About the Author


Anna Castle holds an eclectic set of degrees: BA in the Classics, MS in Computer Science, and a Ph.D. in Linguistics. She has had a correspondingly eclectic series of careers: waitressing, software engineering, grammar-writing, a short stint as an associate professor, and managing a digital archive. Historical fiction combines her lifelong love of stories and learning. She physically resides in Austin, Texas, but mentally counts herself a queen of infinite space.

Where to find me

I hang out on Facebook for those mini-breaks while writing and love to hear from readers, so drop by anytime!

Newsletter signup: www.annacastle.com

Email: castle@annacastle.com

Blog: www.annacastle.com/blog/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/annacastle.author

Twitter: @annacastl

Books by Anna Castle


The Francis Bacon Mystery Series

Murder by Misrule

Death by Disputation

The Widow’s Guild

Publish & Perish

The Professor & Mrs. Moriarty Mystery Series

Moriarty Meets His Match

Moriarty Takes His Medicine

The Lost Hat, Texas Mystery Series

Black & White & Dead All Over

Flash Memory