Chapter Thirteen

Who knew a heart could be this disobedient?

Reese was having a strongly worded chat with hers while swirling colors danced along the horizon, signaling the approaching sunset. She paced the front porch of the cottage, waiting for James to call her inside. He’d only asked for two minutes before she joined him, but two minutes felt like two hours.

I’ve waited eleven years. I can do this.

She used to think of him as a guy who’d show you a good time, then tip his hat as he walked out the door across your heart. What was the truth of him?

She picked a flower sticking through the porch railing and plucked the petals one by one. “He’ll break my heart, he won’t break my heart, he’ll break—”

“Goldilocks, come up to the loft.”

The half-plucked yellow daisy lay forgotten on the porch railing, and she went inside. At the top of the stairs, she froze. A quilt-covered mattress lay on the floor under the skylight, fluffy pillows across the top. A bottle of wine and two glasses sat beside the bed.

“You did this for me?” Does he just want me in bed or have long-term intentions he hasn’t mentioned?

“I thought you might like to sleep under the skylight again. And I wanted to do something nice for you after screwing up the other night when I ended up sleeping in the hammock. This is not meant to pressure you into anything.”

The thoughtfulness of his gesture surprised her and melted her heart.

From a paper bag, James pulled out a variety of fruit, cheese, and crackers.

“Some of my favorite things,” she said.

“Lucky guess. But this…” As if presenting a priceless jewel, he revealed a dark chocolate candy bar. “I remember this was one of your favorites.”

“I can’t believe you remembered.” She kicked off her shoes and sat crisscross on the mattress.

Once the wine was opened, he handed her a glass of champagne-colored liquid. “To us finally getting to know one another, not as children or teens, but as adults.”

“To us.” Their glasses clinked musically, and she took a sip.

His full lips curved up on one side. “How’d the job search go in Austin?”

“I took my portfolio to several places and filled out applications. I used Lila’s darkroom to develop the black-and-white film I shot here and mailed the print portion of my assignment on my way through town. My project for National Geographic is almost done. I just need a few more shots, and I can email the digital portion.”

“Do you have any pictures I can see?”

“Sure. Grab that bag, please.” From the side zipper compartment, she pulled out a box containing the framed photo of the two of them. After Lila’s comment about how they were looking at one another, she worried what he might see in the image but bravely gave it to him. “This is for you.”

He removed the lid, and his smile grew to show almost perfect white teeth. “This is great. I love it. Come here.” With his free hand, he palmed the back of her head and drew her in for a quick kiss. “I knew this would be a good picture when we took it.”

Tension released from her body and Reese reclined on her side. “Glad you like it.”

“If you get the National Geographic job, can you work from Austin or will you have to move?”

“I’d be based in Chicago.”

His eyes widened. “Chicago? That’s far away.”

The last three words were said under his breath, but she heard them and wondered at his thoughts. Curled up beside him, there was nowhere else she wanted to be. “Most likely I’d be traveling so much it would only be a home base.”

“Thought you wanted this cottage to be your home base?”

“I do, but someone doesn’t want to sell it to me.” Undecipherable emotions played across his face, and she regretted making the comment. “Guess I’ll have to settle for your lease agreement idea.” Something she couldn’t quite place flashed in his eyes. Relief? Fear? Excitement? She’d have to pay close attention to his reactions and try to stay on top of things. “Want to see the other photos?”

“Of course.” James took the stack of pictures, spread them across the mattress, and shuffled them around like a card game. “Seeing my ranch through your eyes is a whole different experience. Somehow, you change the perspective of what I see every day. You’re very talented.”

The breath she’d been holding eased past her cheesy grin, and she only then realized she’d worried he wouldn’t like them. “Thank you. You can have whichever ones you want. I’ll print more.”

“I’d love some.” He set the stack of prints aside and then pressed their palms together as if comparing their sizes. His long fingers curled over the tops of hers. “I can’t imagine traveling all the time.”

The heat of his touch reached far deeper than her hand, and in this moment, she didn’t want to think about being somewhere far away. “It would be hard to travel the world with your horses.”

“True. Tavish would hate being on an airplane.”

“I noticed something on the bookshelf.” She stood and got her copy of The One for Her then returned to find him sprawled on his back, displaying dimples and a body she longed to see bare. She dropped to her knees on the edge of the mattress and crawled up to lie beside him.

“So, you did see your book the other day.”

“You kept it, all this time.” She traced the title with her finger.

“I thought you might come back for it. And here you are.”

“I still don’t know how it ends.”

“I do,” he admitted.

“You read my romance novel?”

Sliding one arm around her shoulders, he cupped the curve of her thigh in his other hand and drew her close, something primal rolling between them. “Never tell that secret to another living soul. They might take away my cowboy card.” His request was punctuated with a playful swat on her behind.

Reese pulled the book from between them and settled into his embrace. An embrace filled with unknown possibilities and growing risk to her heart. His jaw was freshly shaved and smooth under her lips, and she nipped his chin with her teeth. “I like to believe that real cowboys know all about romance.” And boy did this one. This seduction scene he’d set up was…

Something pinged in her memory. Her book. A scene where the hero and heroine got very playful with fruit. “Did you get the idea for the wine and fruit from this book?”

His eyes cut to the side. “I might’ve picked up the idea somewhere.”

Did she detect a blush under his tan? “I promise not to expose your secret…if you’ll tell me how the story ends.”

“You don’t want to read it yourself?” He took the book from her hand and dropped it onto the mattress beside them.

“I want you to tell me.”

“It’s a Cinderella story,” he said.

“You know fairy tales?”

“I used to read to Astrid.”

The statement endeared him to Reese that much more. “Wish I had a sweet big brother like you. It was lonely being an only kid.”

“I’ll do my best to make sure you’re not lonely tonight.”

Reaching around him, she chose a plump raspberry from the assortment of colorful fruit, held it between her lips, and pushed it slowly into her mouth with one finger. And was pleased with her ability to make his eyes flare and his breath quicken.

“Stealing this fruit scene from your book is turning out to be one of the best ideas I’ve had in a while.”

With the largest strawberry from the plate, she continued to tease. “I agree.”

He broke off a piece of chocolate and traced it across her lips but pulled it away before she could bite. “Give me those beautiful lips.” He licked lightly across her chocolaty pout and then sucked her lower lip between his.

His sweet demand sent the tingles in her core roaring to life.

He drew back enough to bite off half of the candy before sliding the other piece onto her tongue.

“Delicious.” Him more so than the chocolate. His taste, his scent, his touch, all cravings she couldn’t fight.

“Yes, you are, sweet Reese.”

The warmth of his whispered words feathered over her mouth, and she ran her hand under the hem of his T-shirt, caressing his skin. It must’ve been his tipping point because his lips collided with hers, seeking, taking without apology. Slow, languid strokes sent liquid heat flowing.

Needing to feel his bare skin against hers, she tugged on his shirt, forced to break the kiss to remove it. She twirled it and sent it sailing. Cool air met heated skin when her shirt followed his. Her bra—suddenly too tight—constricted her rapid breath but held in her heart, which threatened to swell past the bounds of her chest.

One handed, he flicked open the clasp and ran a finger under the strap, sliding it slowly down her arm, tracing under the lace cup. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”

Featherlight strokes circled her breast. Kisses tickled and teased. His words and touch set off sparks that quickly ignited flames in her lower belly.

I’m falling hard for this man. I’m in sooo much trouble.

She’d have to deal with some amount of heartache after their summer, but any remaining thoughts of this being a bad idea fled when his teeth nipped sensitive flesh and sent electrical pulses straight to her most feminine parts.

With his torso cradled between her thighs, she marveled at the reverence he paid her body with each unhurried touch, each sound. Dark hair, soft and thick, tangled around her impatient fingers.

“James… Yes, more.” She tugged, arching to meet his mouth.

The skylight above revealed stars waking up, along with her heated body. The same stars she’d wished upon to make him notice her so many years ago. Now, here they were in the very place she’d first daydreamed about him, bringing one of her fantasies to life.

Fumbling with the button-fly of his jeans, she began popping them open, one by one. She used her feet to push them over his ankles and briefly wondered when he’d taken off his boots. “Is this real? Are you real?”

His muscles strained as he rose above her, completely naked, unashamed, and beautiful. “All real, sweetheart.”

Talented lips and tongue caressed her stomach. Teasing hands slid denim down sensitive skin, moving slowly, savoring every inch revealed. Warm breath feathered across her inner thighs as he stopped to show her just how real the night was.

He explored, discovering magical spots on her body that had somehow remained hidden until now. Her vision blurred, but he kept her tethered when she threatened to spiral into space. A glorious slide of naked skin brought him back to her mouth.

“Reese. Sweet Reese.” His breath, fast and tinged with chocolate and wine, feathered across her parted lips. “I want… I need…”

“Need…yes.” She’d never felt so beautiful. So desired.

Reaching between them, his moan sent quivers across her flesh. No fantasizing this time. He was real and right above her, his spicy scent tempting beyond control. So much better than her imagination. He started to pull away, and she whimpered.

“I’m not leaving. I need something from my pocket. Can’t wait.” His breath hissed ragged with need.

“Mine’s closer.” She reached for her jeans and produced the foil packet Lila had tossed at her.

His eyes twinkled as she held it between them. “My sweet Reese, did you have plans to seduce me?”

“Maybe.” She ran her foot up the side of his leg and tugged him down to nip his chin. “Did it work?”

“It worked years ago, without you even realizing you were doing it.” He took the packet and rolled onto his back.

She followed, straddling his thighs, making him groan deep and low as she helped. He arched his hips, lifting her into the air, then guided her down to meet his mouth.

A light dusting of hair tickled her breasts. Reese rose above him and his eyes darkened to deep emerald and held her, trapped and willing. Strong, gentle fingers gripped her hips to urge her down. She met him with equal desire, aching for the fullness of their connection.

Tender strokes. Teasing nips. Sweet pleasure. They moved together in the most primal way, giving, taking, and sharing. And he made one of her fantasies come true in a most spectacular fashion.

Content and cozy, Reese kissed his shoulder, her hammering pulse gradually slowing. “I think there’s something to be said for delayed gratification.”

“You’re so right.” He pulled her closer for a kiss. “Eleven years was a long time to wait. I’ve never enjoyed hanging out with anyone this much.”

Her cheeks ached from smiling. “I couldn’t agree more.”

He reached for her book, opened to page one, and started reading aloud. “Snow was falling the first time she saw him…”

And there went another piece of Reese’s heart.

She stretched along his side and curled one arm and leg across the long length of his body, lost in his voice as he read. She’d asked him to tell her how the story ended, but he’d started on page one.

The beginning.

For years, the idea of him had been stowed away and held with care. That secret spot was unlocking. He intrigued her mind with his thoughts, rocked her body with his touch, and charmed her heart, piece by piece. The sting of happy tears and an unusual contentment startled her.

Now, he appeared to be searching for a path to her soul.

How will I walk away when the time comes?