Street Games

(Warning: Some language in the following story may offend)



Hey, come on, Benny, man. Whattchu doin now?

My shoelaces. They come undone.

Well, come on. Jeez how long’s it take you to tie your fuckin laces, man. Dint no one ever show you how or nothin?

These laces is like, ten feet long, man.

How come?

These is Freddy’s shoes.

Why you wearin’ Freddy’s shoes? You got your own, don’t ya?

You seen mine, man. Freddy’s shoes is way cooler than mine, bro’.

Whattchu doin now!

Other one.

Fuck me! Hurry up, will ya. You look like you takin a dump right in the middle of fuckin Queen Street, man. All crouchin down like that.

Yeah, hang on.

Ready? Come on. All the best machines’ll be gone.

Hey, wait up, wait up.

Come on, get your ass over here. Aw, Jeez Benny, whattchu pushin that for? Look around. Can you see any cars comin? Like, duh! Juss cross the road, man. No one gonna stop you here.

Hey, wait up.

You ain’t in Wanganui now, Brother. You in the big city now, man. You stay wid me and watch my moves, okay?

Okay, Snoop. Where we goin, anyway?

Juss down there. See the flashin lights? That’s where we headed.

You been here before?

Heaps. I’m like the ace here. Peeps see my moves, they step right aside.

Whattchu like best?

Tekken. That’s my specialty. I’ve beat every game they brung out.


Hell yeah, man.

Hey, Snoop. Snoop!


Look what I got.


Look here.

Holy shit, man. Where’d you get that? Jeezus, man, don’t go wavin that roun everywhere for every asshole on the street to see. Givus it here. Jeezus! How much you got here?

Almost two hundred.

Where’d you get that?

The office.

You kiddin me, man.


Fuck me You juss go in the office, cool as shit, pull out the drawer, and stick almost two hundie in your pocket. Juss like you was the fuckin king or somethin!

Yeah. It’s cool. It was in a tin - like with a lock on it. But it wasn’t locked. So I took it. Juss reached in there, cool as, and took it. So sweet, man.

I think you juss a nat’ral at this shit.

Yeah, a nat’ral. That’s what I am, Snoop.


Nah, man. You keep it. I keep it, I’ll juss lose it all. You keep it, if I need some cash, I come over an say ‘Hey, man, I’m all outta dough’, you give me some.

Sure, man. Shit, nearly two hun’ed. Jeez-us! We are loaded. Hey, I know…


Why don’t we get us some suds.


See over there? We get us a few cans, then we go an show these mothers how to play for real. Yeah?

I dunno, Snoop…

Why. You ain’t scared, are ya?

Nah, Snoop dog, I ain’t scared…But we got no ID. They won’t give us nothin less we got ID.

Leave it to me, Benny. I am your main man here, am I right?


Hey! I’m your main man here. I gottchu this far…?


You leave it to me.

I don’ like this. Why don’t we juss play spacies like we said?

You stay out here.

I’m not stayin out here. I’m comin wid you.

Evening, boys. What can I do for you?

Um…Half dozen cans’a Export.

Can I see some ID?

I tole you.

Why don’ you go wait outside?

You know I can’t serve you unless you’ve got ID.

Aw, dude, I left it in the car.

Well, I’m sorry but you’re going to have to go and get it.

But my car’s, like, fuckin miles away.

Sorry, guys. More than my job’s worth.

Let’s go, Snoop. C’mon.

Lemme go, Benny.

Nah, let’s go, Snoop. This ain’ worth it, man.

You don’t believe me? Well, fuck you. We don’ need your fuckin beer. We’ll get it another place.

C’mon, Snoop. Don’t make no trouble.

Shit! Asshole. Who’s he think he is?

C’mon, man, let’s juss go play us some spacies.

Yo! Snoop! Benny!


Ah, Jeez, it’s Hoff.


Over there in that car.

Hey, Hoff, my man. Where’d you get the wheels?

My cousin. He borrowed it to me for the night.


Hey, Benny.

Hey, Hoff.

You guys wanna go somewhere?

Nah. We juss goin in to play us some games. Man, I wish my cousin got wheels like this. Even if he did, he prob’ly wouldn’t borrow me them.

And listen to this.

Tha’s cool.


I said tha’s cool, man.


Turn it down, turn it down!

Is that cool or what?

It’s cool, it’s way cool.

Hey, Benny. You quiet tonight. You ain’t talkin to me or somethin?

I’m juss waitin to go an play some games is all.

Aw, well, ‘scuse me for holdin you up an everything.

Hey, Hoff, he don’t mean nothin. He’s real pleased for ya.

Yeah well, I gotta cruise, man. Wheels like this is huntin material. I’m gonna find me a woman an show her what this baby can do.

Yeah, good luck, man, see ya!

I hate that guy.

Who? Hoff? He’s okay. Juss don’ get on the wrong side of ‘im tha’s all.

He hasn’t got a right side is the trouble.

C’mon. You wanna go do some serious gamin?


Then get inside here an pick out your station.

Whattchu gonna play?

Tekken, what else? What about you?

See the motorbike over there? That’s my ride…but I’m gonna need some cash.

Yeah, okay, okay. I’m givin you some. How much you want?

Give us ten to start.

I’ll give you twen’y. I give you ten, you’ll be up an down so much you give yourself a hernia.


You need me, man, I’m right here.

Sure…oh hey, s’cuse me. I was gonna use this bike.

Well, I’m usin it now. Go an find something else.

But this is the on’y bike.


Hey. You got a problem here, Benny?

Aw, Snoop. This guy’s took the bike I wanted.

You wanna make somethin outta this?

Nah, man. It’s all cool.

Benny, why don’ you go play somethin else till this guy’s finished.

I don’ wanna play nothin else, Snoop. I only came to play on the bike.

Hey, you, Snoop, or whatever you callin your dick self. Take your bitch here, an get the fuck outta my face…

C’mon, Benny…

But Snoop, man, I’m…


Shit, man, I come all this way juss to play on this here bike an tha’s what I’m gonna do.

Okay, that’s it. You two, outside.

Aw, shit, man. He don’ mean nothin. He’s from Wanganui, Bro’.


Jeezus, Benny. We been here two minutes an already half the street gangs in Auckland are stepping us outside. This muss some kinda record or somethin.

Why you givin me lip, motherfucker?

Listen Bro’. My friend here’s…

Shuddup, you. Let your bitch talk.

I juss wanted to ride on the bike is all. Hey, let go! Let go’a me!

Let him go, man. We don’t want no trouble.

Hey Deej…cops. They slowin down.

You two! One word outta you, your friend here goes home with a knife stickin outta his eye.

Ah, shit. Cops are comin right this way, Deej.

We’re cool, we’re cool.

Any problems here, boys?

Nah, nah. Me my cousin here’s juss havin us a talk.

He your cousin, son?

Well, say somethin’, dickhead.

Yeah, man. Everything’s cool here.

And this is your cousin?


What’s your name?


You do know your name?

Tell ‘im your name, moron!

James Redding.

Redding? And you?

Benny…that’s Benjamin Crocker.

Okay, well, all you boys are causing an obstruction here in the street. Can you take it somewhere else?

Yeah, sure, sure.

You two boys alright?

Yeah, sure. We are, eh Benny?

Yeah…we good.

Okay, well, we’ll cruise back in twenty minutes or so and I want to see the street cleared, okay?

Yeah, sure. Me an my cuz’ll be outta sight an gone.

Why don’t you guys move off now, then? I’d like to talk to these two boys.

Yeah, sure. See ya, squirt.

You sure you boys are okay?

We cool.

How old are you?

Sixteen. Both us are.

Okay. Well, I think you should both think about getting home. It’s not such a safe place here at this time of night.

Yeah, we’re juss gonin, eh, Ben?

That’s right, Snoop, we juss goin.

Take care, boys. And I know it’s none of my business but I’d stay away from your cousin if I was you.

Sure, thanks, officer. Wave to the nice officer, Benny…Jeezus, that was close.

How’s that dude, man?

‘One word outta you guys, you’ll go home with a knife stickin outta your eye’. Shee-it! Like we’re gonna go, ‘Hey, man, I get all the way home and guess what! I gotta fuckin knife stickin outta my eye an I din even notice’. What an asshole.

Yeah, like you’d go, ‘Hey man, look’a me. I get all the way home, I gotta shot-gun stickin out my ass. No wonder I could’n’ siddown on the freakin bus’. Shit, man!

Oh, Jeez, they comin back…

Hey, squirt. Whatt’d the cops ax you?

They din ax me nothin, man. They juss sayin if you was my cousin for real an I said yeah, you was my cousin for real. Aw, c’mon let go’a him. He didn’t do nothin. All we was doin is playin some spacies and mindin our own business here.


C’mon, man, you’re hurtin ‘im. Let ‘im go.

Pay up an I’ll let ‘im go.

I got no money, man.

Search ‘im.

Let go’a me!

Oh, well, well, well. Lookee what we got here, Deej. Looks to me like we juss got served a bunch o’ bullshit.

Let go. Let go’a Ben, man, you’re hurtin ‘im. Take the goddamn money an leave us alone.

I was gonna take the money anyhow. I don’t need an invite from you, asshole. Now you two, bugger off an don’t come roun here no more or I’ll kill the both of ya. C’mon boys.

Ben, you okay man.


Hey, Ben man. Siddown here. Give us your…Oh, Jesus, man, you’re bleedin. Of Jeez, man.


Benny! Gettup, man, gettup! We gotta get you to a doc. Shit, man, where’s all this blood comin from. Oh, shit, Benny. Shit, shit, shit…Jesus…

…I got…I’m sorry…

Shush. Juss don’t try to talk. Jesus, Ben, you shakin like hell. Lie down here, I’ll get you some help. Help! Help me!

Ben? Ben, can you hear me. Ben, don’t leave me, man. You’re my brother, man, don’t leave me here! Jeez, Ben, I love you, man. Don’t leave me…


“…And tonight police are searching for two youths who escaped from the Waitakere Christian Boys Home earlier this evening. One of the three who escaped was seen earlier this evening driving a red Lancer which was reported stolen earlier today. The car was spotted on State Highway 1 headed south at eleven o’clock this evening. Described as a tall, medium build European, Lance Gabriel, also uses the name “Hoffman, or Hoff”. Also missing from Waitakere Christian Boys Home is James Aroha Redding, who also goes by the name ‘Snoop’. James is thirteen, a hundred and eighteen kilos and olive complexion. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of either of these boys is asked to contact your local police station. Redding is also wanted in connection with the fatal stabbing of Benjamin Crocker who was seen earlier this evening with him. Police warn that these two youths are armed and dangerous, and should not be approached…”


The End