The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
“The Adventures of Gianduiotto”
African Americans: alliance with; business transactions with; discontinuing comparisons with; humiliation of being treated like; militancy of; as model; newspapers; prejudice examples; prominenti sympathy for; resentment of; sexual behavior of; sympathy for; unions excluding; Wells on
African savagery: Cristofero Colombo on; Ethiopia and; goals of; identity and; metaphorical use of; newspapers and; Il Proletario on; radical newspapers and; Southern Italy and
Agricultural crisis
Albano, Angelo
Alien Land Bill; Bolletino della Sera on; Giovannitti on; whiteness and
American Clothing Makers of America
American Federation of Labor
Americanization; campaigns; racial hierarchy and
American race
American South; employment in; Grimke on; inbetweeness in; lynchings in
Anarchist newspapers
Anderson, Benedict
L’Araldo Italiano (Italian Herald); on Asian Americans; circulation; “Civilization and Chivalry of the Italians”; founding of; journalists employed by
Asian Americans: L’Araldo Italiano on; civilization of; colonialism and; crime and; differentiating from; Drew on; exclusion of; exploitation of; Giovannitti on; immigration restrictions and; La Luce on; newspapers on; Il Proletario on; racial hierarchy and; Roosevelt and; Sergi on; working class narrative of. See also Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Assimilation process: La Luce on; newspapers and
Bailey, Melville Knox
Balbi, Giuseppe
Baldo, Pietro
Balletto, Agostino
Barrett, James
Barsotti, Carlo; death of; fundraising by
Bazzani, Giovanni
Bederman, Gail
Bertelli, Giuseppe
Bertellini, Giorgio
Bolletino della Sera (Evening Bulletin); on Alien Land Bill; circulation of; Fenton on; founding of; Libya coverage of; political orientation of; Pope purchasing
Bosi, Alfredo: on Ciambelli; on Il Progresso Italo-Americano
Bresci, Gaetano
Brignardello, Aroldo
Brisbane, Arthur
Browning, Robert
Bruno, Giordano
Bryan, Jennings
Buonapane, Antonio
Caminetti, Anthony
Caminita, Ludovico
Campanilismo (trust)
Cantelmo, Ercole
Cartosio, Bruno
Cassetti, Peter
Cassin, J. M.
Catholic Church
Cavour, Camillo
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882; amendments to; Daniels on; immigration restrictions increasing after
Ciambelli, Bernardino
Ciancabilla, Giuseppe
Il Cittadino (Citizen); on American race; founding of; on immigration restriction; on literacy test; on lynching; New York Times on; “A Social Phenomenon of All Times”; “To Our American Readers”
Civic League Publishing Association
Civilization; of Asian Americans; Cody symbolizing; debates; Giacosa on; Jackson on; masculinity and; newspapers on; slavery as; travelers’ accounts and; whiteness and
Clark, Martin
Class: Asian Americans and; identity based on; lynching and; Native Americans and
Cleveland, Grover
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill”; civilization symbolized by
Colonialism: agricultural crisis and; Asian Americans and; Clark on; L’Eco d’Italia on; Franchetti on; Frisina on; Il Grido degli Oppressi on; immigration as voluntary; justifications for; Libya and; as measuring stick
Color: race connected with; race separated from; racism and; slavery and
Color line: immigration restriction and hardening of; understanding
Columbus, Christopher; Il Grido degli Oppressi on; myth of
Columbus Day
Il Comitato Italiano
Commercial Herald; Il Progresso Italo-Americano on
Community studies
Covello, Leonard
Crispi, Francesco
Cristofero Colombo; on African savagery; Il Progresso Italo-Americano merged with; on Wounded Knee
Daniels, Roger
Dante Alighieri Society
Darwin, Charles
Death benefits
Detroit Plaindealer; on lynching
DiBiasi, Agostino
Dickie, John
La Difesa
Dillingham Commission
Dini, Alberto
Il Diritto, on lynching
Dotry, Henry
Drew, Assemblyman
DuBois, W. E. B.; New York Times on
Earthquake relief
East Harlem
L’Eco d’Italia (Echo of Italy); on colonialism; exile mentality of; founding of
Employment: in American South; L’Araldo Italiano; assistance; classified; lynching and; skilled; unskilled
Enemy aliens
L’Era Nuova
Espionage Act
Esteve, Pedro
Ethiopia; African savagery and; justification for invasion of; nationalism and war in; support for war in
Ethnic myths
Evening Bulletin. See Bolletino della Sera
Extralegal violence
Faggi, Angelo
Fall of Rome
Fascism: Vecoli on; whiteness and. See also Nationalism
Feast of Saint Alfio
Feast of Saint Rocco
Federazione Socialista Italiana del Nord America (FSI)
Female virtue
Fenton, Edwin
Ficarrotta, Castenge
Foley, Neil
Forsyth, James
Franchetti, Leopoldo
Fraternal organizations; psychological and social rules of
Frisina, Leonardo
Frugone, Frank; New York Times on
FSI. See Federazione Socialista Italiana del Nord America
Fugazy, Louis V.
Fusco, Coco
Galleani, Luigi
Gambino, Richard
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Gaudelli, Albert
Gentini, A.
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Giacosa, Giuseppe
GI Bill
Giolitti, Giovanni
Il Giornale Italiano
Giovane Italia
Giovannitti, Arturo: on Alien Land Bill; on Asian Americans; on immigration restriction
Goldstein, Eric
Gori, Pietro
Great Society programs
Greek newspapers
Gribaudi, Gabriella
Il Grido degli Oppressi: on colonialism; on Columbus
Griffith, Michael
Grimke, Archibald H.
Il Gruppo Diritto all’Esistenza (Right to Exist Group)
Guglielmo, Thomas
Gulino, Giuseppe
Guterl, Matthew Pratt
Hamilton, Alexander
Haney López, Ian
Harney, Robert
Hart, Henry
Hawkins, Yusef
Hennessey, David
Higham, John
Hochschild, Jennifer
House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
Howard Beach
How the Other Half Lives (Riis)
Hughes, Charles Evans
Identity: African savagery and; class-based; Italian language learning and; newspapers and. See also Italianita; Nationalism
Imagined communities
Immigration: Mulberry Bend district and problems with; protection laws; as voluntary colonialism
Immigration restriction; Asian Americans and; capitalism and; Chinese Exclusion Act increasing; Il Cittadino on; color line and; Giovannitti on; Italian Socialist Federation supporting; King on; opposition foundation for; Il Proletario on; race-based; on Southern Italians. See also Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882; Dillingham Commission; Gentlemen’s Agreement; Literacy test
Inbetweeness: in American South; Barrett on; challenging; confusion of; Guglielmo on; Orsi on; refining; Roediger on
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Intercontinental Telephone and Telegraph Company
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Interracial relationships: Lui on; Il Progresso Italo-Americano on
Irish Catholics
Italian American Educational League
Italian American Progress. See Il Progresso Italo-Americano
Italian Herald. See L’Araldo Italiano
Italianita; Libya and
Italian language learning; identity forged through; Il Progresso Italo-Americano on
Italian Socialist Federation: immigration restrictions supported by; on Southern Italy
Italian unification
Italian victory in Africa. See “Vittoria Italiana in Africa”
Italian Vigilance Protective Association
Italy-America Day
IWW. See Industrial Workers of the World
Jacobson, Matthew Frye: on racial hierarchy; on whiteness
Jewish literacy
Jim Crow
King, Desmond: on American race; on immigration restriction
Kooper, Sybil Hart
Kopan, Andrew
Labor agents
Labor hierarchy
La Piana, George: on literacy rates; on newspapers
Lauriano, Alfonso
Il Lavoro
Leavenworth Advocate
Leon, William
Leone, Beato
Lesser, Crueze de
Levra, Umberto
Liberto, Salvatore
Libya: American reactions to war in; annexation of; Bolettino della Sera coverage of; colonialism and; European reactions to war in; fundraising for war in; italianita and; motivations for; Il Proletario on; prominenti and; radical newspapers on
Lincoln, Abraham: Il Proletario on; La Questione Sociale on
Literacy rates; Jewish; La Piana on
Literacy test; Il Cittadino on; Cleveland veto on; La Luce on; Taft veto on
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lombroso, Cesare
López, Ian Haney
Lotta di Classe
Lower East Side
Lower West Side
Lozzerano, Mario
La Luce: on Asian Americans; on assimilation process; on literacy test
Luconi, Stefano
Lui, Mary
Lynching; of Albano; in American South; Il Cittadino on; class and; as control; defense of; Detroit Plaindealer on; Il Diritto on; employment and; equality and; of Ficarrotta; Gambino on; headlines; Leavenworth Advocate on; legitimacy of; newspapers on; New York Age on; Paris on; Il Progresso Italo-Americano on; Il Proletario on; pseudodefense of; La Questione Sociale on; rationale for; Richmond Advocate on; Richmond Planet on; savagery of; Il Secolo on; Shaler on; Speranza on; Vicksburg; of Villarosa; yellow fever simile
Malatesta, Errico
Manetta, Filippo
Margherita di savoy
Mariano, John
Masculinity; civilization and
Massachusetts Society of the Colonial Dames
May Day
Mazzini, Giuseppe
McBride, Andrew
The Mediterranean Race (Sergi)
Mezzogiorno. See Southern Italy
Minucci, Anthony
Minucci, Nicholas “Fat Nick”
Moore, Glenn
Morrison, Toni
Mulberry Bend district
Musso, Giuseppe
Mussolini, Benito
Mutual aid organizations; psychological and social roles of; religious traditions and
National Anti-mob and Lynch Law Association
Nationalism: Ethiopia war and; Luconi on; newspapers appealing to; World War I and
National Order of the Sons of Italy
Native Americans; as aggressors; class and; contrasting with; descriptions of; exploitation of suffering of; hunting by; hypocrisy and; Pecorini on; Il Progresso Italo-Americano on; radical newspapers on; savagery of; sensational stories about; sympathy for
Negro question
Nelli, Humbert
New Deal
New Negro movement
New Orleans Times-Democrat
Newspapers: African American; African savagery and; analyzed as cultural production; on Asian Americans; assimilation process and; circulation figures; on civilization; community reflected in; geographical location of; Harney on; identity and; importance of immigrant; increase in; influence of; La Piana on; in libraries; on lynching; nationalism appeals of; Park on; in Philadelphia; political identification of; prominenti ownership; prominenti phase of; race riot coverage; racial hierarchy in; reading aloud; rivalries; socialist; stereotypes in; Vecoli on; Vogel on. See also specific newspapers
New York Age: “Immigration Evils”; on lynching
New York Evening Journal
New York Times: approval from; on Il Cittadino; on DuBois; on Frugone; Pecorini defended by
Niagara Movement
Niceforo, Alfredo
Nixon, J. O.
Il Nuovo Proletario
Oppositional culture
Orsi, Robert
Our Lady of Loretto
Our Lady of Mount Carmel; condemnation of
Overton, Wiley G.; Il Progresso Italo-Americano on
Paris, Luciano; on lynching
Parisi, Paolo
Park, Robert: on newspapers; on radical newspapers
Paterson, New Jersey
Patterson, Orlando
Pecorini, Alberto; arrest of; books authored by; on Native Americans; New York Times defending; prominenti attacked by
Pelle rosse (redskin). See Native Americans
Petrucewicz, Marta
Polidori, Vincenzo
Pope, Generoso
Popular justice
Pozzetta, George
Press Democrat
Procaccino, Mario
Il Progresso Italo-Americano (Italian American Progress); Bosi on; circulation figures; on Commercial Herald; criminal defense of; Cristofero Colombo merged with; expansion of; founding of; on interracial relationships; on Italian language learning; “The Last Redskin: A Race Destined to Expire”; on lynching; masthead; on Native Americans; office of; on Overton; Pope purchasing; race riot coverage by; relief funds sponsored by; on Washington; whiteness asserted by
Il Proletario (Proletariat); on African savagery; “Americans and Americanization”; on Asian Americans; circulation of; ideological split; on immigration restrictions; labor news in; on Libya; on Lincoln; on lynching; racial hierarchy and; raiding of; on savagery; on slavery; on Southern Italy
Prominenti: African American sympathy from; influence of; Libya and; national celebrations defined by; newspaper ownership; newspaper phase of; Pecorini attacking; Pozzetta on; public image concerns of; radical newspapers attacking
La Questione Sociale; “Ancient and Modern Cannibalism”; banning of; circulation of; founding of; on Lincoln; on lynching
Race: American; color connected with; color separated from; immigration restriction based on; markers. See also specific races
Race riots: newspaper coverage of; Il Progresso Italo-Americano coverage of; after World War I
Racial hierarchy; Americanization and; Asian Americans and; biologically determined; Jacobson on; in newspapers; Il Proletario and; radical newspapers and; reconstruction of; Sergi on; slavery and
Racial transparency
Racism: color and; hard; Roediger on
Radical newspapers; African savagery and; elimination of; influence of; on Libya; on Native Americans; number of; Park on; prominenti attacked by; racial hierarchy and; religious traditions and. See also Anarchist newspapers; specific radical newspapers
La razza gialla (the yellow race). See Asian Americans
Reddin, Paul
Redskin. See Native Americans
Regional rivalries
Religious traditions; mutual aid organizations and; radical newspapers and. See also specific traditions
Richmond Advocate
Richmond Planet
Right to Exist Group. See Il Gruppo Diritto all’Esistenza
Riis, Jacob
Roediger, David; on inbetweeness; on racism
Roosevelt, Theodore; Asian Americans and
Root, Elihu
Rossi, Adolfo
Roversi, Luigi
Sanitation Department
Savagery; American defense of; feminine and; of lynching; of Native Americans; Il Proletario on; of Southern Italy. See also African savagery
Schetti, Francesco
Secchi di Casali, G. P.
Il Secolo
Sedition Act
Self-congratulatory references
Sergi, Giuseppe; on Asian Americans; on racial hierarchy
Serio, John
Serio, Vincenzo
Serrati, Giacinto Menotti
Sexual slavery
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate: on lynching; on Southern Italy
Shirt and Cloak Makers Union
Sigel, Elsie
Situationally white
Slavery: civilization as; color and; Manetta on; modern; Il Proletario on; racial hierarchy and; sexual; Tresca on; wage
Society for the Protection of Italian Immigrants
Southern Italy: African savagery and; Cavour on; as feminine; Gribaudi on; immigration restrictions on; Italian Socialist Federation on; Italian unification ignoring; Lesser on; Lombroso on; Niceforo on; perceptions of; poverty; Il Proletario on; revisionists; as savage; scientific validation of inferior; Shaler on; shifting interpretations of
Spanish-American War
Speranza, Gino
Stewart, T. McCants
Stoddard, Lothrop
The Strange Sounds of Gianduiotto
Sweet, May
Taft, William Howard
Il Telegrafo
Tenebrosa. See African savagery
Tirelli, Adelino
Tocci, Felice
Topp, Michael
Trading with the Enemy Act
Treaty of Lausanne
Tresca, Carlo; on France; on slavery
Tribuna Illustrata
Triple Alliance
Trust. See Campanilismo
Turks, Willie
Tuskegee Institute
“Unexpected Fortunes of Gianduiotto”
“The Unrestricted Dumping Ground”
Ute tribe
Valentine, Ernesto
Valentino, Rudolph
Vecoli, Rudolph; on fascism; on newspapers
Verrazzano, Giovanni da
Vicario, Giovani
Villarosa, Frederico
“Vittoria Italiana in Africa” (Italian victory in Africa)
Vogel, Todd
Wage slavery
Wallace, Lew
Washington, Booker T.; Il Progresso Italo-Americano on
Wells, H. G.
White, James
White ethnicity
Whiteness: advantages of; Alien Land Bill and; asserting; civilization and; defined by who they were not; fascism and assertions of; Foley on; hierarchy of; indifference to; Jacobson on; literature on; pathway to; Patterson on; premises of; Il Progresso Italo-Americano asserting; as racial transparency
Wild West Shows; Italian tour; romance of
Wilson, Woodrow
Winter, Alice Beach
Working class narratives
World War I; nationalism and; race riots after
World War II; enemy aliens during
Wounded Knee; Cristofero Colombo on
Yellow race. See Asian Americans