It was clear the vampires didn’t have The Book of prophecy because they were on the wrong continent just like they were. If Katana was as formidable an opponent as Ulrik painted her to be, he was sure they were here to try and take Willow who would ultimately be able to locate the book at this point and then they would eventually have both. They were getting neither.
As much as he would have liked to keep Willow’s fae abilities under wraps, there was no way he could. She’d had no choice when she blasted that vampire. This fight called for all hands on deck. The two of them fought back to back.
So far he had yet to see Katana, but he knew she was there, watching and waiting for the right moment, the right opportunity. He was vigilant while he still managed to fend off attacks by her minions she’d sent to tire him out.
Around him, he saw Lysander and Arsenio casting spells that snapped limbs or broke necks and temporarily paralyzed or knocked out some of the vampires. Mathilda and Zoriana fought back to back. He wondered if Mathilda realized. Of course, he knew that no matter how much of a grudge she might be carrying against her mother right now, she always had her back in a fight. Morgana wasn’t that far away, engaged in battle with two of the bloodsuckers and holding her own.
Then she was there, looking like a Bond villain, her hair whipping out behind her as she approached him. He’d been looking forward to taking her on solo, but didn’t mind when Phaedra positioned herself behind her. Katana looked over her shoulder at her and then back at him. “I guess it won’t be just the two of us.” She gave him a fake pout. He responded with a deadpan look.
Her face took on a lethal look when he communicated with her telepathically.
They charged one another. He was somewhat surprised she didn’t try and use her super speed. It would be to her advantage.
“Terra ortum.” He used magic to make the ground rise and move as she ran towards him, hoping to cause her to stumble and fall. No such luck. She simply hovered for a second before flying towards him.
Her focus was so intent on him, she missed Phaedra landing a hit with a flying piece of column from the ruins. It smacked Katana in the side, causing her to fall to the ground. She wasn’t injured at all, merely angry. The look she threw Phaedra would have sent most people running, but Phaedra stood her ground and waited to see what Katana would do next.
Eli took this opportunity and pulled a tree out of the ground by its roots using magic so he could use it as a battering ram against her. He got one good lick in before she smashed it to splinters.
Phaedra blasted her with a bolt of electricity, which dropped her to the ground. Eli chanced a glance back at Willow to make sure she was okay. She’d just daggered one of the vampires and then shot a blast of energy at another one, sending them flying backwards.
When he turned back around, Katana had recovered. She was getting back up on her feet. In a quick movement, she picked up a piece of the ruins and hurled it in his direction. He barely managed to dodge the flying piece of debris that would have seriously injured him or knocked him unconscious.
Two vampires began a fight with Phaedra that drew her away from their fight with Katana. He was sure that wasn’t a coincidence.
‘GUESS YOU DON’T LIKE GETTING YOUR ASS KICKED DO YOU?’ He smirked. Of course it pissed Katana off like he knew it would and she came flying in his direction. “Integumentum.” He used his magic to turn the air around him into a shield. When Katana hit she bounced off. With Katana’s brute strength he knew the shield could probably only take another hit or two before the spell was broken. Katana rammed herself against the air shield once more and he could feel it ready to give way. Before he could cast his next spell something caught Katana’s leg and pulled her backwards away from him.
Phaedra had used the air to create an invisible rope, which she now had wrapped around Katana’s ankle. She whipped the rope around once and tossed her away. It only gave him a small reprieve to come up with his next move, but he was grateful.
He was about to suggest to Phaedra that they both attack her at once when Katana dropped to her knees and clutched her head in excruciating pain. When he looked around he noticed the other vampires in a similar state. Who was doing that? He turned around and looked at Willow. She shrugged her shoulders. When his eyes scanned everyone again, he saw Morgana in deep concentration. Her nose was bleeding.
It was a lot of magic for one witch to sustain on so many people. Morgana stumbled as she started to weaken. Beads of sweat broke out on her brow as she strained to stay in control. It was just enough for Katana to break free from the attack and beat a hasty retreat. After that, the other vampires still standing were able to break free and follow Katana. Morgana dropped to her hands and knees exhausted. They rushed to her side. “You okay?” Zoriana asked. She knelt next to her.
He tried to check her over for injuries and when he pulled his hand back it was smeared with blood. “You’re hurt.”
“It’s nothing. A scratch.”
“Are you sure?” Lysander asked while trying to get a good look.
Ulrik stepped forward. “I must apologize. I was the one who injured her.” Everyone’s heads whipped towards him, to stare in disbelief.
“It was my fault. I didn’t recognize him in the fight. Friendly fire so to speak.” She grimaced when Zoriana pressed a rag to the superficial wound on her arm. “He was only reacting to my attack.” She came to his defense.
For a minute, Eli worried if he’d been mistaken in his judgment of Ulrik, but when Morgana confessed to attacking him first, he relaxed. Ulrik was the only vampire on their side. He could understand how in the heat of battle something could happen like that. Morgana would be fine. It wasn’t anything serious.
Ulrik had a weird look on his face as he walked away. Eli chalked it up to him feeling badly about injuring Morgana. Zoriana tended to the wound and was able to heal it with no problem. Even though they’d all expended a lot of magic, her wound wasn’t serious enough that it required a copious amount of magic to heal it.
“Thank you.” Morgana told Zoriana, who helped her stand.
It wasn’t until that was dealt with that Eli noticed some of the witches from the Castellanos coven looking at Willow strangely. Then he remembered that they would have seen her use her fae abilities. A nervous feeling settled in his stomach when he recalled Ulrik’s words during the banquet about the anti-hybrid hostility some supernaturals were exhibiting. Maybe they’d worn out their welcome. It might be time to head back to Salem and regroup, especially since they could now confirm the book was not here.
“Arsenio. Could we head back to the villa?”
“Of course. I will have the cars waiting for us.” He opened up his phone and made a call.
Eli was about to grab Willow and head back to the parking lot when his eye caught a small shiny object in the dust. He walked over and picked it up. It was half of a locket. It was made of gold and oval-shaped. When he turned it some dirt obscured the photo that had been put inside. He used his thumb to wipe it away. Staring back at him was a smiling, carefree Katana with her arms around a man. It was Katana before she’d become a vengeful vampire and Killian’s right hand. He pocketed the broken piece of jewelry.
It was hard to think of Katana as once having a heart that cared and loved. Realizing the loss she suffered and the atrocities she’d endured he wondered if he wouldn’t have become like her too if Willow had died that day. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, not wanting to further examine the thin line that separated the two of them. He grabbed Willow and followed the group to the cars.
Back at the house, he assembled the Protectors out in the courtyard. When he was sure they wouldn’t be overheard he spoke. “I think it’s time for us to head home. We know the book isn’t here and...” He wasn’t sure whether he should tell them or not.
“What? What is it? Something has you all jumpy.” Phaedra narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion.
“Okay listen, during our first night here, I learned about some rumblings in regards to people being anti-hybrid...” Mathilda and Morgana were the only two that looked shocked. The others were old enough and had been around long enough to know that just because you could instantly grow fur, fangs or shoot electricity out of your fingertips, it didn’t make people immune to prejudices. “I’d told Willow to lay low with being part fae, but after the fight today when some of them realized she’s not just an Oracle... let’s just say the tide could turn pretty quick once word starts to spread and I’d rather be on home turf if something goes down. We don’t know these people and I’m not sure who exactly would have our back.”
Everyone nodded in understanding.
“We leave tomorrow, first thing in the morning.” Phaedra looked around at the group, making sure everyone understood that it wasn’t up for debate. They were getting the hell out of Greece.
“Get packed up tonight. I’ll talk with Arsenio about getting transportation to the train so we can get to Athens.” Eli gave the final instructions.
Everyone turned to head to their rooms.
“Guys?” They turned to look at Max. “This might be a little irrelevant given it’s not what we need to know in order to locate the book, but I’ve never read Sophocles. You guys mentioned the Sphinx told Oedipus the riddle, but no one said what the actual answer to the riddle was... What was the answer? I have to know.” Max looked around at the other Protectors.
Everyone except Willow said in unison. “Man.” Then they turned and walked away shaking their heads.
Max still looked perplexed as he tried to piece together how that worked out. “Oh. I got it.” He called out to their retreating backs. “Babe, wait up.” He called to Phaedra before running to catch up with her.
Before Eli could head back to the room with Willow, Ulrik stopped him. “If I may speak with you?”
He motioned for Willow to head to the room and he’d join her shortly.
“What’s up?”
“I know you’re leaving tomorrow. Possibly heading to Egypt to look for the book. I would like to come with you.” Nothing came out as a question. Only statements.
“Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?” He stepped closer towards Ulrik and glared at him. Ulrik didn’t seem the least bit worried about someone overhearing their conversation or fazed by Eli’s change in demeanor.
“No, but like you, I saw the way they looked at her.”
Ulrik was way more perceptive than he gave him credit for.
“I understand you want to get her out of here as soon as possible in case there may be trouble. As I told you already, some will have an issue with her being a hybrid. They love and adore her now, but how many will turn their back and perhaps even throw stones later once they know? I could be a big help to you.” He made a very persuasive argument and may be one of the few people that knew and had experience with what they might face if things got that bad.
“Yeah, you can come.”
A grin broke out on the Dane’s face. “Thank you.”
“We’ll be leaving in the morning. You better be ready. We won’t wait.”
On his way to the bedroom, he noticed Damaris walking down another hallway. It wasn’t that she looked like she was trying not to be seen, but it just seemed strange. Her presence here confirmed that she must be seeing Hadrian. If she was involved with him, then he shouldn’t need to worry. It was still unfortunate he’d never had the opportunity to chat with her while they were here. They were leaving first thing in the morning so it didn’t matter.