hockey League

open records laws

Orr, Kevyn

orthophosphates. See also corrosion control

paint, lead


Parker, Joyce

Paterson, New Jersey

Patterson, Clair




Legionnaires’ disease and

Philip, Prince, of England



Pictured Rocks

pipes, lead. See also service lines; water mains

corrosion control and

switchback and

pipes, lead-free, defined


Pliny the Elder





polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Pontiac, City of

population loss

Portland, Oregon

Poy, Tom


property codes

property taxes

property values

Providence, Rhode Island

Prysby, Mike

Public Act 4 (Michigan, 2011)

Public Act 436 (Michigan, 2012)

public health

“Public Health Tragedy, A” (congressional report of 2010)

public water systems

Pulido, Laura

Rabin, Richard

Rachel Maddow Show (TV show)

racial segregation

Raise It Up! Youth Poets

Ramazzini, Bernardino

redevelopment projects


regional cooperation

regional inequality

Relief Fund for Flint

Republican Party


restrictive covenants

retirement board

Reveal (podcast)

revenue sharing

reverse osmosis

Revolutionary War

Rhoads, William

Rhode Island

River Rouge

Romney, George

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Theodore

Roselle Register

Rosenthal, Adam

Rosner, David

Rostand, Jean

Roy, Siddhartha

Rustin, Bayard

Ruth Mott Foundation

Safe Drinking Water Act (1974)

amendment of 1986

Saginaw Aquifer

Saginaw Bay

Saginaw, Michigan

Saints of God Church

Sanders, Bernie

San Francisco


boil-water advisories and

desegregation and

drinking water and

emergency managers and

housing segregation and

screening programs and

toxic dumps and

Schroeck, Nick

Schuette, Bill

Scranton, Pennsylvania


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Selig, Suzanne


Serkaian, Steve

service lines

Seuss, Dr. See Geisel, Theodore


Shekter-Smith, Liane

Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge

Sikemma, Ken

Silent Spring (Carson)


Smith, Jacob

Smith, Lindsey

Snow, John

Snyder, Rick

email releases and

failures and apologies by

Soberfest family picnic

sodium chloride

soil, lead in


South Bend, Indiana

Spanish-language information

Stampfler, Michael

Standard Oil

State Integrity Report Card

state of emergency declarations

State University of New York, Buffalo

St. John neighborhood

St. Louis, Missouri


Sullivan, Laura

summer jobs program


Syracuse, New York

Tacoma, Washington


Taylor, Connie

Tea Party

Teardown (Young)

TEL (tetraethyl lead)

ten-point plan

Thoreau, Henry David


tobacco industry

Tocqueville, Alexis de

Toledo, Ohio

Toms River, New Jersey


Trenton, New Jersey

Truman, Harry S.

Trump, Donald

TTHMs (total trihalomethanes)

21st-Century Infrastructure Commission

Two Weeks in the Wilderness (Tocqueville)

typhoid fever

Ubuntu Village

undocumented immigrants

Union City Ball Fields


United Auto Workers (UAW)

United Nations

U.S. Congress

U.S. Senate

U.S. Supreme Court

United Way of Genesee County

University of Cincinnati

University of Michigan

University of Michigan-Flint (UM-Flint)

University of Washington

urban policy

Urban Renaissance Center

urban riots


utilities, self-monitoring by

van Gogh, Vincent

Veolia (company)

Vietnam Veterans Park

Vietnam War

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

Voting Rights Act (1965)

Walden (Thoreau)

Walker, Alice

Walling, Dayne

Walters, Dennis

Walters, Garrett

Walters, Gavin

Walters, JD

Walters, Kaylie

Walters, LeeAnne

War of 1812

Warren Commission

wars on crime and drugs

Washington, D.C.

fiscal oversight of

lead crisis

Washington, D.C., Health Department

Washington Post

water distribution sites

water filters

water lines, leaky. See also service lines

water mains

Water Pollution Control Act (1948)

water rates

water safety standards

water testing

manipulation of

Watts riots

Wayne State University

Environmental Law Clinic

Weaver, Karen

Wells, Eden

Westchester County, New York

white lead (lead carbonate)

white people

home values and

lead poisoning and

neighborhood segregation and

Williams, Anthony

Williams, Nijal

Williams, Senegal

Woburn, Massachusetts

Wonder, Stevie

Woodlawn Park neighborhood

World Health Organization (WHO)

World War I

World War II

Worth-Nelson, Jan

Worth-Nelson, Ted

Wright, Jeff

Wurfel, Brad

Wyant, Dan

yellow fever

Young, Gordon

youth basketball league



Zelizer, Julian E.