I took one last look in the little mirror. Henry would be picking me up in a few minutes for our romantic dinner for two at Hetherin Hall. I was wearing a new dress in the raspberry colour he liked me in so much and underneath that, a new set of hot-pink underwear I thought he’d like me in even more. I was also wearing the Ted Baker body spray he’d put in my Christmas pillowcase.

It was all I’d been able to do to stop floating since we got back from Dubai. Even the news that Davina, Natalia, and Stinky Steve had been arrested and charged with distributing smuggled goods hadn’t been able to keep the smile off my face. Sitting Pretty was safe, along with Daisy’s and everyone else’s jobs because Henry had bought the company and Daisy and I were running it as a job-share so I could work around my mystery guest assignments. But tonight was my biggest reason for smiling. Tonight was mine and Henry’s first real date.

He knocked on my door and I went to open it. There he was, looking handsome and elegant as ever. He had a hand-tied posy of flowers which he held out to me.

‘Thank you,’ I said, smelling them. ‘They’re gorgeous.’

‘Not as gorgeous as you.’ He bent to kiss me, his lips just centimetres away from mine. He smelled so good.

‘What time’s our table booked for?’ I brushed his lips lightly with mine, wrapping my arms round his neck.

‘Eight.’ He pulled me even closer, his fingers in my hair.

‘Do you think they’d hold the table if we were late?’

‘I’m sure they would.’

I pulled him gently towards the bed. ‘Then let’s see if we can make it in time for last orders.’