Strange Music
Mahler’s 2nd (The Resurrection) and the Ants
Behind the notes’ invisible drama is God. Hearing Mahler
as if lunatics and gravity and ants ceaseless as the first
and second movements the strings and pregnant loads
of differing directions, of front and side and pivoting
chords, or ants unable one at a time to stand still.
Ants as tendency, ants as ants in columns on grooves
like dots on CDs the focal movement irrelevant the Sign
and crotchety anywhere of their purpose, their restless
mania for abstraction. No programme notes to read but
then what do Mahler’s say — why do you live? Is it all
a huge joke? they carry sawn-through leaves as big as
key-signatures, sugar to the living (they rise again) (and again).
No falling back for a cigarette a quick snort a sinus moment
of whisky or cocaine just to keep their fingers and limbs
agitative, the job the job, ants as the minor keys the swell
of doom, ants run onto the track of brassy and timpani
exoskeletons, in Mahler’s grimmest anti-closet . . .
She cries out in heart-stopping anty-mezzo Oh believe
O glaube Es geht dir nichts verloren No, you will not
be lost. And only after the heavy chords, only after
burden-bearing back and forth the difference the diff
-erent and the diffident ants (there have to be some
like us): Die as I shall, so as to live! Who isn’t moved
by their famous power-to-weight ratio so very serious
(lift and lift! they lift us up! they are the Resurrection!)
Sterben werd’ ich um zu leben! sings the soprano,
Yes yes and ja ja say the ants.
Philip Salom