
holiday ornament

Sea glass may remind you of summer days at the beach, but its range of sparkling colors also makes it ideal for holiday decorating. Reflected in the light of a Christmas tree, the pieces of glass in these clear bulbs reveal glimpses of decades, possibly centuries, past. The diminutive pieces of sea glass might have come from bottles that once held apothecary remedies or alcohol from the Prohibition Era.

Tip: Plastic balls are sturdier than glass balls, which often shatter under the weight of sea glass.


Clear plastic Christmas ball

Tiny pieces of sea glass and other treasures

Super Glue



1) Remove the cap and hook from the ball.


2) Gently pour small pieces of sea glass into the ball.


3) Add a dab of Super Glue to the neck of the ball and glue on the cap and hook.


4) Add twine, make a bow, and hang the ornament.
