Main Street Social

O Hail! to the days of wine and typhus,

the arrangements of battlefields in early spring,

the glory of a factory that rifts your body

before it wipes your mind, religions vivid

as blood sacrifice. Rise up King Pepe!

Pwn the noob descending the staircase,

these Chads will know the beta’s far cry.

PTSD was straightforward

when you could just belt your wife.

These days all we have is a toilet stall

where you can sharpie “Ted Bundy

would have loved her as prey”

across a picture of Patricia Krenwinkel

and no one will delete it.

These days it seems to me

people have their favourite monkeys,

bonobos or capuchins, smart as dumb likers.

I might just borrow yours.

Welcome to the shit show

and remember to vote with your wallet.

Liam Ferney