It had been two weeks without Logan. I admit I spent a lot of time hiding in my room. Genevra finally drew me out with a bribe. If I got my license, she and Shane would buy me a car. It seemed like as good a time as any. Being able to drive would give me more opportunity to get out of the house, they said. I protested until they arrived home with a gorgeous, silver Chevy Malibu. Just looking at it made me burst into tears. The silver was the exact shade of Logan’s wings. Driving it would remind me of him, but I could hardly refuse such a wonderful gift. They had gone out of their way to make me part of the family and to make me feel better after Logan and I… broke up.
“What’s wrong?” Genevra asked.
“I-it’s too much.” I certainly couldn’t say, “The color reminds me of Logan’s wings. Oops, I forgot. You didn’t know he was an angel.” Yeah right. That would go so well.
“You can’t refuse,” Shane said, laughing. “It’s a gift.”
“I could have paid for it…” I trailed off.
“I’ll tell you what. You pay for your own gas and we’ll call it even,” he said.
I nodded my agreement.
“Now let’s take you out driving so you’ll be ready for your test tomorrow,” he announced.
“Test… tomorrow?” I repeated as if I didn’t understand.
“Yes, right after you get out of school.”
I gulped. “I don’t think that will be long enough.”
He steered me toward the driver’s side of the car. “It’ll be plenty of time. You practiced with your mom before, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, a little.”
“You’ll be fine. Now let’s go.” He dangled the keys in front of my face.
When we got in the car, I breathed a sigh of relief when I discovered that it was an automatic. Trying to drive Logan’s Mazda stick shift had been near disastrous. I didn’t care to repeat the experience.
Shane and I drove around the neighborhood for a while. When he finally took me on the freeway, I was fine. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
I passed my test the next day with flying colors.
When we arrived home after my test, Genevra and Shane practically drove me out of the house. I guess they were tired of all my hiding. They sent me to my work to pick up some bread and a pie for dessert, then told me to see if I could get more hours on the schedule while I was there. The bakery owners had been extremely understanding about my disappearance and had given me time off to recuperate once I had returned. I supposed now was as good a time as any to start working more. I had promised Shane that I would pay for the gas in my new car. I didn’t need to work for that money. I still had my savings, as well as my mother’s money, but maybe it would take my mind off things.
I parked my car where I could see it. Capitola was certainly a safe town, but it just made me feel better, since it was a brand new car. I started to walk toward the store and then it hit me. The smell of his cologne wafting on the soft breeze. I froze, the light mist depositing water particles in my hair. His laugh rang out, surprisingly bright for the dismal day. The sound shattered my heart into a million puzzle pieces. He used to laugh like that with me. I was afraid to turn. I knew what I would see. I knew that he would be with her.
Already dreading what I knew I was going to see, I turned around, cursing myself as I did so. Sure enough, Logan was walking not far behind me with Sera. The two were practically inseparable. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be the one he was with constantly.
I had to go see Ismene. The psychic might be the only one who could tell me how to break this spell.
“Are you following us again?” Logan asked as they approached.
I stared at him, into the emerald eyes that were now hard. Searching his face, I hoped for some sign that he was remembering. His jaw was set, his brow pulled in a scowl. Even his hair seemed different. Where the waves once tumbled freely across his forehead, they were now held back, sculpted with pomade or some other product. His walk had become less of a swagger and more of a challenge. I noticed the way his head tilted differently, the way his lips formed words yet still managed to maintain a constant sneer. No, whatever happened to him hadn’t just erased his memories of us. It changed him.
“Hel-lo! Stare much?” Sera asked.
I ignored her. Without even thinking about it, I reached out and placed my hand on his chest, over his heart. “Remember,” I whispered.
“What are you doing?” Logan asked.
I pushed at his chest slightly with the heel of my hand, like I was trying to jump start his heart after it had stopped. As far I could tell, it had. It may not have stopped physically, but it had stopped caring about me. “Remember,” I said louder.
This time a golden glow began to form around my hand. I could feel the heat of it spreading out over Logan’s body. Soon his entire body was bathed in the gold light.
When the light dissipated, Logan slumped to his knees. I caught him as well as I could and guided him to the ground so he wouldn’t hurt himself. He blinked and looked up at me. “Raena? Where are we?”
“Do you remember?” I asked, almost not daring to hope.
He looked at me, confused. Then his eyes widened and he jumped to his feet, on high alert. “Where’s Andrei?”
“Logan, what’s the last thing you remember?” I asked.
“Andrei and I were fighting. He was breaking into the car with an ax...” He paused and looked around. “Where’s my car?”
“Logan, listen to me. You’ve been under a spell or something. Several weeks have passed.”
“Well this has been a nice little reunion,” Sera interrupted.
“Will you just get out of here?” I snapped at her.
“Gladly. But I’m taking Logan with me.”
“No, you’re not. He’s back.” I shoved her and she staggered back. “He’s staying with me.”
“Wrong. He’s mine. He’ll always be mine.”
She got close to Logan and grabbed his wrist. With her free hand, she snapped her fingers. I lunged for Logan, but it was too late. They both disappeared.
I had been so close to getting him back. He had been back. Now I’d lost him again. Sera had taken him and I knew she’d put the spell back on him. How was I going to get him free of her for good?
I turned around and headed back for my car. Maybe Ismene would have some answers for me.
I was putting my key in the ignition when a thought struck me. The priest! Maybe he would have an idea, but then again, Ismene helped me in the past… but the priest had helped Logan.
I didn’t know who to go to, who to trust. I wished I had someone I could ask. The only person I could talk to about this was Logan, and he was the one I was trying to save.
Could I talk to Tanis? No, she wouldn’t understand. She didn’t believe in anything she couldn’t see. She would just think I was crazy. She thought that Logan had willingly broken up with me.
I would go see Ismene first. I knew her better than the priest. Then if she couldn’t help, I would try the priest. Maybe between the two of them, someone would know what to do.
My decision made, I turned the car on and headed for the Village. This time I actually paid for parking in one of the metered spaces. I didn’t even want to take the time to leave my car at the park and walk down to Ismene’s shop. Besides, I didn’t want to risk getting a ticket or having my new car towed by parking at the park on a weekday during the school year.
As I walked toward her shop, I hoped she was there. I didn’t know how to get a hold of her if she wasn’t. I rushed inside the store and looked around. Crystals, candles, incense, and books abounded, but I didn’t see her anywhere. I marched up to the counter. “Is Ismene here?” I asked, pitching my voice to carry over the plinky-plunky music that was way louder than usual.
The lady behind the counter looked up from the jewelry display she had been arranging. “She’s in the back, giving a reading.”
I began to head for the back room. “You can’t go in there!” the lady called.
She was right. “Okay, I’ll wait out here. Just please tell her that Rae is here to see her when she’s done.”
She agreed. I started wandering around the shop. I found a keychain with a citrine stone that was larger than the one in my necklace. I wondered briefly if buying it would increase whatever protection Ismene said my necklace carried. I ended up putting it back and moved on. I stopped in front of the books. Would one of these have my answer?
I heard the door open behind me. I ran up to Ismene as soon as she emerged. “You have to help me!” I blurted.
“Raena?” Ismene looked puzzled. Once again, she was dressed in mostly black—all except her bright patterned top. She pushed her straight brown hair over her shoulder.“Are you in danger again? Nuada hasn’t come to me.”
“No, I’m not in danger. At least I don’t think so. Can we talk in private?”
“Of course. I don’t have any clients right now.” She ushered me into the reading room and closed the door. “Now what seems to be bothering you?”
“Logan’s under a spell.”
“What sort of spell?”
“I don’t know. She has to be some sort of witch, or something. There’s no other explanation.”
“What exactly happened?”
I sucked in a deep breath. “Okay, so Andrei showed up again. You know, the devil guy that kidnapped me? He and Logan fought. Logan was knocked out. When Logan woke up, he was different. He didn’t remember anything having to do with Andrei, the Shadow Imperium, us being together. He acted like he used to, full of himself. Actually he was even worse. I just saw him and Sera, the witch, by my work. He was so mean. Cruel, almost. I somehow healed him, or whatever. For a moment, he was himself again, but he didn’t remember anything that happened over the past couple of weeks. He didn’t remember anything after the fight with Andrei, the one that started his amnesia. He was okay… and then she took him away from me again. I’m sure he’s back under her spell.”
She looked at me curiously. “How did you heal him?”
“I don’t understand it. The priest, you know at the Catholic church up the street.” I waved my hand in the general direction. “He said that I had healing powers. I don’t know how I do it, or even if it works on anyone besides Logan.”
“So the stories are true.”
“What do you mean?”
“The prophecies of the female Nephilim. You, Raena, are a rarity. People have been searching for you, waiting for you for centuries.”
“How do all you people know this stuff?”
“People? Like whom?”
“You, Andrei… I think the priest said something about it.”
She laughed. “Oh yes, of course Father Matthias would know about you. The old fool spends more time with his nose buried in a book than actually helping people.”
“He didn’t seem that bad. And he’s not that old. He helped Logan find me,” I pointed out.
“Well, don’t worry, Rae. We’ll find something to change your Logan back. I need to do some research. Why don’t you meet me here in a few days?”
I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she was willing to help me. “So you think you can change him back?”
“Yes, of course! I’ll fix Logan, I promise.”
I thanked her and left. Walking back to my car, I began to feel a little better. Ismene would find an answer.