Publication Details
Fay Zwicky’s ‘In Memoriam, JB’ appeared in Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Robert Adamson’s ‘Winter, Hospital Bed’ appeared in POETRY, November 2017.
Jordie Albiston’s ‘cobalt’ appeared in Verity La, 14 October 2016.
Cassandra Atherton’s ‘Gypsy’ appeared in Antic, January 2017.
Luke Beesley’s ‘Reunion Song’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 February 2017.
Judith Beveridge’s ‘Flying Foxes, Wingham Brush’ appeared in Island, Issue 150, September 2017.
Judith Bishop’s ‘The Grey Parrot’ appeared in Australian Book Review, Number 386, November 2016.
Kim Cheng Boey’s ‘Time is a river, time is a bridge’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 November 2016.
Ken Bolton’s ‘Reach & Ambition’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 May 2017.
Peter Boyle’s ‘Eleutheria’ appeared in his collection Ghostspeaking, Vagabond Press, Sydney, August 2016.
Margaret Bradstock’s ‘Forty-one degrees’ appeared in Quadrant, Volume 61, Number 4, April 2017.
Lisa Brockwell’s ‘The Shower Stall’ appeared in Loving Kindness: Poems from the ACU 2016 Prize for Poetry, Bambra Press, Port Melbourne, September 2016.
David Brooks’s ‘The Night Coming’ appeared Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Pam Brown’s ‘Soft Targets’ appeared in Past Simple, Issue 12, May 2017.
Joanne Burns’s ‘compensation’ appeared in the Journal of Poetics Research, 16 September 2016.
Michelle Cahill’s ‘Minor Domestic’ appeared in her collection The Herring Loss, Arc Publications, Todmorden, October 2016.
Lee Cataldi’s ‘c’est l’homme’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 May 2017.
Julie Chevalier’s ‘another step away’ appeared in Meanjin, Volume 76, Issue 1, Autumn 2017.
Eileen Chong’s ‘Kumera’ appeared in Peril, 25 May 2017.
Jennifer Compton’s ‘Two Women’ appeared in Australian Poetry Anthology, Volume 5, Australian Poetry, Melbourne, April 2017.
Stuart Cooke’s ‘Fallen Myrtle Trunk’ appeared in Rochford Street Review, 1 December 2016.
Shevaun Cooley’s ‘meadows empty of him, animal eyes, impersonal as glass’ appeared in his collection Homing, Giramondo, Sydney, May 2017.
Judith Crispin’s ‘Five Threnodies for Maralinga: Part III’ appeared in Axon: Creative Explorations, Capsule 1 (Special Issue), August 2016.
Sarah Day’s ‘Reservoir’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 May 2017.
Shastra Deo’s ‘I Saw the Devil in the Cane Fields’ appeared in Meanjin, Volume 76, Issue 2, Winter 2017.
B.R. Dionysius’s ‘Barnacle’ appeared in Tremble: The University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize 2016, International Poetry Studies Institute, Canberra, September 2016.
Lucy Dougan’s ‘The Throne’ appeared in Strange Cargo: Five Australian Poets, Smith|Doorstop books, Huddersfield, June 2017.
Laurie Duggan’s ‘Six Afterimages’ appeared in the Journal of Poetics Research, 1 August 2016.
Adrienne Eberhard’s ‘Distance’ appeared in Australian Book Review’s Tasmanian States of Poetry 2016 Anthology, April 2017.
Ali Cobby Eckermann’s ‘The Apology Day breakfast’ appeared in Overland, Issue 227, Winter 2017.
Stephen Edgar’s ‘La Vita Nuova’ appeared in Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Anne Elvey’s ‘Putting on your boots’ appeared in Southerly, Volume 76, Issue 2, January 2017.
Russell Erwin’s ‘Because, like the weather’ appeared in Quadrant, Volume 61, Number 6, June 2017.
Diane Fahey’s ‘The Art of Birds’ appeared in Axon: Creative Explorations, Capsule 1 (Special Issue), August 2016.
Michael Farrell’s ‘The Snake’ appeared in Plumwood Mountain, Volume 4, Number 2, August 2017.
Susan Fealy’s ‘For Cornflowers to Sing’ appeared in the Weekend Australian, 18 February 2017.
Liam Ferney’s ‘Main Street Social’ appeared in Australian Book Review’s Queensland States of Poetry 2017 Anthology, October 2017.
Luke Fischer’s ‘Stones’ appeared in his collection A Personal History of Vision, UWA Publishing, Perth, February 2017.
Toby Fitch’s ‘27 Materialisations of Sydney Cloud’ appeared in Island, Issue 151, November 2017.
John Foulcher’s ‘Before the Storm’ appeared in Australian Book Review’s ACT States of Poetry 2017 Anthology, April 2017.
William Fox’s ‘The Western District’ appeared in Meanjin, Volume 76, Issue 1, Autumn 2017.
Angela Gardner’s ‘Unkempt if You Will’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 August 2017.
Lisa Gorton’s ‘Empirical VII’ appeared in Australian Book Review’s Victoria States of Poetry 2017 Anthology, April 2017.
Phillip Hall’s ‘Inheritance’ appeared in Southerly, Volume 76, Issue 2, January 2017.
Natalie Harkin’s ‘Heart’s Core Lament’ appeared in Australian Poetry Journal, Issue 7, Number 1, June 2017.
Jennifer Harrison’s ‘The Tent’ appeared in the Weekend Australian, 14 January 2017.
Dimitra Harvey’s ‘Acrocorinth’ appeared in Philament Journal, Issue 22, December 2016.
John Hawke’s ‘Zero Degrees’ appeared in Australian Book Review, Number 386, November 2016.
Dominique Hecq’s ‘The Hanged Man’ appeared in Meniscus, Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2017.
Paul Hetherington’s ‘Inchings and Belongings: After Paul Strand’ appeared in Westerly, Volume 61, Number 2, November 2016.
Barry Hill’s ‘Mister Lincoln or Camp David’ appeared in the Weekend Australian, 22 July 2017.
Andy Jackson’s ‘Song not for you’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 November 2016.
Clive James’s ‘Head Wound’ appeared in Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Carol Jenkins’s ‘Barns in Charlevoix’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 May 2017.
A. Frances Johnson’s ‘Greenfield development’ appeared in the Canberra Times, 4 March 2017.
Jill Jones’s ‘Murray andante’ appeared in Griffith Review, Edition 55, January 2017.
Amanda Joy’s ‘Almost Pause/ Pareidolia’ appeared in her collection Snake Like Charms, UWA Publishing, Perth, February 2017.
Carmen Leigh Keates’s ‘To Paint the Inside of a Church’ appeared in Axon: Creative Explorations, Volume 6, Number 2, November 2016.
Antigone Kefala’s ‘On Loss’ appeared in her collection Fragments, Giramondo, Sydney, August 2016.
John Kinsella’s ‘A New Norcia Subset’ appeared in Westerly, Volume 62, Number 1, July 2017.
Louis Klee’s ‘Windborne Avenue’ appeared in Meanjin, Volume 75, Issue 3, Spring 2016.
Mike Ladd’s ‘The Corpse Flower Sketch’ appeared in the Weekend Australian, 21 January 2017.
Anthony Lawrence’s ‘A Tasting’ appeared in his collection 101 Poems, Pitt Street Poetry, Sydney, November 2017.
Bronwyn Lea’s ‘Zeitgeist’ appeared in Australian Book Review, Number 391, May 2017.
Jeanine Leane’s ‘Over the River Memory’ appeared in Rabbit Poetry Journal, Issue 21, May 2017.
Emma Lew’s ‘Rattling the Forms’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 August 2017.
Cassie Lewis’s ‘In Memoriam’ appeared in her collection The Blue Decodes, Grand Parade Poets, Sydney, October 2016.
Bella Li’s ‘The Novelist Elena Ferrante’ appeared in her collection Argosy, Vagabond Press, Sydney, February 2017.
Jennifer Maiden’s ‘Metronome’ appeared in her collection The Metronome, Giramondo, Sydney, March 2017.
Caitlin Maling’s ‘Fisheries Raid’ appeared in Rabbit Poetry Review, Issue 19, November 2016.
David McCooey’s ‘One Way or Another’ appeared in his collection Star Struck, UWA Publishing, Perth, October 2016.
Peter Minter’s ‘Remembering Sandstone Country’ appeared in Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Marjon Mossammaparast’s ‘The Spanish Revelation’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 18 June 2017.
Philip Neilsen’s ‘Anna Karenina’ appeared in Island, Issue 149, May 2017.
Geoff Page’s ‘Bombala’ appeared in Quadrant, Volume 60, Issue 9, September 2016.
Claire Potter’s ‘The Hidden Side to Love’ appeared in Meanjin, Volume 75, Issue 4, Summer 2016.
Ron Pretty’s ‘Pigeons of the Dome’ appeared in Quadrant, Volume 61, Number 3, March 2017.
Brendan Ryan’s ‘The Lowlands of Moyne’ appeared in Antipodes, Volume 31, Number 1, July 2017.
Gig Ryan’s ‘Muzzled Altar’ appeared in Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Tracy Ryan’s ‘Homeschooling’ appeared in the Weekend Australian, 3 December 2016.
Philip Salom’s ‘Strange Music’ appeared in Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Jaya Savige’s ‘Fort Dada’ appeared in Kenyon Review Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
Michael Sharkey’s ‘Nudge Nudge’ appeared in Snorkel, Issue 23, September 2016.
Melinda Smith’s ‘Not to be’ appeared in Island, Issue 146, September 2016.
Vivian Smith’s ‘A Note to Alvaro’ appeared in Quadrant, Volume 61, Issue 7/8, July 2017.
Maria Takolander’s ‘Nox’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 August 2016.
Andrew Taylor’s ‘Shells’ appeared in his collection Impossible Preludes, Margaret River Press, Witchcliffe, October 2016.
Heather Taylor Johnson’s ‘When I am Gardening, When You Ask’ appeared in the Weekend Australian, 3 September 2016.
Tim Thorne’s ‘Waking’ appeared in Australian Book Review’s Tasmanian States of Poetry 2016 Anthology, April 2017.
Mark Tredinnick’s ‘The Habit of Wings’ appeared in Axon: Creative Explorations, Capsule 1 (Special Issue), August 2016.
Todd Turner’s ‘Horse’ appeared in the Weekend Australian, 7 January 2017.
John Upton’s ‘Crossing Galata, Istanbul’ appeared in Overland, Issue 227, Winter 2017.
Chris Wallace-Crabbe’s ‘Even Solomon in All His Glory’ appeared in Kenyon Review, Volume 39, Number 2, March 2017.
John Watson’s ‘Long-On’ appeared in The Danger Island garbage boat, Hunter Writers Centre, Newcastle, October 2016.
Alan Wearne’s ‘The Barassi Variations’ appeared in his collection These Things Are Real, Giramondo, Sydney, July 2017.
Petra White’s ‘A Quiet Morning’ appeared in her collection Reading for a Quiet Morning, Gloria SMH Press, Melbourne, May 2017.
Jessica L. Wilkinson’s ‘Apollon Musagète’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 March 2017.
Chloe Wilson’s ‘The First Four Hours’ appeared in Cordite Poetry Review, 1 May 2017.
Fiona Wright’s ‘A queer and sultry summer’ appeared in Shaping the Fractured Self: poetry of chronic illness and pain, UWA Publishing, Perth, May 2017.
Rae Desmond Jones’s ‘III’ appeared in his collection A Caterpillar on a Leaf, Puncher and Wattmann, Sydney, 2016.