Know all men by these presents, Death, the tamer,
By mortgage has secured the corpse of Demar;
Nor can four hundred thousand sterling pound
Redeem him from his prison underground.
His heirs might well, of all his wealth possesst
Bestow, to bury him, one iron chest.
Plutus, the god of wealth, will joy to know
His faithful steward in the shades below.
He walk’d the streets, and wore a threadbare cloak;
He din’d and supp’d at charge of other folk:
And by his looks, had he held out his palms,
He might be thought an object fit for alms.
So, to the poor if he refus’d his pelf,
He us’d ’em full as kindly as himself.
Where’er he went, he never saw his betters;
Lords, knights, and squires, were all his humble debtors;
And under hand and seal, the Irish nation
Were forc’d to own to him their obligation.
He that cou’d once have half a kingdom bought,
In half a minute is not worth a groat.
His coffers from the coffin could not save,
Nor all his int’rest keep him from the grave.
A golden monument would not be right,
Because we wish the earth upon him light.
Oh London Tavern! thou hast lost a friend,
Tho’ in thy walls he ne’er did farthing spend;
He touch’d the pence when others touch’d the pot;
The hand that sign’d the mortgage paid the shot.
Old as he was, no vulgar known disease
On him could ever boast a pow’r to seize;
“But as the gold he weigh’d, grim death in spight
Cast in his dart, which made three moidores light;
And, as he saw his darling money fail,
Blew his last breath to sink the lighter scale.”
He who so long was current, ’twould be strange
If he should now be cry’d down since his change.
The sexton shall green sods on thee bestow;
Alas, the sexton is thy banker now!
A dismal banker must that banker be,
Who gives no bills but of mortality!